One of the aspects of my work that brought the most energetic conflict and challenges was working with feminine sexual energy, because this energy cannot be contained and breaks the boundaries established by the system. The other aspect that brought the most conflicts is, surprisingly enough, also the simplest basic: removing implants.

It is just like in the movie The Matrix how they have this plug behind their heads plugging them into the matrix, and that’s also what it looks like. Smith agents can literally take control of any person in the matrix though those implants. If you’re in denial of implants, no matter how much good you do, you’re part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. As they say in the movie: “you cannot trust anyone in the matrix”. If you do good things while being under control of these implants, you’re bringing cosmetic changes to the world while bringing distraction from dealing with the problems that truly matter. Tremendous efforts have been put to ensure the spiritual and New Age movements remain in the category of cosmetic changes.

You cannot look at it from the perspective of the individual isolated self. We are all emotionally and energetically connected and you have to take the dynamics of co-creation into account. We’re talking about very real energetic structures that determine the creation of the physical world. The Universe is like a hologram. The data is encoded on the holographic plate while what we see, including your thoughts, are …Read More

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