Posts Tagged qigong

How to Purge Graphene and Micro Blood Clots

Everyone who got jabbed has problems with micro blood clots, and unfortunately, only the more severe cases get acknowledged. It is mostly caused by graphene that got injected into their bloodstream. Why did they inject graphene??

It is the hardware of a computer system that plugs people into a quantum AI hive mind system. We’ve been battling that AI hive mind system for 4 years, and it’s now mostly destroyed. Remains the wreckage to cleanse from people’s bodies.

Using muscle-testing, I checked many different methods out there that people promote. Most ranked below 5% effective. Surprisingly, celery juice is actually quite effective at detoxing graphene and micro blood clots!

I also found that the cordyceps oil or syrup formula that we sell is highly effective! But only our formula (syrup is pitch-black; oil is even more concentrated). Cordyceps from other providers isn’t much more effective than celery juice. We do not know what gets extracted with our method that is so effective. It will probably take many years for science to be able to explain that; if ever.

Here’s my full analysis of how to detox graphene from your body. I highly recommend trying that on jabbed people around you without explanation.

By the way, it might look like nothing, but the few products I’m offering require 6 different masters working together to deliver, each with exceptional skills in their respective areas. I got 3 different oil providers, plus a master jeweler, kung fu/qigong master, and myself. …Read More

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The History of Daoist Alchemy and It’s Dark Side

I’ve been busy in China studying Wushu / Tai Chi / Gigong, trying to understand the Daoist philosophy and background, and trying to recover some memories of ancient Chinese history. I haven’t posted in a while because there was a lot going on. They don’t actually teach Daoist Alchemy at the school I’m at in Wudang (or at most of the other schools), which is actually a good thing. I’ve been getting into a lot of clashes with other Daoists, and it took me a while to figure out why. I joined a Facebook group on Daoist Alchemy and most were attacking me saying everything I do is BS, although I did get a lot of good information from them.

The one person in the group who really knows what he’s talking about (vibration of 8000), practicing Daoism according to ancient Wudang traditions, wanted to teach me, but instead blocked me from Facebook. I read his website, pointed out a few things that were inaccurate, he said that doing astral travels and working in higher planes was causing my Qi to leak and thus I shouldn’t do it. I said there’s a war going on in the higher planes and lots of other beings who rely on my presence, stopping to do my work up there is simply not an option. We just parted ways and he blocked me. It took me a while to figure out what actually happened there. Most of the information in this page comes from psychic …Read More

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Traveling in China

I’m in China right now, traveling with a real Chinese QiGong grand-master and reconnecting with ancient memories and powers that predate recorded history. There is a LOT to talk about and this trip truly is magical. We’re getting way more than expected, saying at the best 5-star hotels and eating in the best restaurants.

We spent 3 days in Wudang Mountains, the birthplace of Tai Chi. This place is absolutely gorgeous and the energy is extremely strong. You can feel it in the picture. And guess what I found at the birthplace of Tai Chi? 13-feet-high giant statues, 90-ton stone tablets and pyramids in the surrounding mountains!?

Now I’m in Beijin and we went to the Great Wall of China today. Yesterday we went to the White Cloud Temple that contains very advanced Taoist knowledge of energies. There is very powerful magic embedded into that place. And at the Great Wall, there is very powerful defensive magic embedded into the area. Funny enough, I climbed all the way up on one side with 2 other guys, and both of their cellphones went black when they took pictures; both of them. They couldn’t turn it back on, and one of the iPhone is brand new. After going back down the stairs, the phones started working again.

Translating this Eastern knowledge is not easy. Master Zhou does NOT speak any English so we cannot ask him any question directly. Everything needs to be translated through someone else. Yet there’s so much both I and Rion …Read More

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