As we’re approaching Thanksgiving Day (for those of you living in the USA), I thought I would do something special to honor this non-Canadian holiday (and celebrate this day for the first time in my life). Lately I’ve been working on a Natural Grounding Player, which is a software that allows streamlining Natural Grounding in a very smooth way by automatically playing just the right video at the right time for gradual increase of the energy.
If you’ve been practicing Natural Grounding, this allows to get into the state in much smoother ways as the warming up is gradual, this allows much greater variety of videos since they are randomly selected from a large database of videos, and you’ll get into much deeper states because there are no interruption between videos and you’ll get carried into deeper states. Since using this software, my sessions are also on average twice longer. It is addictive.
If you don’t know what Natural Grounding is, I’m currently working on a book called the Natural Grounding Bible: Force of Life Attunement. This book isn’t ready yet. Explaining this methodology properly is extremely challenging. This is a very powerful methodology to raise your energetic state, develop a deep charisma and resolve any anxiety or unworthiness by harnessing the law of resonance, the law of transmutation, the law of polarity, the law of fusion and the law of sexual transmutation. I can also cause anti-aging. You can read the 2011 Natural Grounding Guide to get an idea …Read More