Lately I have been exploring the concept of value conflicts, and this topic is extremely impactful for your growth and freedom. First I will explain what is a value conflict and how to recognize when it happens. Value conflicts are often rooted in false layers of self-identity and will block your progress.
Your subconscious mind always values truth, always values freedom, always values power and always values abundance. The problem is when other conscious values conflict with those. Or, when you have blocks towards certain values that are required to make the deeper value a reality. If you want to lose weight but don’t like exercise and love cakes, that’s a value conflict. If you want to live abundantly but don’t want a job and don’t want a business, that’s a value conflict. If you value renewal but not death, that’s a value conflict.
When it comes to spiritual growth, value conflicts are all about you and have nothing to do with anybody else. I would describe the effect you can get from resolving value conflicts as “self-sustaining open-air nuclear reaction.” It is very powerful. It is about shifting at your core to open new worlds of possibilities.
There are five different types of value conflicts.
1. Subconscious Denial: This is when you have knee-jerk reactions towards something related to truth, freedom or abundance and say “that’s not my cup of tea”. An example would be someone saying that being emotional or vulnerable is for weak people. Someone could also be progressing in a path of self-development and fall into anger and withdrawal when touching the topic of sexuality because she has been raped. It is an irrational reaction covered with a rational explanation to protect from a deeper pain that the person is not ready to accept.
Symptoms: “not my cup of tea”, knee-jerk reaction, anger, withdrawal.
2. Subconscious Avoidance: This is when something related to truth, freedom or abundance is in a blind spot and you never really pay attention to it. I cannot quote an example because those in that situation cannot talk about their blind spots. When facing an opportunity related to something they avoid, they don’t know how to process it, are just confused, can’t articulate what’s going on and will just walk back silently. An example would be someone who gets plenty of training on personal development and goals achievement but knows nothing about the meanings of “being”, “presence” and “authenticity.”
Symptoms: Confusion, silence, hearing crickets, withdrawal.
3. Valuing Outcome: This is when you value an outcome but not what’s required to make it happen. An example would be someone who want to lose weight but don’t want to exercise, or someone who values living a greater purpose but doesn’t value the actions required to make it happen. This causes procrastination and a lack of results. When in that zone, you can waste years following tons of training and proven systems and nothing will work.
Symptoms: Procrastination, lack of results, laziness, illusionary comfort.
4. Unconscious Conflict: This is when you consciously value two things without realizing they don’t quite fit together. For example, if you value integrity and spiritual alignment while your actions are purely based on logic, opportunities and contracts, you may use integrity and spiritual alignment as surface decoration without realizing they don’t quite fit with your foundation. This can cause all kinds of conflicts with the people around you which you’ll see as unavoidable. It also dilutes your power and effectiveness.
Symptoms: Lack of clarity, tiredness, friction, conflicts, diluted power and effectiveness.
5. Conscious Conflict: This is when you consciously value two things and know they don’t quite fit together. An example would be someone who has experience with stillness spirituality and also with force of life spirituality, values both and doesn’t quite know how to make these two worlds fit together. It is extremely common for spiritual people to not quite know how to integrate spirituality into their physical world. It can also happen if you get advice from a coach that conflicts with the knowledge you already have. The only ways to move past a conscious value conflict are to either find a higher truth where both perspectives are true or sacrifice (at least temporarily) one of the conflicting values.
Symptoms: Procrastination, stumbling block, wall, confusion, inaction, reflection, feeling torn in two directions.
By resolving value conflicts, on top of opening the path for greater truth, power, abundance and freedom, you may also notice these symptoms:
– Increased vitality
– Increased eye-sight
– Seeing things around you never saw before
– Increased personal power
– Feeling more at peace
– Feeling your energy flowing unrestrained
Resolving a value conflict is really shifting your core, and for this reason, it can take a few days for your mind and energy to adapt to the new reality. It is also the reason why shifting your core in such a way is so powerful.
As an exercise, take a sheet of paper and split the page in 5 sections. For each type of value conflict, think about where it shows up in your life. Write down 3 value conflicts for each of the 5 types. Everybody has value conflicts. The easiest way to recognize value conflicts is by looking at where the symptoms show up in your life. If you’re experiencing a lack of results despite tremendous efforts, which type of value conflict is that? If you don’t know where to start, look around God, sex and money; these are the 3 areas that draw the most value conflicts.
Awareness is the greatest key to resolving value conflicts. The first step in resolving any problem is recognizing there is one.
In the next article, I will talk more specifically about when conscious values conflict with subconscious values and what to do about it.
