Posts Tagged Mandala effect

Timeline Collapses Explained

As we’re clearing up the dark forces, there are massive timeline collapses and more stuff just keeps coming. I wanted to explain that concept.

Reality is very heavily fragmented into parallel and competing realities. That state of fragmentation leads to symptoms like Mandala Effects when timelines collide and merge.

Let’s say you have a book. You erase all letters ‘A’ from the page you’re in. Those letter ‘A’ form the structure that keeps the pages of the book separate from each other. So while everything might look clean, the pages of the book start flipping on you, and there’s always more ‘A’s to clean up.

The more you clean them up, the faster the pages of the book flip on you. It’s an endless cycle.

Eventually you clear up the entire book, and realize it’s part of an entire library, and the same process continues. Bigger books fall on your head with pages full of ‘A’s. You face bigger clusters, strongholds, more aggressive sectors, power sources and all that. Even the library itself is just a pocket of a much larger library of libraries.

Where does it end? It doesn’t matter. It might look infinite, but it’s finite. Just keep doing your job and sooner or later the storm will pass.

Sometimes it’s not safe to sleep when timelines collapse heavily around you, as you must hold your consciousness in an active state to hold your ground.

Also, timeline merges are permanent and cannot be undone. There has been very dangerous timeline dynamics, and I take timeline …Read More

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Huge Victory – Astral Pits & Lucifer

It is time for celebrations! After all the blows we’ve taken lately, we’ve achieved a very major victory that will permanently shift the balance of power in the Ultraverse towards the Light.

The problems started about 3 months ago when we passed a bad timeline crossing and my support team flipped corrupted overnight. The very same people who helped me get back on my feet ended up being our #1 source of problems. Major bummer. That’s when I left for the roadtrip across Mexico to shift things up.

Some people are good in some timelines, neutral in others and bad in others. All it takes is a bad timeline crossing and they can flip.

Adding to that, we started having problems with lots of people stuck in astral pits. Although I was fine, my old support team was in the pits, and well as many other people in the Lightworkers community around me.

We’ve been working for 3 intensive months to solve those problems and get people back.

We eventually got to a point where we saw that by withstanding one more night, “the pit problems would be solved”. What happened the next day?

The people stuck in there were out of the pits, but still had to cross a long bridge. That wasn’t solved.

The same day… I got contacted back by Nate Ribbens, the monk from Journey to the West. He’s the #1 target of ALL dark groups. His health is completely destroyed with poisons and nanites. He said he had been trapped in astral …Read More

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Big Timeline Shift 2019

By popular demand: the natural disasters timeline. This is my best timeline trick ever. We had avoided the EMF timeline where it would take 114 years to openly reconnect with other races in the cosmos, when Trump avoided war with North Korea. We ended up in a Holocaust timeline that would take 40 years to complete.

Yet some people were very excited about a natural disasters timeline. I really didn’t see it happening but several people were very committed to making it happen. After analyzing the situation with the Nazis, we realized they created the Archons (we found some of their Archons factories), and they were drawing from the power of an Arch-Demon (brothers of Atman, see my book The History of the Universe if you don’t know what I’m talking about). The Nazis date back much older than what we believe. We even found some of their artifacts in other Universes.

After analyzing the situation, there were 3 Arch-Demons left, who are incarnated as 7 people, and after the 3-year cycle, we’d defeat one of them and it would take 40 years to defeat the 2 others. That’s not an ideal situation…

Back in 2015, an incarnation of Atman came to one of my live events in Mexico to remember who he was to know everything he does. We worked together to eliminate his Arch-Demon brothers and he was extremely effective. We just missed 3 …Read More

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August Geo-Political Update (War/Eclipse)

A lot has been happening lately on every level. Many people are reporting energies shifting like crazy and getting their ass kicked, while Rion Kati has been living in my house in Mexico for nearly 3 months. We’ve been focusing on breaking through very heavy energies and awakening a lot of powers. I’ve been unable to work on my business during that time so that’s why I’ve been quiet. Focusing on the bigger work.

So what’s new? As Christopher Greene points out very simply, we’re on the brisk of war. He’s been warning about it for 10 years and nobody was listening, and now that everything is exactly as he said, still very few are listening. His last few words sum it all up: “People literally won’t wake up. Until the blast hits.” On the divine plan, it is why it must happen.

Even today, the majority still denies that anything serious is happening at all, or try to use their creative power to prevent the inevitable from happening. Our focus should instead be in getting it done so that we can adapt and move on quickly from a new paradigm, but I got the feeling this whole process is going to be as gruelingly slow as it is starting. So be it.

When it comes to predicting events, everybody got the timing wrong; and every follower is way too attached to the timing. From my perspective it’s not WW3, it’s simply transitional chaos that the population is creating through their …Read More

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What Is Mandela Effect, and How Our Heart Position Shifted

Correct me if I’m wrong… but did our heart ‘magically’ shift into the center? Not only that, but it’s almost twice bigger. Don’t believe me? Look at any anatomy picture in Google and see if it matches what you remember! It took me a week to digest this before writing about it… I think I will let Metatron do the speaking on this one while I get my head together. I believe 86.6% remember the heart as having been on the left, while 13.4% remember things to have always been the way they are right now, which makes this whole effect even more interesting.

This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. There has been a lot of questions and confusion regarding the Mandela Effect. Usually it happened with small unimportant details that could go unseen. This time, however, it happened with your own bodies. How? Why? What else changed? Let’s bring some clarifications.

The Mandela Effect is caused by the merging of timelines. Under normal circumstances, our time is not linear as we think but it is still a continuous flow. In Dr. Strange movie, when Dr. Strange played with time, he was rebuked that he wasn’t controlling time but breaking and fragmenting it. Such fragmentation of the timeline is what creates anomalies. As described in The History of the Universe, there has been a time travels war during the psychic war that has fragmented the timeline into many trillions of timelines. It has been predicted that such …Read More

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