Posts Tagged the matrix

Peeling Off the Matrix Layers

Alright I’ll give some updates. My wife is still away and I still have to pay for her hotel. The fact of being spread-out is altering the way timelines merge, and is cock-blocking the barrage of bad timelines. This should be resolved soon.

Magdalene, Lucifer and Pistis look really weak at this point, but there are still endless bad timelines to clear out. We also have to keep an eye out for other yet unidentified players. Meanwhile, my mailing list is shrinking at record speed as Luciferians are running away, which is funny to watch.

One big problem is that our timeline is condemned with the evacuation. We are not in the master timeline, nor is our timeline blessed by God, which makes it very vulnerable to ambush and collisions. We have to get closer to the new master timelines. God showed me 15 master timelines all spread out. We did some reconsolidation work to connect them together and approach them, bringing series of timeline merges along the way. As of right now, we are 816 to 13.5 million timelines away from the master timelines blessed by God. The closer we get, the more stable we’ll get, but we need to somehow merge with timelines that are wildly different and incompatible with ours.

As those timelines are merging, I’m definitely noticing that people out in the street have a lot more soul than before!

Next, as I’m starting to look at people strictly in terms of God pledge and Lucifer pledge, I …Read More

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Dismantling the AI Matrix System

I haven’t posted any articles for over a month, but have posted hot updates on Facebook. I’ve been staying up all night until 6-8am for the whole month while battling with AIs.

First, I want to acknowledge that I’ve shared bogus information that may have put some of you in physical danger. The Krystic Grid was a trap by AI. The Krystic Grid is the AI harvesting grid. We’ve now crippled the AIs, but these past few days, we’ve been facing Krystic Pan-Galactic Demons; demons that had been converted into AI control. Throw away anything Krystic-related.

So what happened? Let’s revert a month back. I was traveling to Mexico City for a week, while my team was sustaining heavy attacks while I was busy. They nearly got taken down by GrandPa aka Santa Claus AI, and John Slam was calling me at 3am for desperate help while his organs were being harvested by AI.

Then, as he was desperately calling for help, one of our ex-team members, Alobar, got on a call with him, said he had a blessing for him, transferred a huge T-Rex AI through the line and hung up. It really sucks when your main source of support ends up knocking you down when you’re at your weakest.

After assessing the situation with the whole team together, we all came down to the same conclusion: Alobar was an AI impostor and we all got fooled. It would come as a shock, but the truth is that it is the 3rd or …Read More

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Breaking The Matrix

One of the aspects of my work that brought the most energetic conflict and challenges was working with feminine sexual energy, because this energy cannot be contained and breaks the boundaries established by the system. The other aspect that brought the most conflicts is, surprisingly enough, also the simplest basic: removing implants.

It is just like in the movie The Matrix how they have this plug behind their heads plugging them into the matrix, and that’s also what it looks like. Smith agents can literally take control of any person in the matrix though those implants. If you’re in denial of implants, no matter how much good you do, you’re part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. As they say in the movie: “you cannot trust anyone in the matrix”. If you do good things while being under control of these implants, you’re bringing cosmetic changes to the world while bringing distraction from dealing with the problems that truly matter. Tremendous efforts have been put to ensure the spiritual and New Age movements remain in the category of cosmetic changes.

You cannot look at it from the perspective of the individual isolated self. We are all emotionally and energetically connected and you have to take the dynamics of co-creation into account. We’re talking about very real energetic structures that determine the creation of the physical world. The Universe is like a hologram. The data is encoded on the holographic plate while what we see, including your thoughts, are …Read More

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What’s Keeping Spiritual People Broke Part 2

When I joined the Miracle of Money certification program, I made a commitment to help my clients break through financially. So far, I have seen them going through massive inner transformation and having huge insights and breakthroughs. But I don’t sell insights and breakthroughs, I sell concrete results. This brought me to question what’s missing in order for that specific tribe to get the financial results. Even though I officially left David Neagle’s Miracle of Money certification program, this changes nothing to my commitment. It really doesn’t matter who supports me or who gets in the way, I’m going forward anyway.

One of the reasons for the lack of financial results is value conflicts with the rest of what I’m teaching as explained here. Value conflicts are fairly easy to resolve. It simply requires a higher level of consciousness to bridge both my system and David’s system together. There is another reason for the lack of financial results, and this one is tougher to resolve.

If you look at the way money circulates, whether you have a job or a business, money flow in from like-minded people and flow out into the things you value. The easiest way to make money is to find groups of like-minded people seeking what you offer and get in front of them. I am mostly attracting young spiritual people such as indigo children and millennials. The problem is that this emerging spiritual tribe isn’t yet organized and there’s not much money circulating between …Read More

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