Posts Tagged breaking free

Quantum Mind Power Review

As many are now experiencing increasing challenges keeping their minds clear and focused, I want to share this resource that I’ve been using for a few years now. First, I’ll mention that we’re moving into a context of civil war. Great changes are taking place in the energetic levels, and the area where the energy is the most frantic and aggressive is in the mental plane. Quantum Mind Power helps exactly with that: stabilizing the mental plane.

I was looking for brainwave frequencies technologies and found many options out there. I was looking for something I could play in the background of music or mix with Natural Grounding. I was also looking for something to do as a complement to everything else I’m already doing, not as a main program that I have to follow level by level like Holosync. Most of the brainwave audios you find on YouTube are automatically generated by software and the authors really don’t know what they’re doing. I found some good brainwaves embedded into music but then I couldn’t mix that music with other music. There was one that looked great, and upon trying it, I found it had the tendency to pull my energy down a path of passive spirituality and conflicted with my grounded energy.

The one option I took was Quantum Mind Power, also known as the Morry method. The two main critics are this: some get turned off by the salesy marketing approach, and that it sounds like a …Read More

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Rain Powerliminals Are Here!

Some time ago, I released the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals Package that included a series of recorded audios, both guided and silent, to accelerate your spiritual growth and protect your energy. I released them because they were extremely useful to me, and I promised to produce more audios to complement the package.

So here we go: I recorded a new batch of audios using a new production method, and these audios are a LOT more powerful!! I took the energy of various highly-attuned crystals, turned them into water, and added fire to turn them into steam. With highly attuned stones, conflicting energies can collide with them. When in water form, there is very little for conflicting energies to hold onto. When in cloud form, there is nothing to hold onto. It then falls as rain, and I blow the energy of the rain into the microphone. The result is a very clean and pure energy of extremely high frequency. These audios are also more silent than the previous ones and have less noise distortion.

>> Get the Rain Powerliminals here!

In addition to all the previously available audios, these new silent audios get added to the Non-Rivalry Powerliminals Package:

– Non-Rivalry Air 3: to neutralize conflicts and create a bubble of peace and protection
– Philosopher’s Stone Air: to crystallize your energetic structures
– Fire Air: to increase your fire element
– Water Air: to increase your water element
Note: Fire Air is about twice stronger than Water Air, so you might want to …Read More

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The End of Illusions

There have been lots of things happening lately. Some of it is related to very advanced knowledge about spirituality, Alchemy and collective consciousness so it may be difficult to explain. I’ll do my best to explain the shift that has been happening over the last few days, because… well… it affects the collective consciousness of the planet. Lots of people have been getting sick over the last few days and this explains why. It will also give you an idea of what the life of an Alchemist looks like.

Here’s a simple version of the story. I always had difficulty bringing my message out. The reason for it is that what I do threatens people’s ego, illusions and preconceived ideals. The only people I used to really connect with were young men with a higher consciousness, who had no girlfriend, no business, no money or anything. That’s because they were pretty much the only ones who didn’t have any illusions to hold onto!

Ever heard of the concept of “false paradise”? It’s when people have goals and motivations they think will bring happiness and enlightenment but really are just a place for them to settle and distract them from their evolution. A good example of it is someone who believes he’ll be happy, powerful and enlightened once his business generates a million dollars per year. Or a woman who believes that controlling her environment to be secure and successful is what enlightenment is about. Or someone who just wants to get into …Read More

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