Posts Tagged hurricane irma

Beyond the Victim Paradigm

Here’s what I noticed on Facebook. I’ll post something, for example about the massive solar flares hitting the Earth, and get maybe 10 likes and 2-3 comments. Someone else will post the exact same thing and get 100 likes and 30 comments. The most viral videos on YouTube are generally the ones doing stupid stuff as it relates with the consciousness of the masses. What is the difference?

After thinking about it, the vibrational gap between paradigms is greater than the vibrational gap between languages. Even if I say the same words as someone else, mine energetically come from a different paradigm, and that’s where the difference lies. Depending on the community I’m relating with, there’s the gap between passive and active spirituality, the gap between rational and energetic growth and the gap between personal growth and impersonal inter-connected growth.

However, I think the greatest paradigm gap is this: victimhood. There are tons of videos about the Cabal, and all the obstacles we face as a society as we try to move forward. Almost all of them come from a victim paradigm, and that’s what people want to consume: information that reinforces their victimhood. For example, someone produced a video explaining how Hurricane Irma is due to geo-engineering by the Cabal, and it got nearly 40000 views. I write an article explaining why it’s happening from a creator (non-victim)’s perspective and it goes almost totally silent.

With Hurricane Irma approaching, which is still only a warning before the “real events” begin, it’s …Read More

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Why Hurricane Irma is Hitting America

I heard a lot of people talking about geo-engineering, but recently we installed many large metaphysical root chakra generators around the planet to unroot dark forces and allow the light to take roots. I was hesitant to do so because the previous generators caused very bad reactions from the population, but I was requested to do so by Source. The number of such generators went from 38 to 130 during the solar eclipse. When I did some large clearing work back in 2015, there were 3 large hurricanes in the Pacific simultaneously (5 worldwide at the same time).

Three major hurricanes pictured together over Pacific for first time – ever

— Independent US (@IndyUSA) September 1, 2015

These 130 generators have an energy output 32 times higher than our planetary electric consumption. These are expected side-effects. According to Fairsight Institude who use remote viewing to predict the major events of the upcoming month, Irma *will* hit America and will be worse than Katrina or Harvey.

Many ‘lightworkers’ are trying to calm the storm and fight against it. It will only make it worse. We’re dealing with an overflow of unintegrated high-vibration energies. You can’t avoid it by fighting against those unintegrated energies. You soften it by integrating them. Each individual can serve as a channel to integrate those into their environment and network. Many generators were installed into the oceans where energies can shift more fluidly, and thus America is being hit from the coasts. You’re …Read More

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