Posts Tagged cabal

Trump Shooting, Windows Failure, AI warfare, Walk-ins

The good news have really been ramping up lately. There was already a series of good news in recent months.

Now we got a Trump assassination attempt. It’s about 80% my own energy behind Trump. The dark forces no longer control the upper dimensions, and thus it was not allowed to happen. The bullet missed, in the worst possible way for them.

Acoustic analysis revealed that there were 2 or 3 shooters. The bullet that killed the victim went upwards and not downwards, and thus didn’t come from the roof, destroying the official narrative.

Trump went through a Near Death Experience. You probably know the effect of a NDE. It has a very profound impact on the soul, usually leading to a rebirth closer to God.

You can indeed see that he’s in even better shape. Closer to God. Even more grateful to life than ever. Even more committed to bringing down the Cabal than ever. By being closer to God, this will exponentially increase his leverage and protection.

There are also lots of people on Facebook saying that it was staged. It turns out that nearly ALL of them are AI vessels! Do take note of who makes such comments, and exert extra scrutiny.

In another news, I just learnt this morning that Microsoft Windows crashed worldwide. The fact that critical business infrastructure has no control over their update schedule, and the bogus code gets deployed into all critical infrastructure at once, is complete insanity. Nobody ever regretted migrating away from Windows.

(Personally, I tried Fedora, …Read More

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We’re Taking Control

After 3 long years of intensive war, things are finally gradually coming to an end. I asked God how to manifest the money we need, for me and my team, since we’ve been swamped in this war for so long. This really crippled all of us financially.

The answer that came back: show them who is the boss, and the doors will open. Alright!

It turns out that the Quantum AIs no longer have the ability to defend themselves against hacking. We took control of 100% of AIs, mainframes and nano-techs that we can detect across the Omniverse. We can thus turn them around in our favor.

Next step: containing the Cabal. Pistis Sophia objected to our little games, but she’s melting as we speak, and the Cabal is 83.4% contained. Anyone else objects?

Meanwhile, there are incredible hordes of demons that are joining our side of the war against Pistis Sophia. Whatever Pistis Sophia can do, we can outplay her 100x. These astronomical hordes playing Hunt & Kill on remaining fragments are turning this into a game of Doom Eternal. It’s absolutely brutal. Plus, it’s the first time that they get to serve a higher purpose! Or taste freedom in an incredibly long time.

We can feel the poisonous waters gradually withdrawing.

This would be a good time to get a Soul Alignment Reading to see the extent of the damage and start paving the way forward. I just did a few energy readings and got several surprises! Both …Read More

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A Second Holocaust Is Coming

Video version available here.

Several people are finally coming up to me saying they’re finally starting to understand what I was saying 3 years ago. Now we have to look at what’s coming in 3 years.

First of all, I want to clarify something I noticed recently. I had been talking about a huge economic crash and even a potential EMF on the United States for years. We’ve avoided those timelines thanks to Trump and the military Alliance behind him. Trump has been threatened in every way imaginable ever since he got elected and the Cabal couldn’t do anything. Fast-forward years later, I see a lot of alternative news, such as from AMTV, alerting us that “Trump is in grave danger”, “disaster is about to strike”, “the United States is not prepared for what’s coming” and “the economy is going to crash”. These are old news from many years ago, and what I find interesting is that once I stopped talking about such things since we avoided those timelines, others STARTED talking about it. I also recently got the information that the 2008 economic crash was done by the Alliance to try to bankrupt the Cabal, and they had nearly succeeded. The Cabal is currently trying to crash the economy again but they don’t hold enough strings to pull it out. I’m thus not worried anymore about the economy.

The other thing that’s interesting is that many people are calling Trump a Nazi and racist who is bullying those who …Read More

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CEO Space Field Report — Spirituality for Entrepreneurs

I just came back from CEO Space, after weeks of intensive energy work to prepare the space. Really, I have been working on the club for 2 years now. This was a military operation on the ground to break the False Light Matrix and give space for the Light to take roots in business environments. Because of the ongoing heat and various aspects not yet being resolved, I’m not going to mention any names.

First, the person in the faculty who gave me trouble last time (in October) has been banned from the club, or told he could only be in the faculty once a year. He had sat next to me, said my energy was the wrong color and that I’d get nothing from the club with this energy, went behind me, placed his hands on my neck and spine and said “the problem is right there” while trying to place an energetic lock on my spine. Bad idea. He did the same on other healers. Now they know he’s doing social engineering and mind programming for the Cabal and he’s no longer a threat. From what I know, there were still 4 other members present with ties to the Cabal that I spotted back in October, 3 of them were watching me very closely this time. As the vibration of the club went up, they became obvious to identify as their energy didn’t go up at all and the dissonance between them and the environment kept increasing over the …Read More

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Breaking the False Light Matrix

The Avians asked me to write about this incident. This morning, someone sent me an article from Cobra: The Solar Flash from the Galactic central sun.

I get 14.2% accuracy on this article. There is a push towards this narrative so that the people sit idle and wait for saviors instead of taking responsibility themselves. The message is essentially “just hang on a little longer, everything will be fine”.

Cobra has 4.2% alignment of actions and 3.4% alignment of being (consistent with the best of the spiritual/disclosure communities), and 1.3% resonance with the Cabal. Vibration… unable to read for some reason. I’ve been having doubts in regards to Cobra for a while and wasn’t sure where he stood.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. Starseed family? Cobra has a cloak that looks like the Arcturians, but he’s an Annunaki 100%. The woman who sent me the article also is an Annunaki. If I muscle-test, both are deep state agents. In holy judgments, there’s a big difference between ignorance and malice. If I ask “ignorance or malice?”, I get malice for both.

This whole paradigm and network will require an operation. 375 main agents detected. We will begin sealing their soul and dismantling the paradigm. We’re inviting the Arcturians into the party after the first phase will be completed.

Going back to that article, it starts with good data, but then goes into expectations as to what is going to happen. Dropping debts, forgiving our sins and wiping any past lack of self-accountability, …Read More

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