Posts Tagged sexuality

Rain Powerliminals Are Here!

Some time ago, I released the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals Package that included a series of recorded audios, both guided and silent, to accelerate your spiritual growth and protect your energy. I released them because they were extremely useful to me, and I promised to produce more audios to complement the package.

So here we go: I recorded a new batch of audios using a new production method, and these audios are a LOT more powerful!! I took the energy of various highly-attuned crystals, turned them into water, and added fire to turn them into steam. With highly attuned stones, conflicting energies can collide with them. When in water form, there is very little for conflicting energies to hold onto. When in cloud form, there is nothing to hold onto. It then falls as rain, and I blow the energy of the rain into the microphone. The result is a very clean and pure energy of extremely high frequency. These audios are also more silent than the previous ones and have less noise distortion.

>> Get the Rain Powerliminals here!

In addition to all the previously available audios, these new silent audios get added to the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals Package:

– Non-Rivalry Air 3: to neutralize conflicts and create a bubble of peace and protection
– Philosopher’s Stone Air: to crystallize your energetic structures
– Fire Air: to increase your fire element
– Water Air: to increase your water element
Note: Fire Air is about twice stronger than Water Air, so you might want to …Read More

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Why Alchemy Is an Oral Tradition

Every now and then, someone sends me an email asking where they can learn about Alchemy. That’s what I teach is all about! But there seems to be a misunderstanding. I think the question they are asking is “Where can I find books or information without making an investment in working 1-on-1.”

Throughout history, Alchemy has been an oral tradition directly transferred from masters to students. Very little of it is written, the exception being 2 books from my Alchemy teacher Jacques Tombazian who died last November.

The reason Alchemy has always been an oral tradition is because it is a transfer of consciousness. It is not just knowledge and information. Just like if you want to get a Reiki attunement, there is no book you can read that will do it. You must have a master directly work on you. With the proper knowledge of meditation, you can open up your dan-tiens and chakras but it may take years of meditation, whereas I can open them in 10 seconds. That is the difference.

Giving you the details of the Alchemy work I do would be pointless unless you are in the right state of mind to integrate it and apply it, and I know from experience that most don’t follow at all when I say things that are too disconnected from their beliefs system. It has to be experienced. Nothing speaks like reality. That is why Alchemy will always remain an oral tradition and why you must experience it for …Read More

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New Alliance with Saturn

Happy Mercury Transit! Each turn of event into a new phase is even more surprising and unexpected. As I was watching Corey Goode’s show Cosmic Dislosure on Gaia, Corey mentioned that the area of Saturn is off-limit to any of the secret space programs and nobody is allowed anywhere close. I thought I’d go take a look through astral travel.

I did find 15 inhabited moons and went to the main one. It is HIGHLY guarded with extremely advanced technologies. The beings inside have very powerful psychic abilities and are easy to communicate telepathically with; if the security guards agree to communicate. They are 6 to 8th density beings with a vibration of 45 million.

Now here’s the kicker: they were part of the Orion Federation! They got a little bit paranoid about defense and security after the destruction of the main planet of Orion, and they haven’t gotten themselves involved into any of the stuff happening in our solar system regarding Earth. Up until now.

They had no clue that some of us evacuated to Earth. They just can’t believe we’ve been neighbors all that time after over 12000 years. They did psychically attack me to test whether I was who I said I was, twice. These people have very powerful psychic abilities, but not enough to scratch me. They say they could easily portal me in and out of their world but that would be highly inappropriate at this point.

Just a few hours ago, a historic meeting took place …Read More

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Operation Night Visitations

This message is from Izael, right-wing commander of Metatron. A little update about the upcoming event as we are doing the organization. Etienne has been instructed to not use fear motivations for any of his marketing even though that’s what 95% of you would respond to. He also has been instructed to be flexible with payments as the participation for the upcoming event is more important that the money itself. Of course he needs money to operate and the idea for hosting such events is to get higher-end clients who will continue the work, but as of right now, the direct energetic impact through the participation of 6 individuals is a lot more important than any up-sell. Thus, he accepts payment plans to facilitate logistics.

Following the last communique from the Avians, an operation is currently taking place for the Avians and disincarnate souls of Orion to visit various people at a much increased pace. 1.2 million people have been visited in the past week alone. Most are still confused by the experience. What does it look like? You feel a strong presence, with often a clear picture, while you are sleeping, of beings of light working on you or sharing a message with you. The Avians do not respond to people worshiping them or looking for saviors, but they do respond to those who ask questions to grow their own understanding of reality to take greater leadership over their lives.

You may have been visited yourself. If not, you can attract …Read More

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Message of Peace from the Avians

This is a message prepared by the Avians; not only the elders, but almost 500 Avians have contributed to crafting this message of great importance in today’s context. I will relay to you what they have prepared.

Greeting from the Avians. Some of you have heard of us, some of you do not know who we are. We have been protecting this galaxy for tens of thousands of years and shared our knowledge with your people at various points throughout history. Our appearance in Egypt is the most well-known as tall bird-like creatures. Unfortunately, we shared our knowledge 3 times and it was distorted for power and control 3 times. We came back again to share the message of peace and harmony and took special care to avoid such distortion, and this time the message of peace and harmony got distorted into denial of taking responsibility for creating a better world. This fourth failure has brought us together to discuss a change of course towards a different strategy.

Over the past two days we got into an energetic dead-end. Bubbles of death rose from many cities while many died from flu. Massive energetic wildfires forced us to bring back giant spheres around the planet to diffuse the energies. In the past two days, 171 souls of Orion and just around 11000 people died. The cord of life of many individuals who were holding old paradigms rooted had to be cut to prevent even more deaths. It really is a great failure from …Read More

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