Posts Tagged heart chakra

Interview on Soulogy & Lost My Eyesight

There has been so much going on during the holidays, it has been absolutely brutal. First, the funding campaign for Journey to the World is going well, very sluggish but crossed $25800. On the flip-side, NOT A SINGLE TRUTH PLATFORM has helped soften the blows that we’ve been taking during the holidays. Not a single one of them.

The only one who accepted to interview me was Todd on Soulogy; who prefers to not know anything about the person at all until going live to be more in the flow. Todd wasn’t receptive to the message at all, the audience seems to be deep in the Austrich Syndrome (burying their head in the sand), and several agents were highly active in the live chat. The energetic attacks after the interview were absolutely brutal.

I did cover some very strong points about the Red Light vs White Light, among other things, so it’s worthwhile to watch it. However, we couldn’t go at all into the more important and practical topics. A bit too theoretical to my taste. A good interviewer needs some humility to put his own perspective aside for just an hour to explore the other person’s perspective. Unless it’s a psy-op.

Right after, on Christmas Eve, there has been an attempted Earth take-over. I measure 150k deaths in England and Europe, I detect a large energetic crater in Northern England… but still haven’t …Read More

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God, Money and Purpose: Understanding the Flow of Nature

This is part of module 1 of the God & Money Masterclass. This is very groundbreaking insights that will really shift everything if you apply it. I wanted to share this part publicly.

There is only 3 days left to join before we start! We also won’t repeat such a class until next year. Join here >>

Let’s consider this idea. God is the Light. Money is the Water. Your project is the plant. The Purpose is the Flower. The product or service is the Fruit.

The light instructs
the plants how to grow. Plants need both water and light to survive,
and then plants purify and
circulate the water. The flower
is the consequence of having the plant aligned with the light.
Flowers turn into fruits. People feed themselves from the fruits.
Some of the fruits evolve into more plants.

Let me say that one
more time.

God instructs the projects on how to grow. Projects need both money and God to survive, and then projects circulate and purify money. The purpose is the consequence of having the project aligned with God. Purpose turns into products and services. People feed themselves from the products. Some of those services evolve into more projects. And thus, the garden grows.

if you focus only on the flower, skipping the light and water, all
you’ll get is a dry plant.

If you focus only on
the purpose, skipping God and money, all you’ll get is a dry

The purpose is the
byproduct of having a project aligned with God, not the other way
around. You can grow flowers in …Read More

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Why Are Heart-Centered Healers Unable to Feel Love from Spirit-Centered Guardians?

This is a topic that opened a can of worms and triggered a lot of ugly energies, so I’ll address it here directly. Also, there are many spiritual people who would like to improve their financial situation but can’t stand the vibe of this whole thing, let’s dig deeper into that.

First, I want to address a question I received. “I am not sure if I am a good fit for it… I feel lost and disconnected, with no sense of direction, vision or any goals. I lack motivation and don’t feel aligned with my spirit. I could be due to the fact that I have not been on my spiritual journey long… Do you think I will benefit from the God & Money Masterclass?”

If you have no direction or vision, then at least, you’re not holding onto anything, and thus you’re open to receiving anything. That’s a good place to start. Clarifying the goals and vision has however been the biggest block during the beta run, and those who did it saw great results, and those who half-did it saw half-great results. Clarifying goals and desires is a very critical piece, and I’m now uncovering a whole new meditation to open those with Royal Alchemy. This was not done in the beta run, and this will make a huge difference. The Temple of the Soul, responsible for the God Connection, is completely destroyed for most people, and the House of Desires is also completely destroyed for most …Read More

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Friends & Boundaries, a Cosmic Perspective

I was meditating on a value conflict between being humble and equal to my peers, and standing in my greatness. A value conflict is where there are two things you value that appear to conflict with each other, and you must reach a higher level of awareness where both aspects can work in harmony. Such value conflict cannot be solved just by merging the energies. There is a lesson that must be learnt first.

Many coaches say that you are the average of your 5 closest friends in every aspect, and that you should be very careful as to who you surround yourself with. Does that mean one should live secluded and aloof from his environment to stand in his own greatness? Then those very same people will go to Africa to help them and they’ll be very open to everyone, where they hold a special status. Why should one be aloof in one environment and open in another? I feel there’s more to explore in that topic, and that nobody ever brought a satisfactory answer to it.

To find answers, let’s go to my favorite place: cosmic libraries. Here’s a channeled summary of a book I wrote in a distant past life as first commander of Orion. The original text vibrates at 807000.

Friends & Boundaries, a Cosmic Perspective (summary translated to English and transmitted by Metatron)

Many leaders stumble upon a very common issue: how to relate to their environment in their daily lives. Let’s take a military general. In duty, …Read More

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Ergomenon Crystals Activation Phase 1 Completed

Back in March 2016, I talked about the Ergomenon Crystals being a massive crystals complex containing the collective knowledge, memories and powers from Orion, which deactivated and teleported to Earth when Orion got destroyed. I also talked about its reactivation, where 10 Keepers and 50 Priestesses were required for each of the 7 phases of activation.

We’ve been due for the first phase of activation since last September, and none of the required Keepers and Priestesses are ready. I also didn’t hear back from the Master of the Keys who is responsible for the activation. I went for plan B: overriding all protocols and assuming the functions of all 61 people on my own. It worked. The first phase of activation is now completed. It opened a HUGE space of mental fluidity that completely overrides the rigidity of opposing paradigms.

The 2nd phase of activation won’t be due for until 8-10 years. I could do the first activation on my own, but I don’t think I could do it again for the other phases. The Keepers and Priestesses will have to wake up first.

The massive Juggernaut hitting the mind control infrastructure is a first bomb. The Ergomenon activation is a 2nd bomb. There’s a 3rd bomb that will finish off the financial veil. Big update/offer coming up in the next article.

Talk soon!

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