How has your life evolved since last month? What areas of your life are you most proud of, and what areas have been struggles? If you knew exactly where you stand right now, it would be fairly easy to walk out of that zone. The problem is that your subconscious mind is there to keep you where you are and plays all kinds of tricks to prevent you from seeing exactly where you stand.
The best way to become aware of what’s holding you back is to work with a coach or mentor of higher conscious who can see right away where you stand. Then, it’s very easy to overcome what you see. However, high-consciousness coaches are expensive. The next best way to become aware of exactly where you stand is the Energy Profile Reading methodology I developed. I can look at your energy field and measure your level of evolution on very specific key aspects in a precise and objective way. Then, it’s easy to work on these issues, especially with the free guided meditations I released recently.
Here’s great news. You can get your Energy Profile Readings at 50% OFF for a limited time!
Get Your Energy Profile Reading
If 50% off is still too much for you, here’s another option to get it for FREE. I trained a few guys at the Self-Awakening and Transformation Live Event in Thailand how to do such readings, for the first time ever. I have to say they picked it up quickly and …Read More