Posts Tagged muscle testing

Diet to Block Food Vampires

I could barely touch the computer the whole week because of energetic infections, I couldn’t do much the whole week, but the good news is that I’m still alive, and the attackers from the Ultraverse lost 47% of their powers since last week. Enough for 3.6 million Universes to shift the balance into an upwards spiral.

Yesterday they attached very strongly, we counter-attached very very strongly, and they counter-counter-attacked very very very strongly. Overall, a productive day.

Now, one major problem is that they are feeding directly from you and the whole population. Whatever healthy food you eat is only empowering them. Most of the food is infected, and the infections have been a lot more severe lately. Energetically you might see them full of worms and insects, and once you eat it, it infects you and they just feed from it.

Forget everything you learnt about diet. Healthy food is BAD (for now).

What you need is sugar. Lots of white refined sugar. Any kind of candies and chocolates, the kind that are great for the taste and bad for your body. This poisons them. Your own body takes less than 1% of the poison, they drain it all out, choke and die.

It’s completely counter-intuitive, but various people have confirmed that they feel crap when eating healthy food, and feel great when eating candies and junk food.

Since they drain over 99% of the food you eat, it’s also making it easier for your body to feed energetically. Some people can live without food …Read More

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Interview (Part 1 of 3): Validating Truth and Evolving Past Disclosure

I was just interviewed by Hock Yeoh and although we went on a bit longer than expected, we really nailed it with some seriously good content. We plan to do a series of 3 interviews and in this first interview, we talk about how to validate information, about the current state of the disclosure community, and how to evolve past it.

If there’s one thing I want people to get out of it, it would be to evolve past the current disclosure paradigm that is all about the Secret Space Programs and secret human activity all around Earth (and the stuff that resolves around that). What else is going on in the Universe? Where do our souls come from? Why are we here? How to know what’s true and what isn’t?

Listen to the interview here

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P2P Kinesiology Readings

You know those energy readings such as accuracy checks I keep doing? It is really a game-changer once you know how to validate information yourself.

In a world filled with partial information and engineered disinformation (and where even has only 13.6% accuracy!), we’re taking a bold stance for truth. How? By providing you with a simple methodology so you can validate the accuracy of information yourself, and if you cannot yet do it, by providing you with a community of people who can. Best of all, it’s completely free and open.

The group is already taking a life of its own and is already pretty active with highly conscious individuals.

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Exciting News about Remote Cell Harmonizer

A while ago, I released the Remote Cell Reprogramming technology to improve your health via remote healing. The feedback has been absolutely amazing, and there has been several upgrades to the technology since. However, the website has some issues with email delivery and renewals as it is still in beta.

Now, I got my productivity back and am on fire. This technology will have its own dedicated portal and I’m nearly done designing 31 web pages. I’m really excited about what’s coming.

Remote Cell Reprogramming will be renamed to Remote Cell Harmonizer. New services are coming out including Driving Assistant to increase your alertness while driving, and EMF Neutralizer for Skin, to turn your skin into an EMF shield (under development). We’re also currently upgrading the effectiveness of EMF Neutralizer for Home.

I measured the results of those technologies using muscle testing and the results are absolutely amazing.

Those who have used Remote Cell Harmonizer so far saw on average the following benefits

– 72.8% improvement of neuro-plasticity
– 65.8% improvement of fascia (fibers inter-connecting everything)
– 35.8% increase of physical energy
– 32.5% improvement of nervous system
– 28.2% increase of vitality
– 25.2% increase of emotional energy
– 25.2% increase of mental focus
– 22.6% increase of cellular regeneration
– 22.5% increase of immune system
– 18.1% increase of health
– 13.6% increase of spiritual energy

Remote Cell Harmonizer has been optimized to focus on the various energy channels in your body, on the nervous system, on the fascia, and on …Read More

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Our Recent History Is Wrong

I haven’t written in a while because energetic shifts have been absolutely insane, and making tremendous progress on which I will report later. For now, I’ll keep it short.

How can we get our ancient history right if we can’t even get our modern history right?

Someone on Facebook shared some links, which I measured as very high accuracy, but the information is extremely disturbing. I’ll just throw the red pill out there.

According to muscle testing, the Great Wall of China wasn’t built by the Chinese, but by the Tartarians, not a thousand years ago, but around 430 years ago! Test this for accuracy yourself.

Furthermore, something that I found strange is that the monk in Journey to the West, who was accompanied by the Monkey King, lived between the years 602 and 664, while the book was only published in 1592. How did the author recover the flow of events in such details a thousand years later, and how could it become the most popular story of China deeply ingrained into their culture if it came out of nowhere like this so far from the actual events?

Answer is… there is no 1000-year gap. The years 500 to 1500 were fabricated as a foggy myth in around 1850 when the Gregorian calendar was established. Jesus was thus born only 1019 years ago. Now muscle-test this one for accuracy.

Makes me remember the movie The Matrix: you’re not in the year you think you are.

I talked about 2 great destruction in my book Read More

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