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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#1 by Jup on August 26, 2013 - 4:35 am
I don’t know if you see it, but there are some conflicts in the text where kind of like black and white thinking is unconsciously justifying decisions (part about temporarily changing). To solve this permanently (as opposed to finding answers in helpful concepts forever) it’s important to start looking at your own belief systems (not from the view of creating/presenting newsletters, and without seeing context (is impossible for the ego to acknowledge it), but instead consciously thinking softly, then permanently shifting to thinking softly, like the rain. (Tso Tse Ching .. spelling)
Picking the two extreme concepts for any two imposing beliefs, then always consciously applying them down the middle as appropriate to serve Divinity. (While teachings have tremendous value at the limited level of conscious expression they are, intention gets thrown off in the MOMENT, not as an innocently mistaken, (yet ENSLAVING) mental reference point of who we “THINK” we are.
This is why he said please forgive them Father they do not know, and we also see when Peter said Master we must keep you from going to Jerusalem so you are not crucified, that even the human being chosen to lead the Church was completely UNCONSCIOUS while speaking these words. This speaks volumes.
As such Eshoa responded saying you are speaking like men (through the ego), which is truly astounding because Peter in that moment is UNDER THE IMPRESSION WITH CONVICTION!! (under the spell of thought, the “devil”) he’s doing the right thing, but yet could have gotten in the way of the most important event in human history, if it weren’t for Eshoa’s allegiance to LOVE, IN THE MOMENT, RIGHT AS HIS LIFE IS UNFOLDING.
This is James 1:12 (You will FEEL the GRACE!)
That said, as Eckhart puts it, if someone is unconcious HOW can they be responsible? THEY ARE NOT EVEN THERE!! Hence, PETER, I love you please be my shepherd for my flock. (Here is also why shame/guilt is unskillful, completely still misunderstood by many, and pure misunderstanding. And we have been saved by Grace alone not by works, IF we turn to Divinity. Otherwise, we are living in a lie, and usually unknowingly.
It’s everywhere, but many people have become conscious of the dynamics through the information transmitted through cellular consciousness when people are present is creating what I’m seeing as an almost overnight change! As i walk around and talk to people, i’m seeing miracles in every direction, without even saying anything.
Then realizing and gaining CONVICTION through your own observation that nearly all teachings are BY NATURE thought experiments, and subtle impositions, as opposed to subjective life itself, where if you’re speaking on the level of conversation, there has to be some context. Even The Ten Commandments for example have to be considered in context.
Eshoa was extremely conscious of context because he was/is aware that people tend to not see what relationship they’re in to their thoughts/tongue in daily life. Now that we’re in non-egoic states our Divine responsibility is much greater to be instruments of Grace and to teach our consciousness in terms of who we are and where our allegiance is.
It’s only about where a person’s allegiance is when he-she is tested. It has to be with Love, or any person will suffer in endless ways. If allegiance is to love and prayer everyone can still live the same lifestyle, but in peace. So you get free lifetime whipped cream with all shakes. It’s delicious.
If the intention is money FIRST though, you may not be seeing it but thats where the allegiance is (unconsciously). It’s never who a person “is” though, so it’s just as much about everyone letting go of mental reference points. That has to be surrendered and let go of.
So eventually all newsletters can come from the Heart genuinely every time, so you can convert or phase out your audience, to gain a much larger one, shift to giving for the purity of giving, so you can get the money.
If your Heart is pure, you’ll always get further with your audience, EVEN IF THEY AREN’T UNDERSTANDING. Transparency though with maybe some unconscious intention to get money will kill sales opportunities and loyalty rates on the business side. So it’s more about who you truly are then how the mind might see you as who you are.
There is spiritual Love passing through me toward EVERY being with equal, unlimited compassion. There is no one that I value more or less in this fleeting world, to the point where I’m willing to humbly, lovingly leave my family to praise God’s name. It is impossible now not to love everyone equally, although at times it is very difficult, especially in the harsh training ground here in NJ. However, testimony is needed here despite my wishes to live in nature.
I urge you both to PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE take seriously the points presented here. It’s painful to see people suffer unconsciously, knowing now what has been revealed to me. Yes, each person has their mud to go through for the tree to bloom, but we must help each other to see, so that new seeds can be replanted.
The ego drives people back into the ground, as it did with my earthly father, while he defiantly destroyed himself under the spell of thought. It’s also like the longer beliefs are held on to and a person remains unconscious, the harder it MIGHT be to surrender.
