Posts Tagged healers

The 5 Spiritual Walls

I’ve been meditating on what is most blocking the spiritual communities, and what is causing what I teach to mix like oil and water with the spiritual communities. 5 walls came up during my meditation.

First is the Sacred Wall. When you view something as being sacred, it is an attachment to a strong value that blocks you from valuing other dimensions of life. An example of this is when I purchased a high-quality Tibetan Healing Bowl hand-forged by Tibetan monks, I made the joke of using it to prepare salad and the guy got really offended because this is sacred. Truth it, the monks are using those bowls to carry their food! That’s what they use instead of plates. You could call this the sacred layer of BS that covers the purity of life.

The verb ‘value’ is something positive. The noun ‘value’ is something negative. Unconditional love is about accepting, embracing and valuing all aspects and all dimensions of life without conditions. It means to value (verb) anything and everything, sometimes with priorities based on your soul’s path. A value (noun) is an attachment to a valuation that blinds you from other perspectives of life. A value always comes from the false ego. Anything sacred is a value as a noun. One of the keys to heaven is to transmute your values (noun) into valuing (verbs) and to let go of attachments along the way.

Second is the wall of sexuality. Spirituality has been seen for a very long time as …Read More

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Energetic Density, Bending the Laws of Physics

So much has been going on lately. I just moved out of Budapest and settled in Playa del Carmen in Mexico a few days ago. I was a sponsor at the Enlightened Business Live event in San Diego and that event was legendary. I could write a whole series of articles just on that. Energies have also been shifting tremendously the whole month. Although I could immune myself against energetic attacks, I was severely affected by the way realities are now colliding. We had to find a creative solution to this, and we found one: bend the spiritual and physical laws, or work with a different set of laws. Warning: this article is extremely advanced.

There is a concept which I had never heard of before: energetic density. There are 7 density levels and the spiritual and physical laws are different at each density level. If you wonder where this information comes from, most of it is downloaded from the source itself.

Plants and minerals are 1st density.

Animals are 2nd density.

Humans are 3rd density.

Psychics and healers are 4th density beings, which allows all psychic and telepathic abilities.

Master Zhou, who can heat metals and move objects, is a 5th density being. I now believe this density level allows all abilities related to moving and altering objects. That would explain why I could do lots of extremely advanced things but can’t directly alter any physical object in any way. That also explains why Master Zhou can do things no other Qi Gong master can …Read More

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The Unbearable Truth

I am all about freedom, truth and taking responsibility. Recently, as I was seeking answers to deep questions, my own mind was resisting getting the answers as I knew I wouldn’t like the answers and their implications. When I talked about it to others, they all went completely silent, or even told me to not talk about it so directly. I would rather have clarity over an unbearable truth and assume its consequences rather than live in ignorance and take the resulting issues for granted. If you are not seeking truth and freedom, really, you have no reason to be reading this. I will expose 3 unbearable truths that deserve to see the light.

The first unbearable truth is nothing new and I am not too concerned about it. I will mention it here because we can take a few lessons from it. We all know what happened on 9/11 with the collapse of the World Trade Center. The “Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth” movement has a petition signed by 1700 architects and engineers. After doing a scientific investigation and facing the facts, they came to the conclusion that the World Trade Center was brought down by controlled demolition as an inside job and that there was a massive cover-up operation to eliminate the proofs and silence the truth. If you want to know more about the evidences, they just released a new documentary called 911 Experts Speak Out which exposes all the facts:

I am not so …Read More

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Coaches/Healers: Step Into Your Divine Power

This message is for female coaches and healers, although it also impacts the life of everyone. Please forward it to the female coaches and healers you know. There is currently a shift of consciousness and awakening of the feminine in our society. This is shifting the social dynamics and our ways of living in a gradual and very profound way.

Energetic literacy allows seeing the current state of consciousness in a precise and objective way. I read the energy field of many random women in Montreal for their balance of masculine and feminine energies in the solar plexus, which is the balance between personal power and divine power. Masculinity is about living your life purpose and making a difference in the world. Femininity is about having a great lifestyle and relationships.

Most women wondering where are the real men have their own masculinity stronger than their femininity. When a man meets a woman who is connected to her feminine essence, it develops and empowers him as a man.

On average, women in Montreal have their masculinity extending 6 to 8 feet and their femininity extending 4 to 6 feet. Not a single one of them have their femininity stronger than their masculinity. What about the coaches and healers I personally know? One very fun and friendly coach has her masculinity extending to the sky (100km) and her femininity extending 80km. Another very powerful healer has her masculinity extending to the moon and her femininity extending to the sky. One of the greatest women …Read More

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