Posts Tagged masculine

Sexual Polarity Explained

In the article The Mystery of Sexual Polarity, I raised some very interesting questions in regards to sexual polarity. As I’m getting ready to produce the Force of Life Blueprint, I have to reach a higher level of mastery on these topics.

I can use clairvoyance perceptions to read someone’s energy in different ways. With the Sexual Polarity reading, I read a person’s Masculine/Feminine Physical/Emotional/Spiritual energies in the solar plexus. Now, this is a type of reading where people rank in very funny (and fuzzy) ways. One of the reasons people rank so weird in this reading is because those who spend a lot of time improving themselves usually focus on one of two areas while mostly overlooking other areas. There are also several common beliefs that get in the way of properly developing these polarity energies.

Here are 2 very interesting observations I made:
– Women have no physical masculine energy, and men have no physical feminine energy!
– Masculine Emotional is the only of these 6 types of energy for which I don’t know any perfect model! Tom Cruise extends to the moon. Obama extends almost to the moon. Hans Zimmer extends to the cosmos. None of them extend to the stars.

Here are the sexual polarity readings of some famous people. The wider it expands, the better it is.
To the sky (100km) = Expert
To the moon = Mastery
To the cosmos = Semi-Enlightened
To the stars = Enlightened

David Hawkins (when he was alive)
Physical: Masculine 80km. …Read More

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What’s Keeping Spiritual People Broke?

Let’s tackle a problem most people really don’t want to talk about: what’s keeping most spiritual people broke. There are lots of spiritual teachers out there who will tell you not to focus on the problem as you would only be creating more of the problem and asking the Universe to manifest proofs that would justify it as a fact. I just don’t agree with that. The problem won’t magically to away by ignoring it, although in some cases you can work around it so that you never have to deal with it. If you want a problem to go away, you have to explore the problem to really understand where it’s coming from. Then, this awareness gives you power to resolve that issue and finally break free.

Not everybody agrees that most spiritual people are broke, but I’ve been working in this community for long enough to know that this is true. The most obvious explanation would be that spiritual people don’t value money or have dysfunctional beliefs about money, but this applies to everybody, not just spiritual people. I see plenty of non-spiritual people who hate dealing with money, who have a job they hate yet they have plenty of money. I also see plenty of highly conscious and skilled spiritual people who value money, who are highly committed to breaking through with their groundbreaking projects and who are totally broke. What’s going on here, really?

Furthermore, many of my clients don’t even have a credit card. Reaching higher levels …Read More

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Why Self-Development Doesn’t Work for Everybody

Many people told me that they tried everything in self-development and don’t see results. I explained some reasons why in the article How to Get RESULTS Instead of “Gathering Information”, in the video Why the Law of Attraction Doesn’t Work for Everybody and in the video Why Self-Development Brings Unsatisfying Results. I just realized another reason why many people aren’t seeing results.

I was pondering about why some people have huge resistances to some of the concepts I talk about. Many women get on their defenses and jump off the boat whenever I talk about femininity. I also lose some people when I say that positive thinking and living in unconditional love isn’t enough and that you have to directly deal with problems. For example, many lightworkers are being attacked psychically (or even physically) and simply focusing on love will not resolve the challenges that this brings.

Many people don’t progress because they identify themselves by their problems. If it defines who you are, removing those problems would be killing your identity of self, which your subconscious mind won’t allow to happen. In order to let go of problems and limitations in your life, you have to shift your sense of identity towards what you want to achieve in life and your unique experience of life.

What I just realized is that something very similar happens to people in spirituality and energy healing. Many people identify themselves by their spiritual principles such as unconditional love and positive thinking. Instead …Read More

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The Unbearable Truth

I am all about freedom, truth and taking responsibility. Recently, as I was seeking answers to deep questions, my own mind was resisting getting the answers as I knew I wouldn’t like the answers and their implications. When I talked about it to others, they all went completely silent, or even told me to not talk about it so directly. I would rather have clarity over an unbearable truth and assume its consequences rather than live in ignorance and take the resulting issues for granted. If you are not seeking truth and freedom, really, you have no reason to be reading this. I will expose 3 unbearable truths that deserve to see the light.

The first unbearable truth is nothing new and I am not too concerned about it. I will mention it here because we can take a few lessons from it. We all know what happened on 9/11 with the collapse of the World Trade Center. The “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth” movement has a petition signed by 1700 architects and engineers. After doing a scientific investigation and facing the facts, they came to the conclusion that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition as an inside job and that there was a massive cover-up operation to eliminate the proofs and silence the truth. If you want to know more about the evidences, they just released a new documentary called 911 Experts Speak Out which exposes all the facts:

I am not so …Read More

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