Recently I was asking how could I shift the relationship with money and debts from “borrowing borrowed energy that belongs to central banks” into “owning it”. Then, a good friend started buying gold with Karatbars and invited me to look at it. The more I looked into it, the more interesting it got, and it looked like it was the answer to my request!
Why buy gold? The reason that most appeals to me is that we live in a fiat-based financial system where the currency represents debts instead of value. It is not backed by gold or anything since 1971. In fact, the world is in debts of 53 TRILLION $$ (to who, Jupiter?), and that’s what your paper currency represents. It is a carefully-crafted slavery system. Now here’s the kicker: getting back to solid gold gets you out of the central banking system and you start owning real value! If it’s good for governments and banks to buy gold, it certainly is also for you.
Then, it can provides stability and security for you, your family and those you care about. Because the truth is, the banking system is on survival mode since the 2008 economic crash and it can crash again at any time. The various waves of Quantitative Easing have created a HUGE amount of new money that may lead to hyper-inflation (although it’s not that simple after searching about this). Everybody is losing trust in the dollar. Russians and Chinese are selling their US$ to buy massive stocks of gold or anything that has tangible value. Many countries are also now starting to trade between countries in various currencies and totally bypass the dollar. We’re entering a period of massive turmoil. What could happen? One problem is that the US currency is backing up all other currencies within the current system so this affects everybody. The US government can recall any and all gold coins it has issued and sold. There could be hyper-inflation like in Mexico in 1983. How did they solve it? By taking 3 ‘0’s out of the currency; many people lost a LOT. Or there could be hyperinflation like in Germany in 1923 where someone would break into your house, steal your shoes and leave the pile of cash on the floor. Or perhaps history magically won’t repeat itself and the economy will remain stable, who knows. Gold, however, throughout the last few thousands of years, has always maintained a stable purchasing power. It is much more reliable than paper currency, especially in period of turmoil.
Another reason to invest in gold is as a money opportunity. Let’s say you have $1000k in debts and earn $100k per year. What would you do with your money: pay off the debt or buy gold? Let’s say you pay off the debt, you’ll be at 0 after 10 years. Let’s say you instead buy gold, and to be very conservative, the currency only loses half its value and gold only doubles. After 10 years, you have $500k worth of debts and $2000k worth of gold. You pay off the debt and have $1500k left in solid gold. That’s assuming we don’t go into hyper-inflation or any other financial crisis.
Now here’s the problem with gold: each ounce is worth $1300! You can’t do transactions with it. You need to get it shipped, to ensure it’s genuine and evaluate its quality both when buying and selling. You need to store it. You need to find buyers who want the amount and quality of gold you have, then you need to negotiate a price. You can’t trade $1300 to buy food either. Perhaps you could trade it to buy something worth $1300, $2600 or $3900, but that’s it.
That’s where Karatbars come into play. They produce gold cards of 1g that allow using them as currency for trade. The gold is top quality (999.9) and has the LBMA certification, the top quality certification in the world (only about 10 mints in the world have that top-class certification). Each card has the same value so they’re inter-changeable like money. They maintain their value no matter what happens to the economy. They are much safer for savings than banks. It really comes in to solve these problems.
Now the 3 main questions I get are:
1. How do their price of gold compare to the stock-market price?
Purchasing in small quantities is obviously more expensive than buying in bulk, whether you buy milk, sugar or gold. Then there are lots of qualities of gold that alter its value. When it comes to commerce-friendly 1g weight 999.9 24k pure gold produced by an LBMA refinery, you can’t get a better price. This page explains all about how prices work. Trading gold in stock-markets in bulk quantities is very complex, and trading currency-grade gold in the form of Karatbars is definitely something I can do, and if I can you it you can also do it. It is simple and practical for daily life.
