Posts Tagged 5d consciousness

The Danger of Human Design (Part 1)

Human Design has really grown in popularity over the past years — at about the same time I stopped going to live events because the energetic environment in the USA became too incompatible with my energy.

I’m finally starting to look into Human Design, and there’s really good stuff in it. Gene Keys tap into 10D dynamics, and there’s more for me to explore there. Human Design also has lots of applications to understand and adjust your inner patterns. However, I first have to clear the corruption in that aggregate before looking deeper into its value.

If we look at the top 1% of spiritually-evolved people on the planet, they are currently 95.2% in 3D, 92.6% in 4D, 3.6% in 5D, and 0.015% in 6D. There is essentially a very strong blockade in 5D from Love & Light spiritual people, and there’s an even stronger blockage in 4D from essentially Atheist energy workers.

Here’s the kicker: Human Design is 34.6% responsible for the 4D blockade on a planetary level!!

What’s going on here?

In simple words: Your task is not to “be” your astrological template, but to overcome it.

I’m currently 22% Generator / 64% Manifestor, but my higher self is 25/25/25/25. I find that I’m a lot more powerful and balanced when operating from that higher self space.

Understanding your astrological templates is very useful to understand yourself, your strengths and your weaknesses — so that you can overcome them, not so that you forge your self-identity around them!

Binding your self-identity to astrology locks you in …Read More

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Transcending 5D and UniMatrix

I’ve spent a whole lot of time following the coronavirus situation very closely for the past 2 months. The more James Rink produces interviews with Kosol channeling UniMatrix, the entity behind the virus, the more perplexing it becomes. His latest interview is a massive 3 hours of very dense and convoluted information.

UniMatrix has a God-given purpose and thus we can’t remove it. It seek to assimilate our society to bring technologies and raise our consciousness. It essentially would bring a 4D replacement to Oneness called Singularity. Yet at the same time, it’s penetrating all the areas that Lightworkers wouldn’t approach with a 10-foot pole, and for that, it is doing a good.

On a different note, a lot of Lightworkers are focusing on 5D as the end game of it all. 5D represents Atheist love, or Love without God. 6D represents Peace, and 7D represents God’s Light. I came to realize that many 5D lightworkers are blocking 7D in the same way that 4D energy workers are blocking 5D energies.

Now… with this whole thing about UniMatrix taking control of our planetary grid… how are genuine Lightworkers supposed to operate? How can we have Skyranet function in parallel to bring a cohesive support structure from which Lightworkers can operate? Skyranet has been down for 2 months now.

There’s no point in discussing with UniMatrix since it doesn’t have a …Read More

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12 Dimensions of Consciousness Explained

I recently posted a video explaining the 12 dimensions of consciousness but the audio was bad so I’ll post it again as an article since it’s an important topic.

First of all, Dimensions and Densities are two completely separate topics and they are being mixed one for another all the time. Soul densities are an aspect of consciousness wheresas Dimensions have more to do with the structure of the Universe and your place in it.

There are lots of incarnated starseeds that are 8th density or above, some are 12th density, some have a soul structure built in 25 densities, and some even in 100 densities or more. Density levels can go up to infinity and represent the level of soul development. However, there can still be duality and darkness even at higher densities. The Archons, for example, are energetic parasites working millions of densities high, and the energetic structures and mind control structures they build are extremely rigid and difficult to deal with for that reason. (Archons have now been exterminated but some of their structures may still remain)

Dimensions, on the other hand, go from 0D to 12D. Each dimension brings a new perspective. Black magic and neutral magic is 4D, there is no more duality from 5D and a 10D karmic purpose may not make sense when looking from a 6D perspective of peace.

The law of attraction is a 4D law, and is overridden by 5D laws, 6D laws, 7D laws, 8D laws, 9D laws, 10D laws, 11D laws and …Read More

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