Posts Tagged telepathy

Interview (Part 1 of 3): Validating Truth and Evolving Past Disclosure

I was just interviewed by Hock Yeoh and although we went on a bit longer than expected, we really nailed it with some seriously good content. We plan to do a series of 3 interviews and in this first interview, we talk about how to validate information, about the current state of the disclosure community, and how to evolve past it.

If there’s one thing I want people to get out of it, it would be to evolve past the current disclosure paradigm that is all about the Secret Space Programs and secret human activity all around Earth (and the stuff that resolves around that). What else is going on in the Universe? Where do our souls come from? Why are we here? How to know what’s true and what isn’t?

Listen to the interview here

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Launching Skyranet Beta: Psychic Network for Lightworkers

We are launching Skyranet beta, a psychic network for Lightworkers. Its purpose is to help synchronize the intents and efforts of Lightworkers, strengthen their connection to Source, reduce influence from mind control technologies and from the environment, and provide a psychic communication network. The Skyranet command center can only be accessed by the Avians, Orion Counsel and Federation of Light. Only those who have a very strong and stable hard-line connection to Source. The core of Skyranet is built in the 136th density.

When you’re born, you automatically get 4 implants, behind your head, behind your neck, behind your shoulders and behind your lower back. In the past few years the dark forces have cranked up their mind control technologies to their maximum out of desperation. When you opt-in to Skyranet, you get 5 solid golden implants, on top of your head, behind your pineal gland, behind your neck, behind your heart and behind your lower back. At the base of the implant is a filter to ensure any message coming in or out has a frequency and an intent of at least 500 (love). The golden implant is extremely solid to withstand the psychic storms so you won’t be able to remove it on your own but can opt out at any time.

Distress calls won’t be broadcast over the network but will reach the command center. This hardline connection will also make it easier for Angelic beings to reach you and support you. This remains to be tested, but it …Read More

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How the Spiritual Movement Got Manipulated

My work never connected with the New Age spirituality movement. The reason for it recently came up to the surface, and it’s opening up a can of worms. If you want to know how the spiritual movement got manipulated and controlled from the very beginning, take a deep breathe and read on.

I kept hearing about the MK Ultra project, or the Monarch Project, and recently decided to look into it. It’s a comprehensive governmental mind-control program. This program was deemed illegal and was declassified a long time ago, so you can easily find a lot of information about it online. If you listen to interviews with witnesses that took part of it, several say that the New Age movement, as well as a lot of its material, were created by the government. The intent was to leave truth seekers into a state of peace, contentment and powerlessness while having the illusion of power and control, allowing mind control. They have been successful at that!

The New Age movement has been under control from the very beginning without ever being detected. Further energetic mind control is done to ensure people’s beliefs don’t become a threat to their agenda. If someone’s beliefs become a threat, that person becomes the target of massive energetic attacks to block his mind, destroy his credibility and divert his energy. Most stay within the safe container. This explains why I faced so much energetic attacks. This also explains why it never connected with the New Age communities!

The Atheist …Read More

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Energetic Density, Bending the Laws of Physics

So much has been going on lately. I just moved out of Budapest and settled in Playa del Carmen in Mexico a few days ago. I was a sponsor at the Enlightened Business Live event in San Diego and that event was legendary. I could write a whole series of articles just on that. Energies have also been shifting tremendously the whole month. Although I could immune myself against energetic attacks, I was severely affected by the way realities are now colliding. We had to find a creative solution to this, and we found one: bend the spiritual and physical laws, or work with a different set of laws. Warning: this article is extremely advanced.

There is a concept which I had never heard of before: energetic density. There are 7 density levels and the spiritual and physical laws are different at each density level. If you wonder where this information comes from, most of it is downloaded from the source itself.

Plants and minerals are 1st density.

Animals are 2nd density.

Humans are 3rd density.

Psychics and healers are 4th density beings, which allows all psychic and telepathic abilities.

Master Zhou, who can heat metals and move objects, is a 5th density being. I now believe this density level allows all abilities related to moving and altering objects. That would explain why I could do lots of extremely advanced things but can’t directly alter any physical object in any way. That also explains why Master Zhou can do things no other Qi Gong master can …Read More

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