2. Is this a pyramid scheme?
After doing my research, I came to the conclusion that by following their 12-week plan (optional), you can turn any debts into assets in 12 weeks with $500 with 0 risk. Why no risk? Because for all the money you put into it, you have it in solid gold. They do have a compensation plan where they pay you for referring others, and that compensation plan package has to be purchased at $130, so really the ONLY risk and worst case scenario is paying $130 for the compensation plan and not referring a single person, and after 6 weeks of buying weekly gold, have $390 worth of pure gold in your home. A pyramid scheme is about making money off others who are losing money. In this case, it makes sense without the compensation plan, and with the compensation plan it’s a no-brainer. It’s win-win-win for everybody with no risks for anyone. Even without the compensation plan, I believe everyone should put 10% of their earnings into savings, and it would make sense to have half of that in gold instead of cash at the bank. It’s really about turning depreciating currency into appreciating assets, which is something you can now easily do while claiming your independence and reducing your dependency on the central banks. But in this case, instead of putting half of my savings into Karatbars, it looks like I’ll turn it around and use half the income to purchase more gold and withdraw the rest.
3. How do I get my money back for the gold?
Selling it right back into cash isn’t the best option because there are overheads related to the transactions, including shipping. You can sell it back to other members or you can purchase at an increasing amount of businesses that accept Karatbars. Ideally, you want to keep it in gold as long as you can and trade the gold directly for goods and services. Gold has been recognized worldwide throughout history. In case of hyper-inflation where currency becomes worthless, you definitely want to use gold to buy food. Keeping your savings in gold and using them when you really need them is something you can definitely do, and if you can do it, your neighbors can do it too.
Now, where it really takes a whole other dimension is when you add the compensation plan on top of it. Karatbars say that by following their simple 12-week plan, you can generate $4500 per week after 12 weeks. That’s based on pure math with no hype or speculation whatsoever. I came to the conclusion that their numbers are conservative because it’s easy to bring more than 2 people to follow the plan, and some will start with the Silver or Gold package instead of Bronze. With their numbers, you can actually turn any debts into assets in 12 weeks with $500 and 0 risk because after 6 week, the commissions pay for the weekly purchases of gold… for the rest of your life. It has 0 risk because you don’t spend anything, you still have all the money you put into it in solid gold.
Now my challenge to you is this: study this opportunity and try to come up with a reason why anyone wouldn’t want to do that. After understanding this system, I couldn’t come up with a single reason why anyone wouldn’t want to do it or wouldn’t be able to do it. Which means that you can do it for sure no matter your financial situation.
And finally, here’s some food for thoughts. What if it really worked that way and you would earn $4500 per week in 12 weeks, what would happen? First, any debts you have would melt away. Then, you wouldn’t need a job anymore. The unemployment rate would become irrelevant to you. The political and economic instabilities also would become irrelevant. You would have plenty of resources to fund whatever you truly want to do with your life. It would impact every single aspect of your life and your life would never be the same again. Personally I got free weekly gold right from week 1 because I went for the Gold package right away (which multiplies the results for the same efforts)… and I’m getting free weekly gold for the REST OF MY LIFE. Actually I got enough to purchase 1g of gold during 4 weeks, and by then, I’ll get other commissions in. Another person in my upline got to 100 people in his downline in 22 days. This thing is growing like crazy.
Worth taking a look isn’t it? So if you want to know more about it, here’s what to do
1. Create a FREE account. Ask the person who showed you this article for his registration link, or use this link to create an account directly under me. There are no setup or recurring fees of any kind.
2. Study the Karatbars introduction videos to understand how this works, and do the maths yourself.
3. Watch the Hidden Secrets of Money video series to properly understand the history of money and be conscious of what’s currently going on
4. This is something you can definitely do if you want to. If you decide to take action and follow the 12-week plan, purchase the Bronze package at $130, purchase 1g of gold per week (~$65) and get 2 people to do the same. That’s it. Or, you can get a Silver, Gold or VIP package to get even faster results.
And remember the challenge: try to find a genuine reason why anyone wouldn’t want to do this or wouldn’t be able to do this. Then here’s another challenge: make a decision. Either decide to do it fully, or decide to put it aside fully, but don’t stay in a place of indecision. Make a clear decision and take decisive action. If you cannot come up with any reason why anyone wouldn’t want to do it, how easy will it be to bring just 2 people into it? And if you do come up with a reason, please post it below. I couldn’t come up with any.
You can do this 🙂
Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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#1 by Mark Hill on June 19, 2014 - 4:56 pm
Good article.
