Archive for category Updates

Exciting News about Remote Cell Harmonizer

A while ago, I released the Remote Cell Reprogramming technology to improve your health via remote healing. The feedback has been absolutely amazing, and there has been several upgrades to the technology since. However, the website has some issues with email delivery and renewals as it is still in beta.

Now, I got my productivity back and am on fire. This technology will have its own dedicated portal and I’m nearly done designing 31 web pages. I’m really excited about what’s coming.

Remote Cell Reprogramming will be renamed to Remote Cell Harmonizer. New services are coming out including Driving Assistant to increase your alertness while driving, and EMF Neutralizer for Skin, to turn your skin into an EMF shield (under development). We’re also currently upgrading the effectiveness of EMF Neutralizer for Home.

I measured the results of those technologies using muscle testing and the results are absolutely amazing.

Those who have used Remote Cell Harmonizer so far saw on average the following benefits

– 72.8% improvement of neuro-plasticity
– 65.8% improvement of fascia (fibers inter-connecting everything)
– 35.8% increase of physical energy
– 32.5% improvement of nervous system
– 28.2% increase of vitality
– 25.2% increase of emotional energy
– 25.2% increase of mental focus
– 22.6% increase of cellular regeneration
– 22.5% increase of immune system
– 18.1% increase of health
– 13.6% increase of spiritual energy

Remote Cell Harmonizer has been optimized to focus on the various energy channels in your body, on the nervous system, on the fascia, and on …Read More

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Dark Archons Attack / FEMA Update

Quick update. I warned of a volcano around September 23rd. We got 2 earthquakes in Mexico and 2 volcanoes, one near Mexico City and one in Bali. Unless we see another volcano, these would be the last warnings before deadlier events. Patterns that we’re seeing so far: “events” in the prophecy refer to an energetic wave resulting in a series of events. We got a series of hurricanes, then a series of earthquakes and volcanoes. We can expect things to continue that tendency. Also, FEMA is moving in affected areas, seizing control of territories and murdering people. No matter what causes disasters, we can expect this to continue as well. More on FEMA at the end of this article.

On September 23rd in the morning, a friend sent me a message over Facebook saying he received the message to tell me to watch my back for infiltration. In the evening, someone close to me got severely attacked by Archons. I had never seen or dealt with Archons before, except when starting to work with a client who was having issues with them. They generally avoid being detected and stay far away from me, but not this time. This was a coordinated attack and wasn’t just affecting her, I believe hundreds have been attacked at the same time.

The Archon entered through the back of her neck, her neck and shoulders were itching like crazy and she was bending and screaming all over the place. It wrapped its DNA around her brain …Read More

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Soul Alignment Reading: Commitment Level

A few updates. I mentioned that if 15 people were in for a group program, which I haven’t done for years, I would do it. 10 people said they were in after a single email. A single person follow through on his words. So, I haven’t pushed this forward and instead focused on neutralizing energetic opposition and doing other important work on the energetic planes.

I realized there are a few highly competent people on my Facebook who can do great work to neutralize corruption and free the planet. If you’re looking for targets to work on, here’s what requires the most work right now. Here’s the Cabal’s energetic control over: Australia: 47.8%, Israel: 49.8%, United Arab Emirates: 45.9%, Ukraine: 83.9%, Irak: 86.8%. Their control over USA is only 1.4%, over Canada 1.9%, and over Mexico 6.8%. I’d rather have 5 people do some good job than have 200 ‘healers’ do a group hug.

As for the Soul Alignment Readings, I’m going to tweak the readings. One new energy I’m going to read is Soul Commitment. For my subscribers as a whole, it currently has an average of 0.015%, or a vibration of 24. Entitlement could be considered the opposite of Commitment, as it is a mindset where others must commit to give you what you need. People with entitlement often have a commitment of 30-65. Hobbyists often have a commitment of 25-50. Spiritual people often have a commitment of 2-25 when they commit to non-commitment. 200 can be considered …Read More

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Updated Bio / Astral Team

I haven’t written much lately, but have been very busy: moving back to Canada and cleansing the area, moving back to Mexico and activating some pyramids, etc. The inauguration of Trump has been a very intense energetic transition. Plus, I found that warning about things mostly creates fear and resistance while the events themselves create questions, so I’m better to let events unfold. Some people told me they now printed the blog posts history to go through it again as all the questions have already been answered.

I’m also going through a rebranding process, as I have outgrown the brand of Spiritual Self Transformation. You’re going to see changes gradually unfold.

For now, my bio has been updated, as well as a page describing the astral team I work with.

View the new bio (page vibrates at 83,705) and the astral team (page vibrates at 179,512).

The Book Accuracy List is also coming very soon on the Satrimono Publishing’s website… just got a technical detail to solve (running SQLite database on Linux). This list measures the accuracy and vibration level of a wide variety of popular books. There is also a page describing with great detail how the readings are done and how to do it yourself. This is by far the best guide on how to measure energies. I’ll update you once the website is running.

For now, view the new bio and the astral team.

Other changes that will take place: the Strategy Session will become a Spiritual Laser Focus …Read More

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Healing Core Fears? Others Can Do It

Day 1 in China was way above my expectations. The hotel is highly luxurious, and the breakfast buffet was the best Chinese food I have ever eaten; I didn’t even know such Chinese food even existed. Then we went to an event at one of the 5 top Universities in China, in Wuhan, with Master Zhou and several other very powerful masters. The lunch was paid for by the government, which high-ranked governments officials with an absolutely luxurious lunch. White-house reception kind of thing. And the diner was even better (or just as good) at a Dao-style vegetarian restaurant next to a temple, where the food had an extremely high vibration. That was amazing. Things will just go uphills from there for the next 2 weeks. They’re very grateful that the few of us made it to China to learn about their culture, when most Americans are just closed off to the concept of energies. (Canadians are just as American as Brazilians, as America is a continent)

That being said, there’s something else I want to talk about. I have the philosophy not to spend my time and energy doing things others can do. For 90% of you, there is a core fear that is sabotaging every aspect of your life, and resolving that core fear and the stuff around it is all you need to flip your life up-side-down like a snowball. The process is very straightforward:

1. Teach basic Alchemy healing techniques
2. Clean up energetic junk (implants, portals, etc.)
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