Posts Tagged implants

Launching Skyranet Beta: Psychic Network for Lightworkers

We are launching Skyranet beta, a psychic network for Lightworkers. Its purpose is to help synchronize the intents and efforts of Lightworkers, strengthen their connection to Source, reduce influence from mind control technologies and from the environment, and provide a psychic communication network. The Skyranet command center can only be accessed by the Avians, Orion Counsel and Federation of Light. Only those who have a very strong and stable hard-line connection to Source. The core of Skyranet is built in the 136th density.

When you’re born, you automatically get 4 implants, behind your head, behind your neck, behind your shoulders and behind your lower back. In the past few years the dark forces have cranked up their mind control technologies to their maximum out of desperation. When you opt-in to Skyranet, you get 5 solid golden implants, on top of your head, behind your pineal gland, behind your neck, behind your heart and behind your lower back. At the base of the implant is a filter to ensure any message coming in or out has a frequency and an intent of at least 500 (love). The golden implant is extremely solid to withstand the psychic storms so you won’t be able to remove it on your own but can opt out at any time.

Distress calls won’t be broadcast over the network but will reach the command center. This hardline connection will also make it easier for Angelic beings to reach you and support you. This remains to be tested, but it …Read More

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Abductions Are No Longer Tolerated

This is official communication from Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. There are various off-planet groups that have been conducting regular abductions on nearly 6 million people on this planet. The procedure generally goes like this: they portal in the victim in, take DNA sample, conduct experiments, or use the person for covert operations, and when they’re done, they time-travel the person back to the exact time they pulled the person out. They mind-swipe the memories of the victims so that they have no awareness of what just happened. Except that they see strange marks on their arms or in their mouth, or notice a few other oddities, and they may have strange dreams. These abduction victims are under constant surveillance and mind control to ensure they do not remember anything.

Then many of them are brought up into space programs, and after their services, are being age-regressed to the moment they were taken in. Even after being taken back, they are still often abducted for various reasons.

On behalf of the Planetary Counsel of Light, the Orion Special Forces, and the Avians Federation, we want to declare with an unanimous voice that such abductions will no longer be tolerated because they violate free will and serious cripple the lives of the victims.

We will not deploy the 10000 Immortals of the Orion Special Forces for this. We have formed a team of 30 Orion souls who will watch over this issue. A metaphysical substance has also been injected in many of the abduction …Read More

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Breaking The Matrix

One of the aspects of my work that brought the most energetic conflict and challenges was working with feminine sexual energy, because this energy cannot be contained and breaks the boundaries established by the system. The other aspect that brought the most conflicts is, surprisingly enough, also the simplest basic: removing implants.

It is just like in the movie The Matrix how they have this plug behind their heads plugging them into the matrix, and that’s also what it looks like. Smith agents can literally take control of any person in the matrix though those implants. If you’re in denial of implants, no matter how much good you do, you’re part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. As they say in the movie: “you cannot trust anyone in the matrix”. If you do good things while being under control of these implants, you’re bringing cosmetic changes to the world while bringing distraction from dealing with the problems that truly matter. Tremendous efforts have been put to ensure the spiritual and New Age movements remain in the category of cosmetic changes.

You cannot look at it from the perspective of the individual isolated self. We are all emotionally and energetically connected and you have to take the dynamics of co-creation into account. We’re talking about very real energetic structures that determine the creation of the physical world. The Universe is like a hologram. The data is encoded on the holographic plate while what we see, including your thoughts, are …Read More

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How to *Finally* Resolve Value Conflicts

WOW, what an insane month. The past 2 weeks literally felt like 4 months, traveling back and forth between the East and West coasts for a whole bunch of events in a row: Cancun, Las Vegas, Florida, Los Angeles and back to Cancun. HUGE breakthroughs and so much to talk about. Here’s a cool picture from the live event I and Rion just hosted. Let’s start with one of the pieces that is blocking you the most: value conflicts.

I said that healing a cancer for a client is much easier than resolving a value conflict. This is about to change. There is only so far you can go in terms of inner transformation before bumping into value conflicts of some kind. And when it comes to connecting with a greater purpose, most people reject it when it comes because it doesn’t fit within their value system.

Here’s the problem with value conflicts. They create a black box around your mind and it is impossible for you to focus on anything outside of that box. Worse, your value conflicts determine your thought patterns and override your rational mind. You cannot override value conflicts with your rational mind. They will stop you dead in your track whenever you want to follow a different path. Value conflicts are a bitch from the pit of hell. So how do you overcome them?

When I was at David Neagle’s event in Florida, he shared that people resist changes. That is definitely true and has been my …Read More

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Basics to Build a Soul-Deep Foundation

Everything you’re learning here is not just about tweaking your life to make it better. It’s all about replacing a limited social, cultural and personal foundation to replace it with a soul-deep foundation. That’s really my genius zone. The intent of the Force of Life Training is to remove anything that is false or limited within your social, cultural and personal foundation (the 3rd training will be coming out soon and will be on this exact topic). Then we can work together to build a soul-deep foundation.

There are certain basics to my methodology that are important to master to get really great results. These are just the tiny tips of the iceberg, but this is where you have to start.

First, it’s important to clear your energy field of energetic vulnerabilities. There are several types of vulnerabilities to remove:
– Implants: Energetic connections plugging you into collective consciousness (or onto other people) and preventing you from thinking clearly on your own. It’s important to remove those to be able to think clearly and freely.
– Portals: Holes within your energy field allowing negativity around you to soak into your energy field. Trying to heal yourself while you have portals is like trying to empty a boat that has holes in it.
– Energetic fragmentation: Smaller portals in your energy field around you causing you to be irritable.
– Entities: Various facets of personalities stored within your body expressing themselves in different circumstances, which really are layers preventing you from standing in …Read More

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