#2 by Nick on June 19, 2014 - 5:33 pm
Challenge accepted!
I can see why exchanging dollars for gold could be a good idea.. and I can also see the value in being able to buy gold in grams.
What I still don’t get is their compensation plan. It still seems really sketchy to me. I saw that it’s not possible to sign up and use their service without a “sponsor”. Which seems odd to me, as if their main idea is buying and selling gold then why wouldn’t they have this fully open to the public? Especially since the point of 1g bars is that practically everyone can afford to buy one. It therefore seems like their main business model is based on their compensation plan.
OK, by observation it seems to me that the value of investing in gold is separate from the compensation plan (which is why we can separate the two, you didn’t separate these in your article and instead used the value of investing gold as a kind of “well even if you lose from the plan the gold will still make you money” way.. but why not just buy the gold without spending $130?)
So lets take investing gold out of the equation and focus solely on this plan. I give $130 then I have to invite 2 others in order to receive money. The problem with this is that I can only win if those down the line lose. The money can’t come from anywhere else. . So what’s the deal with this thing? Why not just offer grams of gold for $65, get rid of the “compensation plan” and make it open to all?
Am I missing something?
#3 by Etienne Charland on June 19, 2014 - 5:37 pm
You have the choice to open an affiliate account if you want to use the compensation plan, or open a customer account if you just want to purchase gold. Various people have different needs. They don’t do any publicity, their business model is based on referral only, and their system is genius.
Some people do that. The Vatican bought 100kg of gold from them.
You’re talking about a fictive scenario that doesn’t represent reality.
It is open to all. The compensation plan, however, is what allows it to grow exponentially. Without it, the business would have a linear growth at best.
#4 by Nick on June 19, 2014 - 5:48 pm
I have some faith in what you’re saying.. can’t quite see it though.
I can’t see how the compensation plan can be a win for everyone. Explain how. What is the reality? Can you see it from my point of view? I know I’m missing something but I can’t see it.. still looks like a pyramid model
lets take another model like Uber (do you know them?) They give an incentive to refer (discounts off of their service). Anyone can refer without paying money to do so, and they also do publicity. This also seems like an exponential growth potential.
Whereas Karat charges money to be part of the referral theme and as you said there’s no publicity. Do you think it’s a superior model and if so why? Would it be better if it was 100% referral and it doesn’t cost to do so? If not, why?
I suppose basically what I’m stuck on is how paying $130 to be part of the compensation plan is a win-win for company and affiliate as opposed to the pyramid where it’s a win for the company and a few others high up and a lose for everyone else.
#5 by Etienne Charland on June 19, 2014 - 5:50 pm
The $130 is totally optional, and that’s not where the money is.
When it comes to generating $4500 per week, the $130 only brings a one-time initial commission to the referrer. The real money is in the dual-team system when the downline purchases gold.
What’s wrong with a pyramid model if it helps those around you? The problem with most pyramid models is that it builds a hype until it reaches a saturation point where few new members are making money. In this case, there is no hype because all the money put into it is backed by solid gold. Even if the business was do disappear overnight, all the gold would still be there. Furthermore, there is no saturation point, but instead, this could reach a tipping point where it could actually stabilize and reform the economic systems. If we fail to revert back to solid gold in time, however, then we’re heading for serious troubles worldwide.
Also, this will really become useful once a critical mass of people will start using it, so the more people get into it, the more businesses develop around gold and the better it gets for everyone.
I really like their model. You don’t need any package to get direct commissions from those you refer. You only need the package to benefit from the dual-team system with your downline. This benefits those who are serious about it, and I like the fact that I can get higher commission amounts with higher packages. Nobody achieves anything without commitment anyway, so “giving it for free” wouldn’t achieve much.
#6 by Nick on June 19, 2014 - 5:51 pm
I’m still not seeing it. I get the intention of having gold as a currency.. just not the compensation plan.
The problem with a pyramid model is that you only make money by signing people up and then them buying (and those below signing ppl up etc) there comes a point where there’s noone left to find to sign up I think they worked out that mathematically 88% lose in that system. In the case it’s only $130.. but still. What I’m thinking is that this is a different system but im just not seeing it.
