Posts Tagged spiritual warrior

Video: The Art of Fighting Without Fighting

A few days ago, someone sent me this warning: “Alobar Jones wants to challenge you to a duel. He wants to take your entire team down. His team is getting ready for war. Just a heads up. I told him about you and he claims you’re BS ect. He said he will kill you and wipe out your entire team. Then went on a ramble and blocked me on YouTube.”

In case you’re curious what a day in the life of an astral warrior looks like, here’s how to deal with the situation without fighting. Enjoy!

Btw I am absolutely amazed that no more than 500 people in the entire world are ready for that message I share. Video views counts aren’t going up, and I’m not new into this, been doing it for 15 years. Meanwhile, “corrupt spirituality” videos get anywhere from 1K to 30K views each. This is very telling as to the real state of consciousness on planet Earth.

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Juggernaut Updates

Things are greatly stabilizing over here after being jammed for months. I have completed about 5 Juggernaut Attunements, 3 remain in the queue. It’s a solid 2 days of work in many cases, but lots of heavily stuck energies are finally liberating.

I was considering raising the price because it’s very intensive work, and all the clients so far are in absolutely terrible shape. 0.2% God connection is now considered good; 0.00015% is more standard.

The effect is too large to wrap your mind around; anchoring a Juggernaut has a very profound impact not only on yourself but also on your entire environment and the whole corruption grid surrounding you. It can take a few weeks to energies to reorganize and we should be hearing some of the testimonials soon.

The most annoying part is the Luciferian financial deadlock keeping everything completely stuck — this breaks that grip, and things start flowing again, one way or another. On top of the energy centers listed in the page, I’ll have to add financial building below ground, because if I only do above, the grip on the inner building below gets even stronger. So that’s an added bonus.

For the price, here’s what I’ll do. I’m keeping the price the same. So many people really need it, and doing a few people helps everyone. The need is so high that I don’t expect to need to do so much promotion or pushing on this offer. Especially considering the intensive work required per client.

I’m also preparing …Read More

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World Updates Part 2 (Q, NESARA, Kim Goguen)

The 2nd interview of this series is up! We’ll be releasing weekly interviews for a few weeks.

If you have any questions that you would like answered, send them to us and we’ll cover it in the next interviews.

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Interview on Soulogy & Lost My Eyesight

There has been so much going on during the holidays, it has been absolutely brutal. First, the funding campaign for Journey to the World is going well, very sluggish but crossed $25800. On the flip-side, NOT A SINGLE TRUTH PLATFORM has helped soften the blows that we’ve been taking during the holidays. Not a single one of them.

The only one who accepted to interview me was Todd on Soulogy; who prefers to not know anything about the person at all until going live to be more in the flow. Todd wasn’t receptive to the message at all, the audience seems to be deep in the Austrich Syndrome (burying their head in the sand), and several agents were highly active in the live chat. The energetic attacks after the interview were absolutely brutal.

I did cover some very strong points about the Red Light vs White Light, among other things, so it’s worthwhile to watch it. However, we couldn’t go at all into the more important and practical topics. A bit too theoretical to my taste. A good interviewer needs some humility to put his own perspective aside for just an hour to explore the other person’s perspective. Unless it’s a psy-op.

Right after, on Christmas Eve, there has been an attempted Earth take-over. I measure 150k deaths in England and Europe, I detect a large energetic crater in Northern England… but still …Read More

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A Second Holocaust Is Coming

Video version available here.

Several people are finally coming up to me saying they’re finally starting to understand what I was saying 3 years ago. Now we have to look at what’s coming in 3 years.

First of all, I want to clarify something I noticed recently. I had been talking about a huge economic crash and even a potential EMF on the United States for years. We’ve avoided those timelines thanks to Trump and the military Alliance behind him. Trump has been threatened in every way imaginable ever since he got elected and the Cabal couldn’t do anything. Fast-forward years later, I see a lot of alternative news, such as from AMTV, alerting us that “Trump is in grave danger”, “disaster is about to strike”, “the United States is not prepared for what’s coming” and “the economy is going to crash”. These are old news from many years ago, and what I find interesting is that once I stopped talking about such things since we avoided those timelines, others STARTED talking about it. I also recently got the information that the 2008 economic crash was done by the Alliance to try to bankrupt the Cabal, and they had nearly succeeded. The Cabal is currently trying to crash the economy again but they don’t hold enough strings to pull it out. I’m thus not worried anymore about the economy.

The other thing that’s interesting is that many people are calling Trump a Nazi and racist who is bullying those who …Read More

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