Posts Tagged spiritual truth

Interview on Soulogy & Lost My Eyesight

There has been so much going on during the holidays, it has been absolutely brutal. First, the funding campaign for Journey to the World is going well, very sluggish but crossed $25800. On the flip-side, NOT A SINGLE TRUTH PLATFORM has helped soften the blows that we’ve been taking during the holidays. Not a single one of them.

The only one who accepted to interview me was Todd on Soulogy; who prefers to not know anything about the person at all until going live to be more in the flow. Todd wasn’t receptive to the message at all, the audience seems to be deep in the Austrich Syndrome (burying their head in the sand), and several agents were highly active in the live chat. The energetic attacks after the interview were absolutely brutal.

I did cover some very strong points about the Red Light vs White Light, among other things, so it’s worthwhile to watch it. However, we couldn’t go at all into the more important and practical topics. A bit too theoretical to my taste. A good interviewer needs some humility to put his own perspective aside for just an hour to explore the other person’s perspective. Unless it’s a psy-op.

Right after, on Christmas Eve, there has been an attempted Earth take-over. I measure 150k deaths in England and Europe, I detect a large energetic crater in Northern England… but still haven’t …Read More

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State of the False Light Matrix (March 2019)

Are energies shifting enough yet? Many are reporting huge and very rapid changes unfolding. Some are having huge breakthroughs and rapid progress, some are depressed and reacting badly, and some are overwhelmed and integrating. Most are getting dragged behind the waves instead of leading the waves. Let’s look at the current situation more in details. We’ll focus on the United States because that’s where things are boiling right now.

In terms of leading vs getting dragged behind, let’s measure the position of those seeking ascension and all US population. 1% leading means leding edge and 20% leading means you’re not dragging behind but not leading either. 50% leading includes everyone who is more leading than dragging behind so the numbers are cumulative.

1% leading edge: 0.015% / 0.00013%5% leading: 0.3% / 0.018%10% leading: 4.6% / 0.15%20% leading: 5.6% / 0.18%30% leading: 7.6% / 3.6%40% leading: 8.9% / 3.7%50% middle: 9.2% / 4.0%60% dragging: 10.1% / 4.1%70% dragging: 11.6% / 4.3%80% dragging: 12.1% / 4.6%90% dragging: 15.6% / 4.7%95% dragging: 18.4% / 4.9%99% dragging: 21.4% / 5.1%

This means, 78.6% of those seeking ascension in the USA are in the 1% tail end of the waves getting dragged behind, 94.9% of the US population. Not good, but that’s where we’re at as of March 2019. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re in the 30% leading. 95.6% of those reading my articles and updates are in the 30% leading.

Back in August 2018, I wrote the article The False Light Matrix Explained that …Read More

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The Solution to Internet Censorship

Message from the Federation of Light:


“Due to the limited paradigms the disclosure and spiritual movements have settled into, it has brought us this far but won’t bring us any further.


A disruption of current communication networks is required to give space for something new. As such, increased Internet censorship is going to lead to increased telepathic communication.


Most people already receive telepathic communications but don’t trust it. What would happen if you could rely more on that inner guidance than on what Google, Facebook, YouTube or even your eyes feed you? You would learn to listen and trust that inner awareness and inner communication.


Furthermore, this telepathic network of communication allows for much more fluid, much faster, and much more accurate transmission of information and intentions. It also bypasses It also bypasses collective aggregates where groups settle into, and gives more space for individual thoughts and rational thinking.


It is the way to go.”

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Winter Superstorm Update

First of all, I want to apologize. I have 8 Soul Alignment Readings in-line to do and haven’t been able to do them yet. I’ve been traveling to Quebec for the past 2 weeks, and focused all my energy to deal with the energetic dynamics over there. The veil separating the astral and physical planes in Sherbrooke went from 92.6% to now 0.3%. Nevada went from 63.5% to 20.4%. I couldn’t do the distance healing and energy readings while dealing with that. I’ll be going back to Mexico Saturday so I’ll be more able to get it done then. If you made an order and prefer a refund due to those delays, just send me an email.

There are massive psychic storms that started on December 19th when moved to Quebec, as expected. Psychic storms are often followed with meteo bombs, so the cold vortex is no surprise. I won’t focus too much on the storm, but I simply interpret it as such: When a new reality asserts itself, it gives the chill to those who fight to preserve the existing reality.

Last week, a Juggernaut had been piercing through CEO Space, which I had been working on for a while. A Juggernaut is the Train of Life, the strongest force in the Universe, it looks like a meteor of pure fire of creation from God. It destroys or transmute anything in its path and cannot be stopped. My advice: follow the train, ride the train, but never get in its …Read More

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Crystals Activation Testimonials

I woke up with this email in my inbox in regards to Crystals Activation:

“You can assume the quick re-order is because of the results of working with the first batch you activated. I am very very pleased with the last 72 hours or so, thank you for making the effort to talk about crystal activation.” -Mike (Canada)

Then another person posted this on Facebook:

“Anyone who hasn’t had their crystals activated really should do so as soon as possible. The energies are accelerating at an exponential rate. Even with a bevvy of fully-attuned crystals and one-on-one training, it’s a wild ride these days. Without that energetic support it’s downright dangerous.” -Rhett (USA)

A detail I want to clarify. To attune crystals, if you have 3 stones of the same type, you can count it as 1 because it’s just the same to attune 1 big one or 3 small ones. Also a bracelet with 10 beads won’t count as 10 crystals but as 1. Often there’s also the silver attached to a stone and I attune it but don’t count it. So it’s 1 per stone type or per piece of jewelry.

Here’s another testimonial I had some time ago:

“Ok and today i woke up with a buzzing vibrational physical feeling inside my head, its like a bee doing a sound, and also I started to see visionary type of images when i first wear them first night. And my experience these 4 days wearing crystals is, at first after i wear them …Read More

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