I totally get the point of investing in gold and having that as a currency its just the compensation plan. You could say “well just dont do it”.. but since it’s part of the company I want to understand how it has integrity.
How is the initial $130 backed by solid gold? I missed that guarantee. For example.. I put in $130 and can’t find anyone to sign up/purchase gold (the problem with pyramid schemes).. then what Im just out $130 right? Or i sign up 2 people and they can’t find anyone.. the compensation won’t reach $130 and I’m out money. In my understanding the “hype” is “make tons of money by signing people up” the saturation point is “where are all the people?” this is the predictable pattern in every pyramid scheme.
I’m sure I’ll get it eventually or maybe I’m just seeing it as it is and it’s a bit dodgy but investing in gold is a good idea (i doubt the latter is true though otherwise i wouldn’t be confused)
Any ideas in helping me see what you are seeing?
Put it another way.. Right now I’d have no problem investing in Gold. But I wouldn’t do the $130 thing I think it’s either a losing proposition or I gain by others losing.
Oh well maybe not because those that are being signed up don’t have to put in $130 just buy gold which is advantageous right now hmmmm. Still can’t quite get my head around this system
#7 by Etienne Charland on June 19, 2014 - 5:52 pm
You’re putting way too much importance on the $130. If you intent to use it as a source of income, help grow the business and help others around you, then purchase a package and start helping others. They’re not losing anything; and it’s up to them which package they want to purchase, if any.
I think you’re thinking from a paradigm that there’s only a limited of money and people out there, and if you gain something, then “they” must be losing it, which is a flawed model. There’s an infinite source of wealth that can be shared with others. The synergy between the individuals create more for all.
1. That’s another hypothetical scenario that doesn’t represent reality
2. If 10% of the population would be in it, the world would be living with great abundance and all that money stuff would be a non-issue
3. The $130 is not where the money comes from. That only gives you a one-time $6.50 in commissions. The money comes from the transfer of wealth from paper currency into gold, which benefits you, benefits the company and benefits those you refer.
Shift your focus away from the $130, which really is irrelevant, and instead focus on the transfer of wealth from paper to gold.
#8 by provemewrong on March 11, 2015 - 3:11 pm
You never explained how the compensation package is win-win for everyone. unless you have rich friends, large social groups, and tons of referrals, how is it a win?
#9 by Rowena on October 31, 2014 - 7:04 pm
You can just sign up as a customer and buy gold.
#10 by Nick on June 19, 2014 - 5:53 pm
I already got that part though… I’m not trying to understand the paper into gold, I’m trying to understand their business model around that idea.
2. distributing the wealth that the government/banks have been hoarding?
3. long term for sure, but not in their suggested 12 week plan. Or take the gold package where they suggest you can make like 200k in 12 weeks.. that doesn’t come from paper into gold, that comes from selling gold packages.
The advantage I see from these packages is that it gives people an incentive to buy gold, but their promises of 12 week profits seem absurd
#11 by Etienne Charland on June 19, 2014 - 5:54 pm
Basically, yes, it takes power away from the Federal Reserve and puts the wealth back into people’s hands
No, it comes from buying the gold itself. For the package, if you have Bronze and refer someone who buys Bronze, you only get 5% direct commission ($6.50). If someone further down buys a package, it gives you 5 credits in the dual-team system. You need 50 credits on one side and 25 credits on the other to get $20. The package itself doesn’t really pay (although if I have Gold and someone purchases Gold, that’s $115 and 50 credits!). The real money comes when people buy weekly gold and invite others to do the same, and the cycles of 50/25 credits start to happen. But the maths they show consider you buy Bronze and everybody gets Bronze.
I heard this 12-week plan was added because people didn’t “want” gold, there was no motivation. Even though they knew they “should”, they wouldn’t. The 12-week plan was designed to bring a real motivation and to get the wheel running. As for the profit numbers, it’s just mathematics. They’re conservative in the sense that it’s easy to get more than 2 people, and some will get more than Bronze. Where they may be a bit optimistic, however, is in that everybody will get 2 others to take action within a week. In practice, most are slow to take action. It’s about finding the 10% of people who make decisive decisions and take quick actions.
