For the past 2 years, I worked to try to disconnect CEO Space from the False Light Matrix. Instead, the whole False Light Matrix is melting down. I guess that will do.
Current status: the Disney-Vegas grid is 99.6% down, which affected 100% of the US population and 25.8% of the world population. The False Light Matrix is 93.8% down, which affected 25.8% of the US population and 13.5% of the world population. The Libtard grid is 96.8% down, which affected 13.5% of the US population and 1.6% of the world population.
You can definitely expect some major fires with this meltdown. We’re trying to contain the explosions so that people consume themselves without causing too much external damage — which is very much what is currently happening.
Finances have also definitely shifted, with $11k USD of income this month, and $33k over the past 5 months. This is definitely melting some debts. Several other people are also reporting major opportunities showing up or major increase of income, which is a confirmation the financial grid has shifted. Now the Cabal will gradually start experiencing the “financial veil” issue, and their cashflow will gradually slow down and jam. There are also others working for the Light who still haven’t seen finances opening up, but once the grid has shifted, it will come in due time.
That’s all for now, just wanted to give a quick update.