Posts Tagged portal

Full Ban on Abductions Taking Effect Now

Someone in my team designed an energetic technology to prevent, deflect and counter abductions. The cease and desist order on abductions has been mostly ignored, and whenever mind control chips were neutralized, they would abduct the person and install it back. This ends now. Anyone attempting illegal abduction will be lost into the future. Technical details to follow.

Abductions from secret space programs go along this protocol: they enter the victim’s third eye, lower their vibration to match theirs, and open a portal to physically bring them to their abduction centers. They send them on missions, conduct DNA tests, or bring them for a “20 years and back” program. In order to open the portal, the person must release their conscious control and the source and destination vibration must match and synchronize. When they are done, they install memory veils, render the person unconscious, and send them back to the time they were taken … and the victim doesn’t realize anything happened except a feeling of zoning out, and a feeling of confusion, or waking up exhausted after a “long night”, or needle marks on the arms. For longer operations, such as the 20 years and back program, the person is age-regressed, or cloned, before being sent back.

Now, it will go along those lines. Energetic technologies are being installed on abduction victims as we speak. When there is an attempt to open an abduction portal from a group with a negative vibration, the portal is already opening on one side, and …Read More

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Operation Night Visitations

This message is from Izael, right-wing commander of Metatron. A little update about the upcoming event as we are doing the organization. Etienne has been instructed to not use fear motivations for any of his marketing even though that’s what 95% of you would respond to. He also has been instructed to be flexible with payments as the participation for the upcoming event is more important that the money itself. Of course he needs money to operate and the idea for hosting such events is to get higher-end clients who will continue the work, but as of right now, the direct energetic impact through the participation of 6 individuals is a lot more important than any up-sell. Thus, he accepts payment plans to facilitate logistics.

Following the last communique from the Avians, an operation is currently taking place for the Avians and disincarnate souls of Orion to visit various people at a much increased pace. 1.2 million people have been visited in the past week alone. Most are still confused by the experience. What does it look like? You feel a strong presence, with often a clear picture, while you are sleeping, of beings of light working on you or sharing a message with you. The Avians do not respond to people worshiping them or looking for saviors, but they do respond to those who ask questions to grow their own understanding of reality to take greater leadership over their lives.

You may have been visited yourself. If not, you can attract …Read More

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