#12 by Etienne Charland on June 19, 2014 - 6:29 pm
How about this. If you view the value of purchasing gold but don’t want to benefit from getting others into a “pyramid scheme”, then here’s what you can do.
1. Turn some of your paper currencies into gold
2. It would be very selfish to keep that for yourself so you can tell a few people about it
3. If you’re telling others about it anyway, and they’re buying gold, why not invest $130 to get commissions. They don’t need to get that package, but it’s a good deal for you.
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#13 by Torrey Thomas on July 27, 2014 - 8:18 pm
Great Job…
#14 by Prince Adebayo Alexander Oyediran on August 2, 2014 - 6:48 pm
Great idea 🙂
#15 by Donna Rau on August 22, 2014 - 1:46 am
Well written!! Great explanation.
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#16 by Anonymous on October 21, 2014 - 11:10 pm
This is the most ridiculous explanation of why to buy gold I have ever read. Alone your paragraph explaining paying off debt versus buying gold has too many problems to even begin to list. Honestly that math was awful and something I would expect from a 5th grader. Karatbars is no different than any other multi-level marketing scam out there. As a precious metals dealer myself I am a big advocate for owning gold, but if you want to buy gold or silver, just buy it from a trusted dealer. Don't get involved in this financial nightmare!
#17 by gordon on November 13, 2014 - 2:54 pm
Karat bars is a pyramid based solely on sign ups. For one to say its based on gold bought is a joke. Since one downlink buying gold produces ONLY 1UNIT. people buying packages produces from 59 to 100 units. The they pay you is by commissions and what they call cycling. Since its a binary your only allowed 2nd legs in width. Ti cycle you must have 50 units on one side and 25 on the other. Forarguments sake let’s say that your downline produce 1UNIT per week. Off of 10 people investing (5on each leg) . The commissions from a silver as a silver. Your package determines your percentage of profits. Silver’s invest about 450 dollars. And their upline silver gets the commission. But silvers cycle at avout 20 euros. So in constrast the amount of money you recieve from commissions will always exceed the buying of gold because you get 20 times more units putting in a silver as a silver than you do from a gram of gold bought. Add more people just keep multiplying their units by 20. It would take 20 months for a downline to produce the same amount of units for the upline than that’s produced from one silver sign up.
#18 by Etienne Charland on November 19, 2014 - 10:22 pm
With the dual-system, there are people being added under you by your upline. While I added all of my people except one into my left leg, 89 people appeared in my right leg, producing 451 unused units (excluding completed cycles), without me doing anything about it.
But to me, the real benefits is not in the compensation plan but in the gold saving plan itself.
#19 by provemewrong on March 11, 2015 - 3:16 pm
The compensation plan is what GOT you the units and extra money! If you’re going to sell a pitch, sell a pitch. But don’t lie publicly. It was mentioned more than once that the gold itself doesn’t have much value, the value is in the referrals (compensation plan). You just lied through your teeth, which nulls your integrity.
#20 by Etienne Charland on April 16, 2015 - 7:55 pm
You’re missing the point. The value is in owning gold. The compensation plan is just a bonus.
#21 by David Richardson on April 3, 2016 - 2:07 pm
Dang man, what’s wrong with you? You got a lot of tension in your shoulders and it spilling over in your speech. Calm down.
#22 by Daniel on April 15, 2016 - 12:44 am
Hi Gordon,
Incorrect. Karatbars is not based only on signing affiliates – you can sign customers onto your team as well. And when an affiliate grows his business, he is also a customer because he saves in gold at the same time.
#23 by Sharon Christine on November 28, 2014 - 11:48 pm
When I want to get cash for the Karatbars where do I go or how do I spend Karat bars when the dollar gets in trouble
#24 by Etienne Charland on November 29, 2014 - 1:35 am
That’s an excellent question that I have been investigating lately. As of right now, the buy-back price of Karatbars is 33% lower than their selling price so this isn’t something to buy and sell back like this. To get an idea of the real market value, look for the price Karatbars sell on eBay which is much better. Gold is gold. You can trade it locally anywhere between the eBay price and the retail price. A jewelry shop here in Mexico buys their own gold at the same price as Karatbars gold, so one option would be to sell them my gold to craft jewelry. In fact, I’ll bring him 7.5g of Karatbars gold to craft a gold ring as this will come in cheaper and higher quality than if he does it with his own gold. And since this is pure gold, I get to decide the exact mix and concentration I want. Their selling price is definitely good; the buy-back price not so good right now.
