Posts Tagged freedom

The Disclosure Is Happening

We are transitioning into a new paradigm of life on Earth. This isn’t a cult or religion or anything like that. It is a shift in the very fabric of the consciousness of the planet. After the last article I sent about Jupiter igniting into a 2nd sun, a few other theories were sent my way. Some say that it is the natural brightness of the planets that varies over time, but Jupiter is *way* too far to be visible. If that theory was possible, you would have seen the same thing in the past. The only two articles we found that were talking about it said that it was not Jupiter but Planet X. I haven’t yet seen evidence to support this, and the Jupiter & Venus conjunction made it clear it was Jupiter over there. I would be surprising that Planet X would take Jupiter’s place and appear in the sky like this. Plus, as far as I know, Planet X is not a sun but a planet so it wouldn’t be shining like a star. So even though there is still no information whatsoever about this anywhere, Jupiter igniting remains the most credible theory.

And then other things came my way: a giant UFO caught by NASA and published in mainstream media, on RT. The disclosure is happening.

Going beyond that, David Wilcock and Corey Goode started a new series on Wisdom TV about Cosmic Disclosure. I trust David but just don’t have time to …Read More

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Non-Rivalry Powerliminals

I talked about it for a long time and they’re finally here, the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals!

To give this a bit of a context, I suggest you to first watch Lama Dondrup’s 30-minute video that explains the power of non-rivalry. Sure, you may be skeptical about what he’s doing, thinking he’s probably faking it and that this stuff isn’t possible, like most people. And the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals are going a level deeper: bringing you into a state of non-rivalry that dissolves conflicts with an almost silent audio. Lama Dondrup’s video is interesting. This requires you to be open-minded. I found these ‘Air’ (silent) meditation audios to be the most powerful because they can be played in the background all night long. Heck, I’ve played them day and night for weeks.

>> Get the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals Pack here

I’m releasing this now because a lot of people are asking me about how to energetically protect themselves, and this is one of the simplest methods because it doesn’t require you to learn the skills. The state of non-rivalry creates a bubble of protection around you. Heck, every wall and object in your home impregnate with this silent vibration. Sure it doesn’t protect against everything, but it for sure helps a GREAT deal! One client running a large business tried it in the competitive corporate world, and he saw people blocking him one day, and wanting to work with him the next day. It really did some magic there (true story).

Here’s what the package …Read More

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Breaking The Matrix

One of the aspects of my work that brought the most energetic conflict and challenges was working with feminine sexual energy, because this energy cannot be contained and breaks the boundaries established by the system. The other aspect that brought the most conflicts is, surprisingly enough, also the simplest basic: removing implants.

It is just like in the movie The Matrix how they have this plug behind their heads plugging them into the matrix, and that’s also what it looks like. Smith agents can literally take control of any person in the matrix though those implants. If you’re in denial of implants, no matter how much good you do, you’re part of the problem instead of being part of the solution. As they say in the movie: “you cannot trust anyone in the matrix”. If you do good things while being under control of these implants, you’re bringing cosmetic changes to the world while bringing distraction from dealing with the problems that truly matter. Tremendous efforts have been put to ensure the spiritual and New Age movements remain in the category of cosmetic changes.

You cannot look at it from the perspective of the individual isolated self. We are all emotionally and energetically connected and you have to take the dynamics of co-creation into account. We’re talking about very real energetic structures that determine the creation of the physical world. The Universe is like a hologram. The data is encoded on the holographic plate while what we see, including your thoughts, are …Read More

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How the Spiritual Movement Got Manipulated

My work never connected with the New Age spirituality movement. The reason for it recently came up to the surface, and it’s opening up a can of worms. If you want to know how the spiritual movement got manipulated and controlled from the very beginning, take a deep breathe and read on.

I kept hearing about the MK Ultra project, or the Monarch Project, and recently decided to look into it. It’s a comprehensive governmental mind-control program. This program was deemed illegal and was declassified a long time ago, so you can easily find a lot of information about it online. If you listen to interviews with witnesses that took part of it, several say that the New Age movement, as well as a lot of its material, were created by the government. The intent was to leave truth seekers into a state of peace, contentment and powerlessness while having the illusion of power and control, allowing mind control. They have been successful at that!

The New Age movement has been under control from the very beginning without ever being detected. Further energetic mind control is done to ensure people’s beliefs don’t become a threat to their agenda. If someone’s beliefs become a threat, that person becomes the target of massive energetic attacks to block his mind, destroy his credibility and divert his energy. Most stay within the safe container. This explains why I faced so much energetic attacks. This also explains why it never connected with the New Age communities!

The Atheist …Read More

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What Is The Philosopher’s Stone

The planetary astral war is over. The ultimate goal of Alchemy is the construction of the Philosopher’s Stone, or Enlightenment, and I am now in the final phases of completing that work. Alchemy is the art of transmutation of self and transmutation of energies, but what is the Philosopher’s Stone? Let me share what I am discovering as I am finalizing it. If you look at my picture, the energy is now extremely clear and grounded to both Heaven and Earth.

The Philosopher’s Stone is the crystallization of consciousness into a perfectly pure field of energy. It provides unlimited power of protection, creation and transmutation. In this picture, it’s not perfectly pure yet, but it’s getting very close and you can see the crystalline energy structures. The “stone” is a state of consciousness.

How many people on the planet have completed the Philosopher’s Stone? Nobody currently incarnated on the planet has completed it.

It appears there was an energy grid based on passive spirituality grounded in Nepal that was stabilizing the planetary field with advanced but incomplete knowledge. That energy grid blew up as the planetary vibration kept raising with the active force of life expanding, causing a massive earthquake and destabilizing the planetary field. It knocked me out for a few days. Building a new energy grid based on accurate knowledge becomes even more important. As Nepal self-heals, we’ll emerge into a new era.

My Alchemy teacher, Jacques Tombazian, is very close to completing the Philosopher’s Stone but hasn’t fully completed it yet. …Read More

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