Posts Tagged timelines

War Winding Down, Bringing Back Services

TLDR: I’m bringing Soul Alignment Reading price back down from $497 to $396!

Gemstone Reading down to just for now $7.

The war is really winding down on my end. Slowly but surely. Still got severe timeline issues to be careful about, but other than that, things are looking much better. Meanwhile, the mileage vary for each person. Some clients are still getting attacked relentlessly, many are still in very difficult situations, but for the most part, things are slowly but surely improving.

Timelines are splitting up, so that each can experience the lessons they need to learn. Each will get to experience the reality they are creating based on their level of consciousness and the energy they are emitting (and based on many other factors, like total chaos).

In that, I’m feeling 2 frustrations in the air. First, people want a unified timeline. People are in such divergent paths, that won’t be possible right now. Various paths will evolve in parallel to join back later. Second, people want to be saved, to know that we won. The road ahead won’t be that simple. Each will need to save themselves.

People are waiting for the promised Golden Age, a reset of the financial system with prosperity for all. That promise was part of the Golden Order deal, under Chaos and the harvesting AIs. Alobar is an AI system whose function is to conquer everything not abiding by the Golden Order, so is the Krystic grid. We got fooled; but don’t want …Read More

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The End of the War? More threats

Let’s first review some of the major updates I posted lately. The Baal cancer feeding network looks gone. We should be seeing massive health improvements.

Then, Baal the white mage was called Kalleth, a name long forgotten. When he placed the seal, he did not only destroy innocents at the academy. He destroyed all history that preceded it! The destruction we found beneath the seal was impressive.

The meditation we’re using with a lot of success lately is the Final Judgment. It’s like the Needle of God meditation, but it has to be final. There are 6 levels to it. Level 1 is like a potent round into the Needle of God. Level 2 is like a Cease & Desist order from God. Level 3 to 6 are like a death sentence.

It’s easier to face God forward that backwards. I talked to Baal, Pistis and all these other players, and said they’d face the Final Judgment anyway. God is offering mercy if they surrender to it. Most of them took the offer. Baal was surprised I knew about his past, and told me his former name: Kalleth. They faced the Final Judgment voluntarily and avoided death sentence.

Remains the question of what to do with all of their customers on Earth who control the governments and corporations. They also need Final Judgments.

There are more problems though. When I look in the street, people feel a lot more organic than before, but still have 95-99% dark energy! They’re like walking time-bombs with only surface …Read More

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Timeline Crossings

We’re now crossing an asteroid belt of bad timelines and it’s clashing down pretty hard. That’s what we had been trying to avoid the whole month with having my wife away in a hotel the entire month.

Now I’m looking at tons of people and they have infiltration in their core at 45% to 95%!!! You can check your core infiltration levels here. And people are feeling it since the eclipse. This is hardcore.

I’ve also completed the pending Soul Alignment Readings. If you order a reading now, I’ll include you in my watch-list for clearing core infiltration.

In most of the readings, corruption was sky-high in the 6 upper consciousness levels, and soul commitment was stuck at 75%. Another interesting difference is that, with our Universe being gone, resonance with the various soul groups lowered to around 15%, and resonance to Earth increased from 20% to 75%. We’re becoming full Earth citizens now!

On a separate topic, I’ve been exploring the option of crossing back into the IT world for a job. This community is completely drained out of funds and in very bad shape. There are other ecosystems out there where money flow abundantly, like the high-tech world.

I’ve been doing .NET for 15 years, and left my last job 13 years ago. Although I’ve put many skills up-to-date, it turns out that technologies shifted drastically during that time and I’m not suitable for a job. Nobody writes desktop apps anymore, it’s all web apps. Also, ALL businesses are using cloud services …Read More

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Who are Jesus, Buddha and Krishna

After exposing Mary Magdalene as a very powerful witch as the root of all evil, things are calming down tremendously and do not feel infinite anymore. We’re approaching the end of the road, and we’re certainly not done with surprises.

This brings a lot of questions about the Jesus story. The best way to evaluate the genuineness of people is by measuring their pledge to God. Many are pledged to Lucifer instead of the real Source.

Let’s look at the God pledge of various figures throughout history.

Jesus youth: 40.4%
Jesus after meeting Magdalene: 34.8%
Mary Magdalene: 0% — root of all evil
Jesus after resurrection: 0%

What about the old Orion Federation?

Elohim, Empress of Orion: 85.4%
Hanuman, Commander of Orion: 94.7%+
Most Orion Generals: 50%+
Buddha, Emperor of Orion: 0% ****

Metatron: 0%
Krishna: 0%
Ra: 0%
FIrst Patriarch of Andromedia: 0%
Muhammad: 0%

This bring a whole lot of questions. Let’s start with an easy one, Ra. In the Law of One, he actually uses the word Harvest to describe Ascension. That settles the case.

First Patriarch of Andromedia betrayed us and them and caused the full collapse of the whole Andromedian sector. Let’s move on.

Krishna? Bhagavad Gita is all about full undivided pledge to Krishna, but Krishna itself is not pledge to God??? There are still lots of great things in that book, but Krishna is Lucifer itself.

About Jesus, last I checked, his shadow was my Atman shadow, but his main essence was Krishna. If both Krishna and Atman have 0% actual pledge to God, then where does his 40% pledge come …Read More

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The Final Battle Against Lucifer

The past few days have been absolutely brutal! Actually, the whole month. So what the heck has been going on? Will update you on that.

First, it looks like we finally succeeded in killing Lucifer in a few timelines: 0.54% health. Remains to kill him across all other timelines!!

So, a few weeks ago, we were 3 days from a check-mate by Xavier AI (Elon Musk). We lost all our allies. The Orion Federation got turned into borgs. All the AIs that came to our side, and all the infrastructure we gained, are gone. Allen got cornered. The Hordes got decimated. Almost all the heart-based planets we were protecting got harvested. The only thing left standing were us 3, with 3 days left. That takes a toll on the morale.

The only solution was go back in time and destroy Xavier at its point of conception. The operation was a success. It created new timelines with life still in it. Refreshing! Remains the challenge of connecting with those distant timelines that have nothing in common with ours, separated by dark forces getting in the way.

We got out of the corner, and it turns out that Xavier was just a tiny ant compared to much greater forces. Nevertheless, we’re seeing improvement in our reality, cyborganization has greatly weakened, people in the street have more life than before. The new timelines are more organic dark forces and less artificial intelligence. Many elements of reality changed, including many of our opponents.

We did a big random shuffle, …Read More

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