After investigating this question in-depth, I came to this conclusion: Karatbars is a very recent company and the system to sell and exchange hasn’t been rolled out yet, it will be rolled out as a second stage. Once that is done, you can be sure the buy price will go up as the demand will go up.
Then, this is not a commodity to buy and sell for profit. This is money to save, to build up savings that will maintain its value in case of economic troubles. Germany’s currency broke down twice in the last century. Gold is gold, is what backs up the monetary systems worldwide, and kept its value for the last few thousand years. If the value of the currency goes down considerably, you’ll always be able to find buyers for gold.
I wish there were easier ways to sell it back right now but this is the best answer I can give. There are lots of moving pieces that will evolve over the years.
#25 by Jana Christopher's on January 6, 2015 - 3:40 am
There is a lot of misinformation being posted, it’s really due to lack of education. I was introduced to Karatbars 11 months ago. I admittedly didn’t do much with it as far as building business. I did purchase a package. I could afford the Silver package, to me that wasn’t a lot of money for the opportunity that was ahead of me.
Once you purchase a package, you are automatically in the Dual System which allows you to earn commissions on every single person and the person(s) they enroll. We have only personally enrolled 15 people, we now have 8000 people on our team. I don’t know more than 25. Parts of our team are in Australia, Spain, Mexico, Bangladesh etc….
The statement to or question of if I buy a package then someone else loses is completely off base. No one loses. If you choose to build an Asset that spins of a residual income, it’s not hard to do. It takes no convincing, especially to those who are up on the latest state of our economy, how Gold really is the only real money that all Governments have used to settle debt between themselves.
To explain the comp plan is too much for this post, but it does not take much to cycle and make a decent income.
The reason Karatbars deals in grams is because most (we including us) could not afford to buy an ounce. Plus, why would we when we could earn a substantial income going this route.
The only outlay of money is for the package IF you choose to go that route, we have several customers who don’t care about sharing with others and that is fine, they simply purchase gold. Karatbars is not overpriced when you consider what you get, , free storage ( almost all charge something, some might give free for one year). If you don’t think several people have checked to make sure it’s a gram, actually 1.01, you’re wrong.
For us we decided that taking our paper money and exchanging it for Gold that was affordable to us made sense. It’s still our money. We don’t have a so consumable product, no one is going to come along and improve our unque product ( as with juice, pills, etc.)
All companies have a pyramidal shape, it does not make it a pyramid scheme. Do you really think that after being in 123 countries that no one would shut this down if it were illegal?
I have attorneys, our CPA, doctors, all walks of life on our team. A financial planner who is in the top 1% in the country just came one board. A gentlemen who specialized in Fraud and Scams also joined.
You have to know the difference between MLM’s and pyramid schemes to appreciate that Karatbars is neither. The differences are vast.
All companies have sales managers who hire sales people, so it is commonplace to be paid on the efforts of others. The income comes from the Gold and other product purchases your team makes. There IS a product and the main effort is not on recruiting.
You also can’t buy your way up. You don’t get paid for your own purchases. However someone below me can make more money that we do and many do.
P.S. yes, the Vatican DID license for 100,000 branding cards. Because I don’t feel it’s right to name drop, without mentioning by name, the level of people involved would amaze you, well known CEOs of companies, authors, actors etc.
I am going to have something to leave to my children, since my account allows me to name a beneficiary.
Yes you can go buy a gram at a gold dealer (maybe), few are holograms and has an assayed. You won’t own it, you’ll be the bearer which the govt can seize at any time. Forget gold coins, only rectangular shapes are in the same asset class and will your broker pay you a commission?
This isn’t for investors. It’s not a buy low, sell,high thing. It’s insurance for your future. If you have stock in gold, it is Paper gold, not physical gold.
Some people,you can’t educate no matter what. Those I say, oh well, doesn’t hurt my feelings, but printing false information without ALL facts is wrong.
