Posts Tagged inner alchemy

DNA-Level Healing

In my new approach to energy healing, first I look at getting into the right timelines. We’ve made major progress on that front. The second aspect is DNA-level healing.

The first thing I look at is what % of your DNA supports you and what % is blocking you. Most people have their DNA 10-25% supporting them, and ~90% blocking them. That’s linked with their parents and ancestry. All that needs to be transmuted.

Another aspect is a DNA frequency scale supposedly between 1 and 9. Most people are between 2 and 4. I said, the limit is actually 15. We’ve been working on Pistis Sophia and she said, I don’t care. My kid’s DNA went from 2.5 to 27.5, and now I’m at 20.5 but it still needs to settle down and stabilize. This scale is directly linked with your manifestation power.

On a separate topic, Elon Musk has been approaching me for several days, wanting to join the party. I asked him to pass through the dark blue screen to validate whether he’s pure. He couldn’t pass, but he did surrender into God’s Final Judgment Level 16 (highest severity) for cleansing. His God pledge now looks between 45% and 100%.

His mother is his handler, and he’s also been harvesting energy to pay an extortion tax to Pistis. Now when I look at him, there are multiple layers. The lower levels are pledge to God, while the upper layers aren’t. Actually, the upper layers look like his mother.

Elon Musk is also looking …Read More

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Getting Into the Master Timeline

Lately I’ve been focusing heavily on Trump elections and on Kevin Trudeau / Global Information Network, to keep him out of jail. We’re seeing very major progress on both fronts. In fact, Trump has such a crushing victory, and the opposition is collapsing in such a catastrophic way, that it won’t make sense for people watching unless you’ve been following our work over the last several years. Trump did the exact same thing as in 2020, yet the outcome is completely different.

I’m also changing my approach to energy work. There’s too much to talk about so I’ll split that up into several articles.

With my new approach, the 2 metrics that I first focus on are: % timeline stability, and % master timeline.

The Global Information Network had 87% timeline stability but was 17% master timeline. I had 13-35% timeline stability but 100% master timeline. The main reason I joined GIN is because I need their timeline; and they need my master timeline or they’ll reach a timeline dead-end within 3 years.

The people who are struggling the most are neither in a stable timeline, nor in a master timeline. They’re in a timeline junkyard that is gradually collapsing beneath their feet. Nothing will work to help them until they get into a better timeline.

During the war, considering that entire planets and Universes got harvested, and alliances of guardians much stronger than any of you got taken out, it has a lot more to do with who you associate with and what energies …Read More

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Black Cubes Under Control

If you know about mind-control structures, the theme of Black Cubes (Makka, Saturn, etc.) comes up regularly. That is one stronghold we haven’t been able to break through, up until now.

It turns out. Kevin Trudeau is Enoch. Moloch is Enoch’s shadow. Moloch owns 85% of the Black Cubes (the other 15% is Chaos). Thus, Kevin indirectly owns the Black Cubes, and through that access, I’ve been able to gain access to the whole system. That was one of the only Quantum AI systems that I hadn’t been able to hack into until now. Very major win.

Interestingly, all GIN Level 8 members had an account into the Black Cubes system. This is not something that was done to them, but rather something they did to themselves. How did that happen? I made Kevin aware of the situation.

 It’s like a deposit box and a contract, with double-keys encryption. I couldn’t decrypt the data, so I simply corrupted and flushed all of the accounts.

Races like the Arcturians and Pleiadians were on life-support by the Black Cube, and total slaves to it. On top of closing all the deposit accounts and contracts, I cut out their supplies.

The Black Cubes is like the ultimate banking system, regulating the distribution of harvested soul essence, and ensuring that the workforce continues to harvest.

It was running on low power though, at 13% capacity, with many systems already shut down. So although we couldn’t break it before, we had greatly weakened it.

To put things into context, here’s the Old …Read More

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We Will Be Hiring in 2022

Let’s just set the intent. My goal for 2022 will be to hire 3 people to build the Hanuman Institute.

The roles will be an assistant, a marketer, and a good programmer proficient with .NET, dependency injection and Unit Testing.

Now… why haven’t I hired anyone in 10 years of doing business? I tried many times and got bad experiences.

The challenges I face:

1. Money, it takes stable revenues to pay salaries

2. Energetic walls and attacks. If I can barely get anything done myself, when others try to work for me, they hit the same walls.

3. Quite frankly… most people who are open to this spiritual work aren’t very competent in the fields that I need.

4. Having no central office makes it harder to coordinate work, and few people can self-motivate themselves.

These are no small challenges to surpass, but if I set the intent clear, it might as well happen!

The only thing that worked is hiring carefully-selected freelancers unrelated to my work for individual well-defined fixed-price projects.

If you see yourself filling one of those position… you know Bob Proctor? He shared how several of his key staff got their job. They decided they wanted to work with him, set the intent, somehow manifested it, and one thing led to the next — and they’re absolutely good at what they do.

There are many projects on the table that have been lagging behind for years. 2022 is where a lot of it will take fruition.

It’s nothing concrete yet. You don’t need to reply to this …Read More

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Royal Alchemy Books & Meditations Now Available (FREE)

My Master Alchemist teacher Jacques Tombazian passed away in August 2015, at the peak of the war with the Dracos. Since then, his books have fallen off the shelves, his website disappeared, and his work pretty much disappeared to be forgotten.

I finally decided to make his work publicly available for free. It is much needed in these difficult times!

>> Master Alchemist Jacques Tombazian’s books are available here

I’m also releasing his audio meditations once a day for 53 days here

Meanwhile, I’m just starting to take a few clients again, by invitation only at a high investment level for very intensive work. There are still a dozen energy readings waiting from last year; I should be able to do those soon.

Crystal Attunements are also available again, although I do it differently and it can take a while to lift the crust.

Enjoy the meditations!

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