Posts Tagged divine guidance

Geo-Political State of Spirituality 2017

I haven’t written anything for a long time (42 days). The reason is that I didn’t want to connect more active denial into the work being done; thus it was better to just do the energetic work without talking about it much.

Today we’re reached a milestone: fear-based spirituality is officially dead. It’s a dead-end.

Let me explain. While most everyone is focused on preserving their safety and beliefs (98% of those consciously using the Law of Attraction do only that), I have been focusing on opening a transition path for this planet. For over a year, the #1 challenge has been overriding the collective intent of millions of spiritual people living in fear-based spirituality pretending to know that topic.

Massive work is being done in the Yucatan area to cleanse out what’s left of dark forces, and astral cities of Immortals are being built here as a safe haven, as the astral planes are in total chaos right now. I’ve just done some work on the “black goo” after receiving some specific information on the topic: some of it is good and part of the planet’s process of creation, and some of it is corrupted by a parasite. I worked with the positive black goo to cleanse out the parasites and take over the energy lines. A lot of work is being done in grid-realignment. Every coach and healer is pulling a group of people into a different direction and we’re got thousands of misaligned grids colliding on each other and causing …Read More

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Energetic Attacks or Psychic Storms?

2 years ago, when I spoke of energetic attacks, most healers didn’t believe in that and few understood what I meant. Now, things are different. Many people are writing me saying they are under heavy energetic attacks. Or is it?

Energetic attacks are targeted. If you do something that can threaten another group of people, you’ll get energetic attacks. If someone gets angry at you, you’ll get energetic attacks. With the psychic war (view The History of the Universe), attacks have been a lot more intense.

What many are experiencing now isn’t targeted. You’re not being attacked. The social matrix is collapsing and you’re in the middle of intense psychic storms that you have co-created. The intensity of these psychic storms depends on many factors such as

– Your geographic and energetic position
– Your relationship to the emerging energies
– The old patterns you hold onto
– Your soul’s path and purpose
– Your relationships
– Your psychic sensitivity level

What is the effect of such psychic storm? With the veil getting thinner, the astral planes are starting to have more direct effects on the physical reality, but in erratic and chaotic ways. Some of the manifestations include:

– Collapse of old social, political and economic structures
– Very strange and intense weather: lightning storms, hurricanes and floods
– People showing erratic behaviors and/or going crazy
– Intensification of events (North Korea’s EMP satellite, ransomware hack using NSA’s tool)
– Disease and death
– Accidents (New Jersey plane crash)
– Sinkholes, earthquakes

Actually, …Read More

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Generators Activation on New Year

Merry Christmas!! The past event in Playa del Carmen was definitely weird and powerful. I could talk more about it later and for now there’s work to do. One of the participants was in Orion, Andromedia and Lemuria to build these worlds. He’s an engineer of the Universe, and he has now recovered 22% of his powers. There was 6 root chakra generators in China such as beneath Shianghai and 2 in Russia, that were responsible for great economic growth and stability. We build a larger model beneath Cancun when I came back from China to neutralize the Dracos.

These were 3rd generation energy generators. With the engineer joining the team, we’ve created a new 4th generation energy generator beneath Montreal with 2 branches, one beneath Los Angeles with 3 branches and upgraded the Cancun generator with 4 branches. These generators are extremely potent. Their purpose is to unroot dark forces and create a space for growth, wisdom and prosperity. There is also a generator in Alma, QC, that is as strong as all 3 combined and will serve as a backup structure and an anchor point with the stars.

As of right now, the 4 generators and active and under constant monitoring. As of right now, Montreal generator is 80% stable, 45% capacity, and has a direct diameter of effect of 232km. Los Angeles generator is 62% stable, 45% capacity, and has a direct diameter of effect of 430km. Cancun generator is 63% stable, 45% capacity, and has a direct diameter …Read More

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Collectively Agreed Reality and the Flow of Money

There is one person who really wants to attend my upcoming event in Playa del Carmen yet is in a difficult situation. As she puts it, she has $80,000 of debts not counting her mortgage, all her credit cards are maxed out and they have 3 kids to take care of. I can definitely relate to that as I have $50,000 of debts and reached the limit of my credit cards several times. The past 12 months have been excruciatingly difficult with an energetic war reaching its climax in what led to the destruction of the cabal and the awakening of the Souls of Orion. I believe many can relate to this as well.

Metatron has something he wants to say to her, and I feel that message will be equally useful for myself, and will directly concern many of you. It appears it will be somewhat lengthy so sit back, relax, and let’s get this message through.


My name is Metatron, senior of the Archangels. Today I want to share a message about collectively agreed realities and how it affects the flow of money. By having a better understanding of the recent past and of the present, it will help better understand and create the near future.

A collectively agreed reality is a set of beliefs and values that is commonly agreed upon by a group of people. The role of the media is to maintain that collectively agreed reality under control, which also keeps your power of creation under control. …Read More

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Traveling in China

I’m in China right now, traveling with a real Chinese QiGong grand-master and reconnecting with ancient memories and powers that predate recorded history. There is a LOT to talk about and this trip truly is magical. We’re getting way more than expected, saying at the best 5-star hotels and eating in the best restaurants.

We spent 3 days in Wudang Mountains, the birthplace of Tai Chi. This place is absolutely gorgeous and the energy is extremely strong. You can feel it in the picture. And guess what I found at the birthplace of Tai Chi? 13-feet-high giant statues, 90-ton stone tablets and pyramids in the surrounding mountains!?

Now I’m in Beijin and we went to the Great Wall of China today. Yesterday we went to the White Cloud Temple that contains very advanced Taoist knowledge of energies. There is very powerful magic embedded into that place. And at the Great Wall, there is very powerful defensive magic embedded into the area. Funny enough, I climbed all the way up on one side with 2 other guys, and both of their cellphones went black when they took pictures; both of them. They couldn’t turn it back on, and one of the iPhone is brand new. After going back down the stairs, the phones started working again.

Translating this Eastern knowledge is not easy. Master Zhou does NOT speak any English so we cannot ask him any question directly. Everything needs to be translated through someone else. Yet there’s so much both I and Rion …Read More

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