Ask the people in the company their experience.
If I added one more piece of information, my goal has been met. Thanks!
#26 by Stacey on January 9, 2015 - 4:41 am
Can you explain the storage? Who is actually holding the gold? How can we be sure of the authenticity? What assurance is there that the “holders/storage” won’t disappear with our bars? Is there a choice to have it all shipped to you?
#27 by Timothy Kirby on January 16, 2015 - 3:16 am
go to mysolidgold.com and learn how fast this really works. ive been with karatbars for a little over one month and I couldn't be more pleased with the results
#28 by seaha on February 26, 2015 - 10:57 am
Karatbars is the best, im doing it for 6 mths and I get 18k € with silver package, the karatbars mastercard make me esay to withdraw from my karatbars account.
#29 by Daniel on April 15, 2016 - 12:40 am
Hi Seaha,
I agree – Excellent online business ! Ive jumped on board with a great team and haven’t looked back since.
#30 by Daniel Van Niekerk on April 14, 2015 - 6:00 pm
Brilliant explanation.
As a regulated and licensed financial advisor I could not agree more with the article. 99% of all the neigh-sayers and critics have not taken 5mins to see what KaratBars is all about…I mean REALLY about or how it works. With Germany's tight financial laws…I mean, c'mon, the "scam" thing is SO old and quite lame already, I’m surprised people who see themselves as intelligent making such unfounded non-factual statements…even my 13yr old gets it. If it’s a so-called "scam", then UBS Bank must also be a scam as you can buy gold from them in a similar format http://goo.gl/fW1oWW Umicore and one or 2 others have an acquisition program as well. Honestly, the overall ignorance leaves my dumbfounded.
Yes, you CAN buy from a dealer, but I’d like you to show me ONE dealer that will sell it to you by the GRAM…and I’m talking about currency grade 999.9 24K, LBMA London good delivery grade. This is the whole point. The average person cannot AFFORD an onze of gold at a time. Here you can buy it from your living room and have it dropped off by FedEx ! Not middle man or broker needed, no mess, hassle or fuss…how brilliant is that already?
Most of the people shooting their mouths off ring the “gold price” bell, which is usually commercial gold, or they Google comparing KaratBars to the SPOT price of gold. Apples & pears. How can you possibly compare? Buy a KILO, sure…you might get spot price if you’re Buffet, Gates, Trump or the likes.
I’ve seen a lot of people also carrying on about coins, silver etc. etc.
Frist of all, most coins are not 999.9 24K, and if it bears a government crest / insignia…it probably does not even legally belong to you anyway…you did know that, right? It may even be recalled should there be world chaos. Any government issued currency belongs to said government usually.
There’s nothing wrong with silver, but it just does NOT have the same emotional appeal. Silver Finger? The man with the Silver gun? The Lost Silver of El Dorado? Hellboy and the Silver Army? Silver Member? The Silver Compass? The Silver Rush? The Silver Girls? The Silver Coast? 🙂
For the love of all thing sacred & Holy…tell me you get it ! LOL Silver?…well, Judas, Vampires, moms old knives & forks & grandmas cabinet comes to mind…a cheap trinket alternative if you can’t afford gold etc. Well, ok…I’m jabbing a bit at silver obviously, but you get the point.
Second best is OK for some, but I personally prefer going for top shelf gold…it’s been the standard for 5000+ years…Kings, rulers, pirates etc killed for it over centuries http://youtu.be/Iwav9ldKvbg
Please note that KaratBars is an E-COMMERCE business, it’s NOT an MLM nor a network marketing opportunity. We share s similar universe, but with differences.
Again, the “pyramid scheme” accusation is a clear sign that little to no investigation or due diligence has been done. Show me how many businesses you can start with literally $0.00. Recruiting, the dual system affiliate model (best I’ve seen in 20yrs) is totally optional. No autoships, no monthly required sales or quotas to participate or earn or qualify…none of that that perhaps too typical “business opportunity” stuff…but I guess you already knew that…right? Right.
There’s no stock to buy (unless you want to), no garage full of pills, powders, shakes, medical strips, teas, water filtration systems, contraptions….whatever (as good as some may be).
