Posts Tagged psychic war

What Really Happened At My House

We’ve gone through a lot of challenges at my house in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. I have mentioned certain things here and there, but never really talked about it much. Let me share some of the details, as it might help you better understand situations happening around you. You might wonder what happened with my daughter?

First, have you watched Part 5 of the Exposing Spiritual Frauds video series? It was released in the middle of crazy intense energies and I see the view count is still low. Make sure to watch the videos you’re missing! The video quality is amazing, but it costs me about $100 per video to produce. I’ll also start publishing video versions of blog posts; but with much more simple videos.

I want to announce that I’ll be raising the price on the Soul Alignment Reading. It has been $296 for many years, has matured in its details, and tuning into people’s fields can be quite dangerous lately. I’ll have to raise it to $497. That also includes doing some work to fix critical conditions.

But as of right now, everyone is in such terrible shape, and I cannot do energy readings until things calm down a bit. If you want to get a Soul Alignment Reading to get a clear picture of you state, strength, weaknesses and blind spots, then get it now and you’ll be in the queue for when I’m ready to do them.

Second, my finances are in critical conditions with everything going …Read More

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The Corruption of Human Design, Gene Keys and Law of One

With the situations with Thoth and in Canada, everything is moving so far. It’s like a few years have passed in 3 weeks. Here are some timely updates on many fronts.

China, in the past, rolled over students, and put people in concentration camps. Canada, on the other hand, is now rolling over protesters with horses, injuring some with limited mobility, and is trying to cut any means of survival for those with the wrong political view: cutting banking services, removing jobs, and is now trying to cut off their crypto-currencies. We lost Hong Kong. We don’t want to lose Canada.

In terms of my family in Quebec, I measured “What % support for dictatorship in Canada” and got these numbers: 100%, 100%, 88%, 92%, 80%, 92%, 75%, 95%, and my autistic cousin 15%. I contacted 3 of them and it confirmed those numbers. It seems information just doesn’t reach them; but they all got injected with AI nanites.

Next up. Tons of people are getting possessed lately. Upon investigation, 98% of possessions came form 3 entities: Thoth, the boogie man, and another entity. Thoth is the Master Deceiver, and is worshiped by lots of people for his high knowledge. Some of his most famous publications include The Law of One (Ra is 80% Thoth and 20% my essence), Gene Keys (Richard Rudd is 75% Thoth essence), and Human Design (Ra Uru Hu is 45% Thoth essence). The Boogie man is local to our Earth and very ancient, present everywhere there are old …Read More

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Video: The Freedom Convoy Is a Juggernaut

After having focused 2 months of working with Juggernauts, I have a lot to say about this Freedom Convoy. Share if you like!

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World Updates Part 3

We’ve released the 3rd part interview of the World Updates series. Explaining all the chaos and purging currently unfolding! On a side note… 96% of people in Canada have been replaced. 32% physically and 64% soul swapped. Things aren’t good up there at all.

Playlists to follow: World Updates Series and Journey to the World. We released 2 Tulum videos recently. 3rd Journey to the World coming out soon where we walk straight into a portal to Hell for a rescue mission!

Talk soon,

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Is the War Ending or Starting?

Some are starting to ask questions regarding everything I’ve been sharing for over a year, as these things are coming to pass. One thing I said in The History of the Universe is that the psychic war is over. Yet for most, it only appears to be starting. So what’s the deal? Let me bring some clarifications.

The inter-galactic war is over. What we’re entering into isn’t a war, but transitional chaos, as well as a local civil war. The reason I’m always accurate as to what’s coming is because the energetic reality determines what happens physically, and there’s a lag in its manifestation. There is just no way to have a major breakthrough of the scale that is coming without first having a breakdown and destabilization of established social orders.

What is over, specifically? What I shared in the book is that there has been a lingering war in this Universe since 1.2 billion years. It intensified 12300 years ago with the destruction of Orion. It further intensified 6000 years ago with the destruction of the Golden Cities. It further intensified 60 years ago with the Nazis and Dracos working together and creating secret space programs with advanced technologies — along with it came abductions, technological mind control, and a take-over of most governments in the world through a hierarchical system.

There is a local component to this war, and an inter-galactic component to it. As I said, the inter-galactic war is over. The upper layers of the dark power …Read More

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