Posts Tagged apocalypse

The Apocalypse of San Juan

Just saw the movie The Apocalypse of San Juan. The beginning is boring as hell, but then it gives a good idea of what’s coming in the next 40 years.

To get an idea of what’s coming, I did some timeline projections of population growth per year. This is quite difficult to measure but should give a good enough idea. The heavy timeline and reality fragmentation really doesn’t help; as there’s not just one fixed reality but many competing realities.

Here I measure a 17.8% population reduction between 2020 and 2024. Is that accurate? Accuracy check, 87% to 95%, but with some distortion. China lost massive population that went unreported so that’s possible.

We’re coming out of the worst but we’re awaiting major catalysts in 2028, and it will calm down in 2030. As they say in the Book of Apocalypse, God will then take 20 years of rest, to allow us to prepare. This is exactly what I’m also seeing.

The major demons may be mostly defeated, but the population at large will still reject God and continue with their foul behaviors.

The Final Apocalypse will then begin in 2065, for a period of 7 years. Between 2020 and 2072, we can expect a total population reduction of -36%. Which is very major improvements based on previous projections! We seem to be finally approaching a God-approved master timeline.

We can thus expect 1000 years of Golden Prosperity to begin around 2075. (What after 1000 years, problems will start all over again? There are still many …Read More

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Elohim Shadow and the Human Design Grid

Did a very good round on the Human Design grid; maybe a bit too much for one bite.

We pissed off this guy, Elohim’s shadow (just watched X-Men: Apocalypse, perfect timing!). Been under our nose the whole time. Pre-dates the Pistis Sophia era. Extremely strong control of minds, illusions and 3D grids. Has massive grids of slaves that he uses as battery cells.

He’s super slippery; shielded from all of our techniques, until we got the proper upgrades. He has a vast network of friends in high places, many of whom run the personal growth industry. Mind Valley, Osho and several Indian gurus are his friends. Human Design grid belongs to these guys. Bunch of ancient Egypt slave-masters.

If you noticed the lack of reactions to the Exposing Spiritual Frauds video series, we finally saw some activity in some Facebook groups! 1 comment, in one of the many groups! Wow!

I’m also asking a question: what will be the future of personal development in 2026 and beyond, considering the rampant corruption and the state of the industry. I have yet to hear a single answer to that question. No industry leader whatsoever is chiming in on that question either. Well… turns out the personal growth industry 85% belongs to this Elohim shadow.

So we need to strike down this guy. his entire grid, his entire friends list, his entire network in the personal growth industry and business circles, his old Egyptian slave-master friends and his entire slave cells networks. More importantly, need to take …Read More

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Why Hurricane Irma is Hitting America

I heard a lot of people talking about geo-engineering, but recently we installed many large metaphysical root chakra generators around the planet to unroot dark forces and allow the light to take roots. I was hesitant to do so because the previous generators caused very bad reactions from the population, but I was requested to do so by Source. The number of such generators went from 38 to 130 during the solar eclipse. When I did some large clearing work back in 2015, there were 3 large hurricanes in the Pacific simultaneously (5 worldwide at the same time).

Three major hurricanes pictured together over Pacific for first time – ever

— Independent US (@IndyUSA) September 1, 2015

These 130 generators have an energy output 32 times higher than our planetary electric consumption. These are expected side-effects. According to Fairsight Institude who use remote viewing to predict the major events of the upcoming month, Irma *will* hit America and will be worse than Katrina or Harvey.

Many ‘lightworkers’ are trying to calm the storm and fight against it. It will only make it worse. We’re dealing with an overflow of unintegrated high-vibration energies. You can’t avoid it by fighting against those unintegrated energies. You soften it by integrating them. Each individual can serve as a channel to integrate those into their environment and network. Many generators were installed into the oceans where energies can shift more fluidly, and thus America is being hit from the coasts. You’re …Read More

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New Alliance with Saturn

Happy Mercury Transit! Each turn of event into a new phase is even more surprising and unexpected. As I was watching Corey Goode’s show Cosmic Dislosure on Gaia, Corey mentioned that the area of Saturn is off-limit to any of the secret space programs and nobody is allowed anywhere close. I thought I’d go take a look through astral travel.

I did find 15 inhabited moons and went to the main one. It is HIGHLY guarded with extremely advanced technologies. The beings inside have very powerful psychic abilities and are easy to communicate telepathically with; if the security guards agree to communicate. They are 6 to 8th density beings with a vibration of 45 million.

Now here’s the kicker: they were part of the Orion Federation! They got a little bit paranoid about defense and security after the destruction of the main planet of Orion, and they haven’t gotten themselves involved into any of the stuff happening in our solar system regarding Earth. Up until now.

They had no clue that some of us evacuated to Earth. They just can’t believe we’ve been neighbors all that time after over 12000 years. They did psychically attack me to test whether I was who I said I was, twice. These people have very powerful psychic abilities, but not enough to scratch me. They say they could easily portal me in and out of their world but that would be highly inappropriate at this point.

Just a few hours ago, a historic meeting took place …Read More

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Apocalypse of 2016

This message is channeled from a member of the Planetary Counsel of Light who wishes to remain unnamed. This is not something I would want to speak of myself, but I’m doing my job of passing along the message. It is easier to predict future events by looking at the evolution of the energetic landscape from above. He also chose the title of this article. The rest of this article is channeled from him.

I am a member of the Archangels working under Metatron and Izael’s commands to ensure the safe transition and survival of the human race. This message is a warning to prepare for major events that will soon unfold in the United States of America. These events have been prophesied in the Bible and in various ancient texts and are unavoidable: The Fall of Mystery Babylon.

Very powerful energetic structures and generators have been activated through the American continent that will unroot evil forces and transmute the whole system with absolute power of love. It is ripping apart the very fabric of society and the transitional effects won’t be pretty.

Meanwhile, the United States continue their dominion over the world and keep pressuring Russia with economic sanctions and military installations. War is escalating on many fronts and the tensions are rising.

The objective is to defeat the Anglo-saxon axis of power that dominates the world while reducing the destruction and loss of lives to a minimum. The Russians have asked us, the Planetary Counsel of Light, permission to use an EMP …Read More

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