Posts Tagged healing

The History of the Universe Now Available!

Great news: the print version of The History of the Universe and the Psychic War of End Times is now available for purchase! It will remain at the minimum Amazon price for just a few days before going to the regular price of $9.99 for ebook and $19.99 for print.

You can see a preview of the book by clicking “Look Inside” or clicking here.

There is a long forgotten history of this Universe. This book will reveal the context under which this Universe got created, the mysteries of ancient civilizations and of the Orion Federation, explain the psychic war that has been unfolding for years after the end of the Great Cycle, and expose how this planet can finally break free of oppressive forces to be free to evolve and grow into prosperity. This will be the journey of a Universe through time, and guide your role in it to create the future. This book is entirely channeled from Metatron and will be an essential piece for the healing process of the Universe. It will help shift the way you create reality forever. A must read, and a must share.

This book has a vibration of 94.8 million. It is surrounded by an energetic protection grid and contains many activations. This falls into the “Something Else” category.

If you’ve been struggling to understand what I’ve been talking about for years, this will lay out the greater picture beautifully.

The table of contents alone tells a lot of what this book …Read More

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Abductions Are No Longer Tolerated

This is official communication from Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. There are various off-planet groups that have been conducting regular abductions on nearly 6 million people on this planet. The procedure generally goes like this: they portal in the victim in, take DNA sample, conduct experiments, or use the person for covert operations, and when they’re done, they time-travel the person back to the exact time they pulled the person out. They mind-swipe the memories of the victims so that they have no awareness of what just happened. Except that they see strange marks on their arms or in their mouth, or notice a few other oddities, and they may have strange dreams. These abduction victims are under constant surveillance and mind control to ensure they do not remember anything.

Then many of them are brought up into space programs, and after their services, are being age-regressed to the moment they were taken in. Even after being taken back, they are still often abducted for various reasons.

On behalf of the Planetary Counsel of Light, the Orion Special Forces, and the Avians Federation, we want to declare with an unanimous voice that such abductions will no longer be tolerated because they violate free will and serious cripple the lives of the victims.

We will not deploy the 10000 Immortals of the Orion Special Forces for this. We have formed a team of 30 Orion souls who will watch over this issue. A metaphysical substance has also been injected in many of the abduction …Read More

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The War of Truth

It seems we now can’t go one day without news of a gun shooter, a bomb attack or a natural disaster. Things are happening exactly as I predicted and this is only the beginning. Here I want to talk about the cause of all this chaos, and why we’re going through a 100-year cycle of evolution before reconnecting with the cosmos. That is, the War of Truth. I’m not talking about the war of information between the authorities and the population, the psychic war is already over and the Cabal is already dead — they just don’t know it yet. Here I’m talking about the War of Truth between thought leaders. In plain simple words: even the truth leaders are too busy proving themselves right to get along with each other.

For many years, whenever I would reach out to another though leader I respect, they would ignore me, but lately some of them have made it clear they had no interest in connecting nor in joining our efforts. For example, I learned about a woman who was doing great work to help people reconnect with their extra-terrestrial soul tribes, and by reading some of her content, I got to learn about many soul groups I knew nothing about such as Sirius, Alpha Centauri and others. I also noticed her book excluded the soul groups I’m familiar with: Orion, Avians and the Archangels. After first replying some polite BS, she then made it clear she didn’t like my energy and had …Read More

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What Happened at the Chiang Mai Event

For those who missed it, what happened at the Chiang Mai event on June 16-17th? It definitely was a different experience than the Mexico event in December where several of my most advanced students where there and Atman showed up with his magic. This time, 3 people made it to Thailand: 2 from Sweden and 1 from Trinidad y Tobago (3 days of travels to get here!!)

The energy on the first morning was extremely heavy. There was a *lot* of stuff to clean up. One was new to all this and was carrying a whole lot of anger and negative stuff, one was carrying a whole lot of baggage and stories, and one had his chakras completely fractured and pulverized. This event was definitely life-changing, and we’ve been working on releasing a *whole lot* of baggage!! Kind of healing 6000 years worth of pains in 2 days.

While at the last event, great powers where awakening right away I would basically sit back and let them work on each other, this time it was very draining for myself. I’ve given a whole lot of energy. Like using massive lightning bolts to fuse chakras back together and jumping around the room with the intensity of the bolts.

Here are the testimonials from Andreas and Maria. I further improved the quality of the videos with my video encoding magic.