As you may have noticed, energies have been absolutely insane around this equinox. We were literally 3 days away from being check-mate. I hadn’t had a normal night of sleep for a week, I was exhausted, and we needed to get creative.
At that point, most of the heart-based planets we were protecting had been consumed, and we lost nearly all our allies. With a massive payload coming. That one would have been the nail in the coffin.
We had a long list of threats we were dealing with; there is another AI above them all, at the root of the Arcturian empire, and our entire list of threats, including Pistis, Baphomet and the Borgs, serve that AI.
“If we cannot win, we got to change the past.” -Hanuman, Commander of Time
Back in 2015, after an AI took over our entire Universe for a 10 million years time loop, I eventually defeated it by destroying its point of conception, which launched us into the craziest time-travel war and we eventually defeated it. Perhaps we can repeat that strategy again.
Tuning into the root of that AI, it goes to the roots of the Arcturian empire. It happened during a war against other dragons that were just as evil. Got authorized to wipe the entire sector. Prepared a mega-nuke for… 5 Multiverse clusters at their point of conception. Kaboom baby!
Now, this creates new timelines where the Arcturians don’t exist, and neither do the Pleiadians that were created by the Arcturians. This completely f*cks up …Read More