Posts Tagged personal growth

All Spiritual Groups Ranked In a Chart

Back in 2019, I designed this chart showing all spiritual groups and movements in a single chart, ranking them in terms of Masculine/Feminine and Red (Creation) light / White (Oneness) light. I felt like it wasn’t the right time to publish that so I didn’t do much with it at the time.

It explains a WHOLE LOT about everything going on in the personal growth space. I could do an entire video just talking about that chart. In fact, the Unlock Your Soul Power video training will be a great opportunity to do so.

All conflicts arise from being off-center in this chart. Being off-center brings a Pendulum Effect that swings in the opposite direction. Also, people only hang around people who are near them in that chart.

Keep in mind, that chart is from 2019. A lot of those players got taken out of the map, and the rest plugged into matrix systems, so now it would look COMPLETELY differently.

Would you like me to produce an updated chart for 2024? Would you like me to produce explanation videos for both the 2019 and 2024 charts?

This is very time-consuming. If you’d like to see that, please consider sending some donations to save me some time to dedicate into this.

That chart above might answer a lot of question; or bring even more questions. If you ask some questions in the comments section, I’ll try to answer them in the video.

There’s too much to say about that chart so I’ll just leave it at …Read More

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What Happened to the Global Information Network

you can use my affiliate link hereWhat happened with the Global Information Network? It was placed under receivership and controlled by the government, Kevin Trudeau was sent in jail, some people bought the club back from the receiver, and then what? I took a deeper look at it and what came up is very surprising, yet very telling, and there’s a lot we can learn from it. This article will for sure spark a few fires, but I’m not afraid of conflicts. I’m here to speak the truth. Fires warm up my heart.

Many of you already know Kevin Trudeau in some way or another, as he sold millions of books on TV such as The Secret Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About and founded the Global Information Network. He pretends to have taken his knowledge from secret societies among the elite class and was now denouncing their corruption to give people control over their own lives. Some think he was just serving his own interests to make money and lacked integrity, and the fact is that his reputation is mostly destroyed and he’s in jail. The best jail in the country, with a golf course and everything.

I was looking at the club’s official Facebook page and looked at the April GIN Report and upcoming event.

Something just felt “off” so I started doing some energy readings. These are readings similar to what you can get here. Let’s start with …Read More

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The Dark Path of Personal Growth

On October 21st, I went to Washington to meet Kevin Trudeau the day before he went to jail. His energy was surprisingly clear and aligned. Right after his 1-day seminar, he rushed into a plane to go to jail. Since then, he went to court for his criminal case of “willingly” misrepresenting the content of his book on television. Although they failed to prove him guilty, the jury decided to still call him guilty and throw him back in jail, although we still don’t know for how long. Now that Kevin is down, the Global Information Network, which I and 10000 other members are part of, is next in line to be attacked. If GIN goes down, then we the people are next in line, through what I call the umbrella effect, which would be a whole other conversation for another article. I haven’t written anything lately because I was busy doing tremendous energy work around this whole situation. Things are looking good now, and the club will survive and thrive.

I was a bit unsure about flying from Cancun to Washington for a 6-hour seminar, as I’m used to events lasting several days. Turns out I was already saturated after 6 hours. It was GREAT stuff. There is one topic I came to understand which I want to share with you today: The dark path of personal growth.

Some people follow a light path of personal growth, while others follow a dark path, just like in Star Wars. What’s the difference? …Read More

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Thailand Live Event Greatly Upgraded

I’m still digesting the recent breakthrough about Dharma Spirituality and its implications, but what difference does that make in your life? If you are reading this, I suppose you want more happiness, purpose and wealth in your life. You may have read various books about spirituality and self-development. Yet, you don’t see the results. At least not at the level you truly desire. You’re still struggling, hitting a plateau and banging your head against the wall (that hurts).

The first thing you have to realize is that modern spirituality (as well as ancient eastern spirituality) often teaches to transcend or suppress desires as they are the source of suffering. That is not actually true. Suffering comes from the attachment to those desires, not from the desires themselves. Since your life purpose comes as a burning desire, suppressing desires also means suppressing your life purpose. Spirituality acknowledges the importance of Dharma and living your purpose, but if you cut the desire part of it, you only connect to that purpose as intuition and inspiration. That’s not enough to propel you into action. Suppressing desires also means suppressing the human aspect of life as well as sexuality, which also takes away the drive to move forward. Thus, the ideal of transcending all desires lead to a passive state with intuition and inspiration leading to a purpose, but without desire or drive to move forward. That’s why few spiritual people ever put what they learn into action to actually help others.

The other thing I …Read More

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