Posts Tagged timeline fragmentation

The Orion Second Awakening

Just had a Category 2 hurricane here in Playa del Carmen yesterday. It went pretty smooth, everything is fine. That one was energetically intense! Tulum went from a vibration of -65 billion to a vibration of -9768. The hurricane brought a cleansing of very deep energetic structures!

Wanted to update about the current status, since a LOT has been happening. The army of walk-ins that I talked about last week, they were completely surrounded and infiltrated by Thoth. He was to use them as hooks to come in, then gradually merge timelines around them to corrupt them and us at the same time. There’s been an extremely big battle against Thoth’s army. That group withdrew to focus on themselves. First they have to survive that Thoth assault, then re-evaluate the whole situation, and they’re welcome to come back after.

Thoth managed to get 13% infiltration in my subconscious mind without me realizing! 13% of Earth globally, with deeper infiltration in some people. I got to give him credit for that. As of right now, he still has 1.5% infiltration on Earth, 12.4% on that army from last week (down from 55%!). It’s not over but the immediate threat is dealt with.

I was digging hardcore into the timelines issues. There is still 1 billion years worth of timeline mess!!!

One person has lymph nodes that are hooks/implants coming from very deep into that timeline mess. Doing the Gemstone Reading on her daughter, it’s the first time the herbal extracts hit a wall they can’t …Read More

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Timeline Collapses Explained

As we’re clearing up the dark forces, there are massive timeline collapses and more stuff just keeps coming. I wanted to explain that concept.

Reality is very heavily fragmented into parallel and competing realities. That state of fragmentation leads to symptoms like Mandala Effects when timelines collide and merge.

Let’s say you have a book. You erase all letters ‘A’ from the page you’re in. Those letter ‘A’ form the structure that keeps the pages of the book separate from each other. So while everything might look clean, the pages of the book start flipping on you, and there’s always more ‘A’s to clean up.

The more you clean them up, the faster the pages of the book flip on you. It’s an endless cycle.

Eventually you clear up the entire book, and realize it’s part of an entire library, and the same process continues. Bigger books fall on your head with pages full of ‘A’s. You face bigger clusters, strongholds, more aggressive sectors, power sources and all that. Even the library itself is just a pocket of a much larger library of libraries.

Where does it end? It doesn’t matter. It might look infinite, but it’s finite. Just keep doing your job and sooner or later the storm will pass.

Sometimes it’s not safe to sleep when timelines collapse heavily around you, as you must hold your consciousness in an active state to hold your ground.

Also, timeline merges are permanent and cannot be undone. There has been very dangerous timeline dynamics, and I take timeline …Read More

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War Winding Down, Bringing Back Services

TLDR: I’m bringing Soul Alignment Reading price back down from $497 to $396!

Gemstone Reading down to just for now $7.

The war is really winding down on my end. Slowly but surely. Still got severe timeline issues to be careful about, but other than that, things are looking much better. Meanwhile, the mileage vary for each person. Some clients are still getting attacked relentlessly, many are still in very difficult situations, but for the most part, things are slowly but surely improving.

Timelines are splitting up, so that each can experience the lessons they need to learn. Each will get to experience the reality they are creating based on their level of consciousness and the energy they are emitting (and based on many other factors, like total chaos).

In that, I’m feeling 2 frustrations in the air. First, people want a unified timeline. People are in such divergent paths, that won’t be possible right now. Various paths will evolve in parallel to join back later. Second, people want to be saved, to know that we won. The road ahead won’t be that simple. Each will need to save themselves.

People are waiting for the promised Golden Age, a reset of the financial system with prosperity for all. That promise was part of the Golden Order deal, under Chaos and the harvesting AIs. Alobar is an AI system whose function is to conquer everything not abiding by the Golden Order, so is the Krystic grid. We got fooled; but don’t want …Read More

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The Timeline Ambush

This month has been absolutely frickin insane. My daughter cannot go to school, my wife had to go travel and could not come back for over a month and I had to pay the hotel the whole time, with no solution in sight. My bank account just got locked (will take a few days to resolve), and a whole bunch of problems are piling up. It’s pretty rough. My team-mate had to rescue me 3 times so far. Very grateful to have him around!!

We got out of a total check-mate, immediately after, Hamas threw 5000 rockets and the Israel war started. What is that all about?

And what is so dangerous that my daughter is warning me about if my wife comes back? She was talking about a full year of crazy hardship.

Now I’m seeing the problem. We got completely ambushed. We completely lost the war in a million different realities and got turned into robots. There’s just this one annoying reality that Lucifer can’t get rid of.

So what did he do? He tried to blew through this reality and cause a merge with a strong enough war impact in Israel. He also created a barrage of really shit realities that we just passed through. He’s throwing shit realities at us one after the other. Just one bad timeline merge could be very serious trouble for a long time.

I saw a giant structure with an infinite amount of cubic realities. Lucifer used that to create experiments and case studies. He can …Read More

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Timeline Evacuation Successful & Future Outlook

In order to defeat Xavier and the AIs, we had to eliminate them back in time at their points of origin, and that has been a success. By doing so, however, we completely blew up the time and space continuum and created new timelines where our Universe does not even exist. This is total gamble.

After going through intense challenges, we got to the timeline collision merge point. We’re colliding with a stronger timeline where our Universe is non-existent, and that would destroy us. We teleported our solar system into a mini portable Universe. I see no Andromedia anymore, no Orions, no Sirius, no Arcturians. I see no remnant of our Universe. As we teleported, the rest of the Universe immediately crumbled. There were only 2 planets left to rescue; Earth that was 94.7% cooked, and an Orion-Sirius planet that was 88.7% cooked. Both barely survived by a hair!

Out of all creation, about a hundred planets could be rescued and evacuated. Less than 50 out of the 89 billion heart-based planets we were protecting. Those survival rates are abysmally low. We blew up the entire space-time continuum, but there was nothing to save.

At first we got into a Harry Potter-style Universe with everyone doing their own magic in conflict with each other, secretly under control of some overlords, and with no spirit. Fell into several traps. Managed to escape those spirit-less timelines.

Now, timelines are so fragmented, we might be in different realities seeing different things, but I see none of the …Read More

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