ALL sales are done via KaratBars online in Germany. All it is, is a simple exchange of a depreciating fiat currency for an appreciating currency. You’re not “buying” anything. Gold is up 3000%+ since 1971….no rocket science, a bull market for 12yrs is it?…nothing else has ever done that for that long.
So to the sceptics I say: Bring your stocks, your shares, your certificates, ownership slips, even you U$ dollars for that matter… if that’s all you got. We’ll use your papers to start the camp fire with when the proverbial “paw-paw strikes the fan”, -when we have to “run for the hills” (so to speak) and fiat currencies totally crash.
Plug your laptop in and do what….trade? Call your broker? Haha. Trade WHAT…where, with WHOM? Shares that WHO is going to want, paper / digital “stuff” that’s worth what?? It’ll be about food and survival at that point. People will probably huddle around the camp fire trying to figure out a way to get their hands on my gold stash ! LOL We pray we don’t get to that stage, but mark my words….the next BIG crash is WELL under way.
“He who has Gold…has MONEY”, we’ve heard that all before, and it’s true ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upbrhw-Q9DI
I open offshore bank accounts, -do regulated investments for people with some of the biggest fortune 100 companies in the world, that we have terms of business with. If someone becomes a client of said institution I introduced them to, I get a fee…a referral or introducers commission…it’s that simple.
And with KaratBars? As an affiliate…IF you refer others, you also get paid a commission. Not hard to grasp…or so I hope?
To anybody who says they are “not interested” I say this: “Which part are you NOT interested in?….the SAVING money part? or the MAKING money part?…because that’s all we do….period. It’s like being not interested in breathing…or water.
This is a business for anyone and everyone…even for guys with big MLM or other business profits. We’re not competing with anyone actually.
Whatever you do that involves money…no matter what it is…but sure that you PRESERVE your Wealth with a decent amount of something that is actually WORTH something, and will still be come 10-20 years from now and loooooooooong after you and I are gone: GOLD, fine 999.9 24K currency LBMA certified.
It just simply makes simple sense…and that’s why I and many others do it.
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#31 by Chad Martin on March 16, 2016 - 5:01 am
Your answer as to whether or not it was a pyramid scheme was so completely off base and irrelevant it's not even funny. This will get shut down.
#32 by Daniel on June 2, 2016 - 6:50 pm
I disagree. From what I’ve seen and looked into, everything they are doing is completely legal, and I find their model is simply a combination of E-commerce with a network marketing aspect, neither of which are illegal. Company of extremely high integrity and innovation. The naysayers, when you look into what they are saying and then do the right due diligence, simply don’t know what they are talking about.
#33 by Chad Martin on March 16, 2016 - 5:02 am
Why would I want to buy gold at a 30% inflated price over market?
#34 by Etienne Charland on March 19, 2016 - 1:46 am
I melted 10g into a 18K gold ring and that was cheaper than using the 18K gold powder at the price the jewelry shop paid for it.
#35 by Daniel on April 15, 2016 - 12:39 am
Well, its not 30 percent inflated. You’re probably comparing the spot price of gold to the price of 1g. That’s a wrong comparison.
Compare any company which sells 1 gram alone, which is LBMA certified (very important), and is “kinebar” gold (gold that comes with a hologram security feature) – and Karatbars price is very good value. Above that, you can get the gold cheaper than gold of the same kind by applying a 3 percent discount off the gold purchase for a year.
Please do proper due diligence and research. This is a subject with very specific information.
#36 by Curtis Wethington on June 27, 2016 - 4:26 pm
Wow, pimping for the karatbars. If you are a repuatable advisor you would not post such mis information. Silver has it's time and place, but the real key is diversification.
#37 by Brianna Dauenhauer on July 4, 2016 - 7:51 am
In these days of austerity and also relative anxiousness about incurring debt, many individuals balk up against the idea of using a credit card in order to make acquisition of merchandise and also pay for any occasion, preferring, instead only to rely on a tried plus trusted technique of making transaction – raw cash. However, if you’ve got the cash on hand to make the purchase completely, then, paradoxically, that’s the best time for them to use the card for several good reasons.