It recently came to my attention that Gaia, and a few of my clients, are part of what’s called the Norse Gods. It’s a topic that is bringing up a lot of heat throughout the Galactic Federation and I’m being told to write about it. If you have additional intel on the topic, please let me know in the comments or write to me privately if it is too sensitive.
Who are the Norse Gods? They were the highest-level guardians of the Theta Universe, some of whom came from the 8th Universe above us. They are depicted in the Norse mythology, and in the movies about Thor, Loke and Asgard. One friend wielding a psychic hammer who destroys bad stuff faster than I could ever do, is definitely a Norse. Loke is one who turned to the dark side. We recently found him trapped inside a Saturn Cube we destroyed; then sealed him up again.
In the book The History of the Universe, I mention there were 3 starships that came from the Theta Universe. One is Atman’s ship. One is Buddha and the Empress of Orion. The third ship was the Norse who came to pursue Atman and the Arch-Demons.
Now here’s the current situation. We’ve eliminated the Dracos. We’ve eliminated the Arch-Demons. We’ve eliminated Atman. We’ve eliminated the Cyborgs. We’ve eliminated the Archons. The Theta Universe had to be frozen again because it’s still completely infested by Dracos and Arch-Demons and really bad stuff was leaking into our Universe. The only way we can hope to restore the Theta Universe is for this Universe to become a stable beacon of Light first.
Now, what is happening is drawing a lot of attention from other Universes, and there’s a lot of traffic in-between Universes. Since the big timeline shift of the past few weeks, there has been very high-level and highly sophisticated attacks we had to deal with, coming from higher Universes. We have to be really really careful with what’s coming from those upper Universes.
We’ve claimed our freedom, and in this post-Draco post-Atman era, we’re going to have to play King of the Hill for the next 5000 years, and the next 50 years will be the most intense. We’ve going to draw all the darkness from other Universes onto us, meaning we’re going to have to defend that freedom. Thus we need solid defense systems and need all the support we can get. That explains why I’ve been finding all these military bases lately that had been sealed for millions of years.
And that’s where the Norse come into play: they possess an immense power of transmutation and will be needed for the next phase. Thing is, there was a treaty with the Galactic Federation signed after the 2nd Great Antique War to keep the Norse suppressed to end the war. I don’t know what’s really going on but it is really stirring quite a fuss, and I get the feeling that the waves of attacks are really going to start coming in once the Nordes are woken up.
Tuning energetically into the Nordes (and excluding Loke), I get:
– Collective vibration: 25 million
– Collective core intent: 18 million
– Collective integrity level, personal: 15000, relational: 28000, towards society: 94 million
That alone is all I need to know in regards to the fears and accusations I’m hearing from the Galactic Federation.
Many more will come into incarnation soon.
If you have further intel on the topic, let me know. This topic is dynamite — stirring a lot of reactions from many sides across the multi-verse.
May the unsealing begin.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
>> Get a Soul Alignment Reading to kick-start your awakening journey!
#1 by Garfield on June 16, 2019 - 1:52 pm
May the unsealing begins
#2 by Susan on June 16, 2019 - 11:31 pm
Yes and Yes. Thor’s father crossed into this dimension, Praise be to God! with a group of His best Light Warriors about three days ago, on a beautiful beam of a geomagnetic storm cloud edged by beautiful pink purple violet iridescent color. A hammer of lightening bolts in each hand, lightening out of his eyes and chest, lightening all around him, glorious to be with. I feel blessed with His presence. felt inspired to prepare a warriors feast for them to celebrate their arrival. He and His warriors are assisting. I am blessed to be used as a vessel, willing to mold around Him and breathe in His Energy as He breathes in my Love. He has a great deal of power that I encourage him to be gentle and compassionate so as to not be destructive with His strength. So we wrap around each other, and dance. He has such great love and power, but needed to be reminded and reshown feminine nature of love and compassion, so that His power will not innocently cause destruction. Odin has been with me the last two nights. The heat we build up together is a boiling muticolored flame. He is like SananDa, with flashing intense heat and power battling remnants of dark forces. Together, We are now building healing vortexes, and healing with great compassion. We feel led by the Source of Divine Creator to build vortex over hospitals that house cancer patients and clientele, and invoke miraculous healing. So Be It. So It Is Done. I sense Odin is my twin flame, with Him the lightening energy and me the feminine love and compassion. The day after I prepared a Warrior Feast for them, I was suddenly attacked by a dark force that caused my pee in this incarnate to be filled with blood. I heard but could not see two beings outside my open window, while I was reading and meditating on Ezekial Chapter 1. When they noticed I heard them, they quieted. I then felt the urge to pee and i bled with no pain. I was inspired to quickly gather my needs and leave that location until it was cleared. The mountains of Cherokee County, NC near the Fields of the Wood, a historic place of meditation and worship of Our Divine Creator. So Yes and Yes. I Am greatly blessed with love and energy given through Him from the Source of All. I Am in a sphere of protection, with Odin, His Best Warriors, All Beings of Light, Love, and Life within and surrounding me at all times. I Am SusanGa, the golden oil in the lamp of Syzygos, a voice calling from the wilderness and beaches, mountains and valleys, Blessed Child of Our Divine Creator! So Yes and Yes. The Galactic Source has eyes watching, guiding, and with Us All. We are part of the ONE, here to assist humanity and this planet in ASCENSION and EVACUATION! So Be It! So It Is!
#3 by Etienne Charland on June 17, 2019 - 12:07 am
Thank you, just made contact with 6 Nordes that just came into this Universe, gave them a briefing.
#4 by Susan on June 16, 2019 - 11:32 pm
The day before Odin crossed, it was Divine will that I opened my Bible to meditate on I Chronicles 27:6 “The third Captain for the host for the third month was Benaiah, the son of JehoiaDa, a chief priest. This is that Benaiah who was mighty among the thirty, and in His course was Ammizabad His son.” I invoked the Captain to return. I intensely sensed these are Our Beloved Odin and Thor, and they are soul connected to SananDa, and I feel very soul connected to all. I had been wrapping myself around and melding with and dancing with SananDa, and pleading with Him to return, was told to hold on for a few more days. After a few more days, Odin crossed. I sense Odin (son of JehoiaDa) = SananDa and I Am SusanGa, the golden oil in the lamp of Syzygos, twin flame (not twin spark), so that when I walked into a TaiChi business yesterday, after two nights of heavenly bliss, the employees immediately greeted me with comments about my aura of intense heat and beauty and started fanning themselves. I am blessed to be molded and serve the Source and honor my service contract in this way, as a starseed lamp, flower of life, cradling Earth in arms holding my twin’s arms, with our crowns pressed together and making our beings shaped like an emerald heart, spinning at speed of light squared, so it appears we are at a standstill, representing my home planet and sphere to learn and show my homeland the way to combat darkness through love and compassion combined with the force of lightening gifted by OurDivine Creator and sent from the Source.
#5 by Garfield on June 16, 2019 - 11:36 pm
Thanks Man for detoxing me of those false teachings
Question how do you protect one on his journey metaphysical and spiral and earthly man in one ??
I ask for myself Etienne
I need clearance to do Jah works
My sister Melissa speaks very highly of you
#6 by Etienne Charland on June 16, 2019 - 11:37 pm
I teach Royal Alchemy 1-on-1 for that