This is a general broadcast to be sent telepathically to all nations in the Universe. Andromedia, and the Galactic Federation, have just fallen under the Arch-Demons. 35% of the Universe has been frozen to avoid propagation of damage. ** We may be able to recover the situation, see update at the very end.
This broadcast is to lay out the facts exactly as the events
unfolded to avoid rumors and speculations, and for it to be a
unifying force to propel us forward instead of creating chaos that
further feeds the Arch-Demons.
As I just wrote about in The Battle of Araghart, we cleared from our Universe the Dracos, the Archons, the Cyborgs and Atman. As our Universe was about to enjoy its new-found freedom, it is threatening the dark forces in the upper universes and we are under full assault by the dark forces of the 5th, 6th and 7th Universes above us.
Up until now, we cleared about 12 Arch-Demons from our Universe. They have thousands of Arch-Demons in those upper universes, and their energetic skills are of extremely high levels that completely bypass my immunity and are far beyond my own skills.
Many Universes have fallen before us. The 2nd Universe above is completely frozen because it is completely overtaken by dark forces. The 4th is 62% frozen. The 5th is 12% frozen. The 6th is 72% frozen (varies daily due to heavy offensive against them). The 8th is 25% frozen. I’m a Theta soul which gives me a definite edge …Read More