Ironically though. It’s just energy contraction, yet as the Bible SELF EVIDENTLY! puts it he was ALREADY DEAD well before he ever physically died. You will know them by their fruits is a bankable rock to use as a foundation. The only thing that people should be concerned about with money energy is what intention is it being used for. That’s it.
Money energy is WORLDLY and you are in a FLEETING, NON-GUARANTEEABLE world. Money energy, and mental reference points can also DESTROY an unconscious person, in the worst way (deceptive and constantly confusing!) though because the reality is built moment by moment (for your entire life) based on which polarity (the one where thought allegiance and Heart allegiance) you’ve ALREADY chosen.
So YOU (Awareness/Love/the Unnameable) can’t be aware what the ego is doing prior to mastering how the pain body (your karma) operates, which is a relief (ON PAPER). There’s a Tolle video i want to forward that’s crucial for people to understand. Otherwise we’ll keep hurting animals who need spiritual protectors, or if you’re working with performers they’ll need this to keep from blowing up as often around paparazzi.
You also CAN’T be any mental reference point that pops up. This is a relief on paper also. However, on the level of conversation people MUST have a logical identity to replace I’m a candlestick maker, I’m a doctor, I’m an actor, I think of myself as a nice taxman then 2 seconds later unconsciously “If you drive your car I’ll tax the street”, I’m the undisputed marble king, “I’m the 1978 drag race winner”, When i was 18 i could throw a pigskin over those mountains wanna see my tape, Luwanda is “my soul mate”, “This day is perfect, is making “me” uncomfortable what do you say KIDS we get thrown out of Applebee’s?)
Yes, it’s “cool” and sometimes even “socially funny” (which is usually NOT genuine humor being expressed), but it’s also the nature of the deception, and to someone not yet conscious of how the pain body operates is EXTREMELY destructive, creates a literal CRAVING for pain. Teaching children mindfullness early (as in many cultures) is a big part of shifting trends in our lifetime.
What replaces it is FULL conviction in who you are (there are simple teachings that can accomplish this, I don’t know if you have unresolved blocks due to religious experiences or similar?), and it’s happening massively all around me everywhere I go, without anyone doing any relational meditation. In that sense we are off the hook, yet from another view there’s a lot of teaching to do.
In many ways, here are the answers:
John 10:34 SNSD, Palmy, etc: Eshoa said “Is it not written in your Law that you are Gods?” Is it not RIGHT THERE in grounding vids as we value the emotion?
Matthew 18:3 “I ASSURE you that unless you CHANGE and become like CHILDREN, you will NEVER enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
PLEASE reflect at length on these tonight. I KNOW the way and am BEGGING you to read these and open a genuine discussion with me not for my sake but for yours. PLEASE!!!
Mark 8: 36
Luke 16:13
2 Thessalonians 7-12
Galatians 5: 24
Jude 1 22-23
Mark 8:33 (It wouldnt make any sense that Eshoa YELLED though as some tranalations miss. This would imply Peter could have known better. Then again, Eshoa was in human form and therefore MAY have been susceptible to unconcious outbursts.)
1 John 2 15-17
Titus 1; 15-16
On the business side this information is worth $1 million worldly, or infinitely priceless in The Kingdom which is now at hand on earth, just like The HoE video.
PS: I also see the poisonous nature of HOW people are UNKNOWINGLY using email and texts, and one of my priorities is to create preset guidelines and mutual agreement with people I interact with at least somewhat regularly, for the benefit of all, and elimination of misjudgments, since the ego in everyone will always err toward defensiveness. EVERYONE (almost) is still doing this, even if it’s not communicated in a reply. The reason this is definite is because not giving the benefit of the doubt has devolved to the point of being a general quality of collective “caught off guard” unconsciousness, which is character trait of force, not power (the Doc).
PSS: Another idea is to completely agree within higher conscious circles to not define any hierarchies, so as to consciously be free from them, establish trust, and eliminate any unconscious mental responsibilities/fears, agreeing everyone has a unique Divine view and value to share. This guideline also makes space for true 1:1:1:1(to however many persons) UNTAINTED value exchange, deeper respect, more empathy. I don’t know if it’s been thought of this way but it doesnt make sense for people in high Consciousness to go into divine states, then continue ways of communicating in ways that no longer serve those Divine and perfect Beings (all are equal children).
PS again: dont have time to proof read this probably contains errors.
Lord my behavior was sinful but you have made me perfect. Please help others to see you in a new way today, and how you rejoice even more when the heartbroken shepherd who cannot give up finds a single lost sheep in the mountains and carries him home to live in your Kingdom forever. Amen
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