Posts Tagged spiritual power

Busting the Myth of Making Money From Your Gifts

This is a bit awkward to say from someone who has been telling people to use their gifts to live their purpose for so many years, but here we go.

Money doesn’t come from your gifts. It doesn’t come from your purpose either. It comes from God, often from unexpected sources.

If you make money from your gifts, it means a few things.

First, you’re trading your time for money. It’s an approach that is not very scalable.

Second, you may be unconsciously restricting your income sources to your purpose.

If you put Purpose ahead of Money, then it constrains your income and constrains your impact.

Furthermore, it places your purpose in service to your clients first and in service to God second, if at all.

It ties your purpose to money.

You definitely should be rewarded for the value you give to others, but what if your purpose was untainted by money?

What would you do differently?

Purpose ahead of money often becomes a money-driven purpose.

Is that starting to feel wrong?

Since you need money to survive and are often struggling financially, money affects and limits most of your decisions and your overall path.

Be careful not to get lost in the means of achieving your mission!

Someone also pointed out that by placing purpose ahead of money, since he didn’t know his purpose, he got stuck and did nothing.

Let me suggest a different approach.

Place God first, Money second and Purpose third, in that very specific order.

Trading your gifts for money definitely isn’t the only way to earn money. There’s currently a …Read More

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Interview (Part 1 of 3): Validating Truth and Evolving Past Disclosure

I was just interviewed by Hock Yeoh and although we went on a bit longer than expected, we really nailed it with some seriously good content. We plan to do a series of 3 interviews and in this first interview, we talk about how to validate information, about the current state of the disclosure community, and how to evolve past it.

If there’s one thing I want people to get out of it, it would be to evolve past the current disclosure paradigm that is all about the Secret Space Programs and secret human activity all around Earth (and the stuff that resolves around that). What else is going on in the Universe? Where do our souls come from? Why are we here? How to know what’s true and what isn’t?

Listen to the interview here

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The Solution to Internet Censorship

Message from the Federation of Light:


“Due to the limited paradigms the disclosure and spiritual movements have settled into, it has brought us this far but won’t bring us any further.


A disruption of current communication networks is required to give space for something new. As such, increased Internet censorship is going to lead to increased telepathic communication.


Most people already receive telepathic communications but don’t trust it. What would happen if you could rely more on that inner guidance than on what Google, Facebook, YouTube or even your eyes feed you? You would learn to listen and trust that inner awareness and inner communication.


Furthermore, this telepathic network of communication allows for much more fluid, much faster, and much more accurate transmission of information and intentions. It also bypasses It also bypasses collective aggregates where groups settle into, and gives more space for individual thoughts and rational thinking.


It is the way to go.”

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The Big Flush

I’ve been in the middle of very massive energetic shifts lately, haven’t been able to work at all. However all of these energies are getting flushed like in a toilet bowl. In the past, we’ve done massive work (for years) on spiritual lunacy and they’ve fallen completely irrelevant and got out of the way. We’ve done work on Black Lives Matter and Antifa (social engineering movements funded by Georges Soros) and I haven’t heard of them for a long time. Lately the focus has been on libtard lunacy portrayed by the media. Everything the libtards believe is the exact polar opposite of everything I teach, by design. For example, the two most powerful concepts I work with are Yin/Yang sexual polarity, and your foundation and self-identity. The libtards completely corrupt the concept of sexual polarities, and fuse their self-identity around that corruption. Corrupting both core aspects at once. That’s what makes it so dangerous.

Well, it’s all going down the drain. Everyone on my Facebook is absolutely fed up with the libtard lunacy. As this major flushing was going on, the media has been focusing on a huge scandal that has been everywhere on social media: Trump separating families of immigrants like a nazi racist. However, the photos that circulated were fake or from the Obama era, and most of the arguments used by the libtards were false. Too much lies mixed into it to know what’s really going on, but after some research, this post summarizes it the best.

“Bill Clinton …Read More

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Why Trump Attacked Syria (Part 2)

I did quite a lot of remote viewing to determine why Trump decided to bomb Syria. In particular, I looked at the energetic connections of allies and those supporting him. What came up is very interesting, and I was told to release this intel ASAP because we are in a time-critical moment and this intel could be useful to someone.

I still had quite a few questions. Why did Trump bomb Syria? If he’s against the Cabal, why did he follow action on a clear false flag? Why does he keep hammering Russia? Who is behind the false flag in Syria? Remote viewing revealed the answers. I also measured the intents of various parties on the Hawkins Scale. Higher numbers mean more aligned with love, lower numbers mean more aligned with control and fear.

First, the order for a false flag in Syria came from Macron. Underlying intention vibrates at 53.

Second, he had phone conversation with Trump and convinced him for the need to attack Syria. Underlying intent vibrates at 300.

Third, what is Trump afraid of? Iran becoming a new North Korea. Underlying intent of Iran leaders vibrates at -93 million!!

The goal of the strike, mainly targeting airports and military facilities, is to prepare the ground for World War 3 in the area, and to protect economic interests of the USA — and to avoid an economic collapse of the USA.

The situation becomes complex because there are many parties involved, and as the world is re-organizing itself, each group has a different …Read More

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