Posts Tagged spirit

Unlock Your Soul Power Progress

I’m currently working very hard on producing a new FREE video training series called Unlock Your Soul Power for those who want to make a positive difference in the world but feel confused and powerless with all the insanity going on.

The information page and video are now ready and you can sign up here.

You’ll be placed in a waiting list and get access when it’s ready.


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Can We Transcend Money?

One of the most convoluted topics in the consciousness and spiritual communities, yet very little discussed, is the future of money. Can we transcend it? Should we use it? What is it going to look like in 100 years? What about in a million years?

There has been a lot of talks about creating a money-less society. However, it came from a very deep scarcity mentality and from a hate of money. Following the law of attraction, they have indeed created a money-less lifestyle for themselves.

Money serves to facilitate the exchange of value.
If you want bread, and you have eggs, you can trade your eggs for
bread. What if you have only cows? You’re not going to break down a
cow for some bread. What if you have nothing the other person needs?

Then look at the computer, cellphone or tablet
you’re reading this from. This technology has been made possible
because thousands of people have put their efforts together,
gathering components and resources from several continents, and
through a highly-efficient network of cooperation, it was all brought
together to create this device that nobody could create on their own.
Without money as a facilitator for exchange, this would not be

Can money be transcended like in Star Trek? It is
possible, but only within a closed community to cover for internal
needs. You still need to exchange resources with the outside world.

Most importantly, you can’t transcend money from
a state of mind of scarcity. The population would first have to reach
a sufficient level of financial maturity and wealth mindset, and only
then it could …Read More

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Shifting The Business

The business is growth and shifting, slowly but surely. First, I killed the brand Emergence Guardian after seeing what it led to in the article A Peak Into The Future. The brand is dead before even being born, and a couple of things I want to mention about that.

When you build a project and it’s all about your clients and God isn’t included into it, the project must see completion to reap the rewards, otherwise it dies and is completely forgotten. When a business, project or vision is built in service to God, any actions taken by various people are cumulative and ever-lasting, whether the project sees completion or not. Emergence Guardian is dead but it has had very massive impact on the lives of many people who have stepped up to play a much bigger role in this transition this planet and Universe is going through. And their continual efforts compound on that like ripples. Emergence Guardian has served its purpose and it is time to move on. It couldn’t fully take shape because it was a place-holder brand that only makes sense in the context of ascension, and would be outdated after that. The soul of a brand must be ever-lasting.

Things are starting to take shape in the direction of building your own Inner Temple in the image of God. It’s all about growing the Inner Silence within, which is not stillness and not empty. Silence can grow and expand into creation, and your mind can be …Read More

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How the Law of Attraction was Manipulated by Luciferianism

If you’ve known me for a while, I’ve always been critical of the Law of Attraction, not for the validity of the law but for how it has been used over the years by the majority of people. This short 4m34 video explains one reason why the Law of Attraction didn’t work as expected for most people.

Now, if you dig a little deeper into the history of the Law of Attraction, you’ll find out it is rooted in the New Thoughts movement, which in turns is rooted in the Luciferian doctrine. I would say that 98.6% of entrepreneurs worldwide operate from that paradigm, and 99.6% of entrepreneurs who follow the Law of Attraction. This explains the crazy energetic clashes whenever I go to those business events.

Here is a very excellent documentary about the Law of Attraction and how it was manipulated to pursue a Luciferian agenda — and in fact how the author of the source material was openly Satanic. It explains how a lot of great leaders with good intentions have been misled down a corrupted path, and how YOU can use the Law of Attraction to be genuinely in alignment with the Laws of God, to fulfill your greater purpose. The way they pull all of this up together is absolutely brilliant.

CEO Space as an organization for entrepreneurs is all about cooperation and integrity, and I posted this video into the private members-only area, but it was deleted on sight. It …Read More

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12-Day Road Trip into the Unseen Side of Thailand

Leaving from Chiang Mai, visiting Chae Son, Lampang, Ngao, Phrae, Uttaradit, Sikirit Dam, back to Uttaradit, Sukhothai, and back to Chiang Mai.

I’m just back form my road trip in Northern Thailand, and it has been stunningly beautiful. I posted the pictures on Instagram @etiennecharland (pictures of July 2019). Many of the places had no tourists at all, and even less foreigners, and it has overall been extremely inexpensive. It took a bit of planning, and now that this route has been planned and set, I wanted to share it. I would call this a 12-day pilgrimage into the Kingdom of Siam.

To be honest, I hadn’t traveled like this for a long time. I used to have Let’s Go travel books, but it’s bulky to carry and they don’t update it anymore so it’s outdated. Lonely Planet is still updated but to me it more feels like an index of hotels and restaurants, and doesn’t say so much about what to do or where to go, especially the non-commercial places. Trip Advisor also isn’t great at listing non-commercial places but it does have a list of top attractions. In looking for a solution to plan travels, I came up with this strategy.

How to plan: first, I looked on TripAdvisor for the top places to go in each province. Then, I checked those spots on the map with Google Maps, drew a line to visit them in sequence, and looked on the map for anything else of interest along the …Read More

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