Archive for 2019

The Battle of Araghart

Thousands of Norse are pouring in from upper Universes, with King Araghart at their lead. There is a major battle coming, of proportions that have never been seen before in this Universe. We’ve eliminated the Dracos, Archons, Arch-Demons, Cyborgs and Atman from this Universe. The Theta Universe above is frozen because it is completely infested with demons, Dracos and Arch-Demons. The 5th, 6th and 7th Universes above us are extremely dark, and those dark forces are being threatened by what’s happening here and are launching a full assault. They are the ones who completely destroyed the Theta Universe, and 1/3 of their forces are frozen there.

This whole Universe is going to turn into a bloody battlefield.

See The History of the Universe to understand the context. This may sound like science-fiction but it’s not, and many are feeling the chaos already.

They are targeting the gate-keepers first. The King 2 Universes above us who is guarding the gate to the Theta Universe has just fallen, and I snabbed him from under their grip and brought him here.

They will target Andromedia and the Galactic Federation first, to throw this Universe into total chaos. The Archives and Lemurian Crystals have been evacuated from Andromedia and brought here, and the Royal Family has been evacuated. If Andromedia gets destroyed, it will be mostly civilian death with no cascading effect on the Universe. The Galactic Federation has been disbanded until new orders.

We’re expecting the siege to begin in about 2 days.

Ancient military bases have …Read More

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The Norse Gods

It recently came to my attention that Gaia, and a few of my clients, are part of what’s called the Norse Gods. It’s a topic that is bringing up a lot of heat throughout the Galactic Federation and I’m being told to write about it. If you have additional intel on the topic, please let me know in the comments or write to me privately if it is too sensitive.

Who are the Norse Gods? They were the highest-level guardians of the Theta Universe, some of whom came from the 8th Universe above us. They are depicted in the Norse mythology, and in the movies about Thor, Loke and Asgard. One friend wielding a psychic hammer who destroys bad stuff faster than I could ever do, is definitely a Norse. Loke is one who turned to the dark side. We recently found him trapped inside a Saturn Cube we destroyed; then sealed him up again.

In the book The History of the Universe, I mention there were 3 starships that came from the Theta Universe. One is Atman’s ship. One is Buddha and the Empress of Orion. The third ship was the Norse who came to pursue Atman and the Arch-Demons.

Now here’s the current situation. We’ve eliminated the Dracos. We’ve eliminated the Arch-Demons. We’ve eliminated Atman. We’ve eliminated the Cyborgs. We’ve eliminated the Archons. The Theta Universe had to be frozen again because it’s still completely infested by Dracos and Arch-Demons and really bad stuff was leaking into our Universe. The …Read More

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Big Timeline Shift 2019

By popular demand: the natural disasters timeline. This is my best timeline trick ever. We had avoided the EMF timeline where it would take 114 years to openly reconnect with other races in the cosmos, when Trump avoided war with North Korea. We ended up in a Holocaust timeline that would take 40 years to complete.

Yet some people were very excited about a natural disasters timeline. I really didn’t see it happening but several people were very committed to making it happen. After analyzing the situation with the Nazis, we realized they created the Archons (we found some of their Archons factories), and they were drawing from the power of an Arch-Demon (brothers of Atman, see my book The History of the Universe if you don’t know what I’m talking about). The Nazis date back much older than what we believe. We even found some of their artifacts in other Universes.

After analyzing the situation, there were 3 Arch-Demons left, who are incarnated as 7 people, and after the 3-year cycle, we’d defeat one of them and it would take 40 years to defeat the 2 others. That’s not an ideal situation…

Back in 2015, an incarnation of Atman came to one of my live events in Mexico to remember who he was to know everything he does. We worked together to eliminate his Arch-Demon brothers and he was extremely effective. We just missed 3 …Read More

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Energy Layers of Royal Alchemy

One of the main benefits of Soul Alignment Readings is to identify spiritual bypass patterns. Everybody is strong in some areas and weaker in others, and many unconsciously cut corners as best explained in the article about The False Light Matrix.

The price of Soul Alignment Reading is going to go up to $297 on May 28th so you can get it now at the old price.

On the flip-side, I’m also going to add new aspects to the reading that will help identify more bypass patterns beyond spiritual disalignment, lack of commitment and resistance to the vortex of ascension.

In Royal Alchemy (the work I teach my clients via 1-on-1 coaching), there are 3 phases of development: the Shiny Black phase, the Shiny White phase, and the Shiny Red phase, which in total, develop 10 layers in your energy field.

The Shiny Black phase is about healing your wounds and shadow, and develops the first 3 layers of your energy field (physical). Unfortunately 93% of people in personal development stay stuck in this phase forever.

The Shiny White phase is about amplifying your light, and develops the layers 4 to 6 of your energy field (emotional).

The Shiny Red phase is about achieving your soul’s purpose, also called the Great Work of Alchemy. It is the energy of true masters, and develops the layers 7 to 10 of your energy field. It often takes about a year or two between completing the second phase and starting the third phase.

So essentially, the first …Read More

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A Second Holocaust Is Coming

Video version available here.

Several people are finally coming up to me saying they’re finally starting to understand what I was saying 3 years ago. Now we have to look at what’s coming in 3 years.

First of all, I want to clarify something I noticed recently. I had been talking about a huge economic crash and even a potential EMF on the United States for years. We’ve avoided those timelines thanks to Trump and the military Alliance behind him. Trump has been threatened in every way imaginable ever since he got elected and the Cabal couldn’t do anything. Fast-forward years later, I see a lot of alternative news, such as from AMTV, alerting us that “Trump is in grave danger”, “disaster is about to strike”, “the United States is not prepared for what’s coming” and “the economy is going to crash”. These are old news from many years ago, and what I find interesting is that once I stopped talking about such things since we avoided those timelines, others STARTED talking about it. I also recently got the information that the 2008 economic crash was done by the Alliance to try to bankrupt the Cabal, and they had nearly succeeded. The Cabal is currently trying to crash the economy again but they don’t hold enough strings to pull it out. I’m thus not worried anymore about the economy.

The other thing that’s interesting is that many people are calling Trump a Nazi and racist who is bullying those who …Read More

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