Posts Tagged spiritual healing

Supplements Efficiency List is Here!

Years ago, I released the Book Accuracy List to put all the books and knowledge into proper perspective. The ability to measure information for accuracy is a total game-changer.

With all the crap going on in the supplements industry, how about a Supplements Effectiveness List?

And here it is! I went a bit more sophisticated in the readings and interpretation, giving an overall score for each product and company. I measure that those additional interpretations are 90%+ fair.

View the Supplements Effectiveness List

There’s some really good stuff out there, and there’s some utter crap on the market. There’s even one company that ranks above Alchemist Gems for the oils I’m now offering! Global Healing has a good solution to spike proteins, while Alchemist Gems has a good solution to graphene with cordyceps or chaga syrup/oil. Combine them and you goth a pretty good jab detox plan!

While we ship from Thailand via DHL with $70 flat shipping… other companies often ship only to certain territories. Global Healing has some products on Amazon Mexico but at $91 instead of $50 for a bottle. That makes the $70 shipping look not that bad!

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Earth Ownership and Arcturian Federation

As promised, here’s an update in regards to Earth ownership. I looked at the Arcturian registry. There are three active claims on Earth:

1962: Draco Royal purchased Earth (from Pleiadians?)

1975: Someone in the Dark Arcturian King family claimed ownership over ancestral rights

1989: Earth deemed unclaimable by Pleiadian court decision. We’re declared savages, granting us natural reserve protection.

Draco Royal claimants have been eliminated and their claim is thus invalidated. We detect no survivors.

As for the Arcturian claimant, things get more interesting. I looked at the registry in the future and it reads “Self-governed independent Federation.”

I spoke with Earth’s claimant about what was unfolding and he seemed collaborative. He’s a business person and said he lost many planets and wanted peace. The double-sided snake then proceeded to send a fleet of 54 ships toward Earth.

This gets into hardcore Jupiter Ascending. If you haven’t seen that movie, watch it.

I got slightly annoyed and blew up the entire fleet of 54 ships.

This guy is running a massive slave trading business throughout the Universe. He’s also producing and selling immortality elixirs like in that movie.

I physically destroyed 2876 slaves trading outposts, 1695 ships, 1 large elixir manufacture planet, and 16 elixir trading outposts. I shut the business down. It wasn’t their day.

This Federation acts as a hub holding many dark timelines in place. This leads to a massive collapse of timelines and possibly the destruction of the entire sector.

The rampant corruption and covering of slave trading also make the legitimacy of their regime …Read More

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The “Fine” Djinn

I was doing 2 more Soul Alignment Reading (got only 2 left to do!); in both cases, they had a vibration of 506 above ground and 103 below ground. Strange!

Looking deeper into this, there’s a Djinn placing people into that “fine” energetic space of 506 above and 103 below. It’s a very powerful Djinn. I got authorized to kill, and I’m getting used to deal with these mega-entities.

This particular Djinn represents 75.4% of the overall energy in Finland, 80.6% of the overall energy in Canada and 82.8% of the overall energy in Australia!!!

He represents 25.9% of USA, 15.6% of Mexico, 75.4% of France, 82.8% of Italy, 85.9% of China.

I don’t like this Djinn.

I thought it was important enough to expose him directly. This entity is a big deal.

I’ve already done the first round of cleanup on him; he’s dead already. Round 2 will come later.

Let’s see what unfolds from this!

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Happy Father’s Day!

Happy father’s day! Now let’s get down to business. Fatherhood is one of the concepts that has been the most attacked, to dismantle the family nucleus. Marc Dice explains it well here.

For father’s day… how about we meditate on the concept of Fatherhood? For men, bringing the Divine Father into your life, and for women, creating space to attract the Divine Father into their lives.

For the past few days, I’ve been doing very major clearings around LGBTQ+ and Dark Sophia. LGBTQ+ is a breeding pit of Succubus/Incubus demons, I found a Dark Queen deep down the Succubus pit, cleared it, then the monks washed the pit with their water. The pit is completely gone. This massive clearing creates a vacuum.

Fatherhood is the polar opposite of LGBTQ+ and Dark Sophia, and thus, is the perfect angle to restructure the vacuum.

I call for everyone to focus on restoring and cleansing fatherhood, particularly in the USA, Mexico and Europe, during the next few days.

On a separate note, shapeshifters have been very active the past few days. I just found a very impressive shapeshifter stronghold with giant stone golem, mounted black knights, mages and all kinds of other medieval-type units. They were organizing for their next wave of attack.

These were very powerful, I haven’t seen those mounted black knights around here yet. At least 5 of them can handle a small planet like ours on their own. They can turn the entire planet black with a single blast.

I cleared the entire stronghold, and …Read More

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11 Monks Meditating For Us Daily

Following our alliance with the monks of Varanasi, from June 16th, we will have 11 monks meditating for our group 5 hours every day of the month. They’re sending all the videos daily to a WhatsApp group. They send very strong stabilizing water energy, and with 11 monks, it will get really potent.

I’ve been getting several questions.

What are the benefits? We’re drowning in corrupt energies and chaos. They help wash away the corruption to open the path forward. They can help with physical and spiritual healing. Just connecting with the Varanasi area, it transfers a lot of the attacks and chaos around you onto their stable area where many thousands of monks meditate. Having the energetic crashes and timeline collisions fall elsewhere where it can be handled is really helpful! In our group, I want mostly people who are aware of what’s happening energetically around them, and who can appreciate some relief in that area.

What is it they can do that I cannot do myself? Even if we’re defeating the dark forces, there are big storms approaching Europe and USA that will escalate for the next few years. War, famine, and God knows what. I can clear attacks and cast Juggernauts, but absorbing a tide-wave like that? It’s just too much for me to handle. Canada is in too bad shape to even touch it. They are in a stable geographic area and are thousands of monks meditating. That is key. These monks can handle the …Read More

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