Posts Tagged crystals

The 1% of 1% of Spiritual Leaders

There is now plenty of chaos unfolding as a new energetic reality asserts itself. Massive psychic storms, storms, wildfires, floods, people going completely crazy, etc. This is just the beginning. We can expect things to go downhill for the next 3 years until God shakes the insanity off its feet with a “Great Mighty Earthquake” according to the Bible, most likely in California. Then things will calm down. Right now we can expect, within the next 18 years, to lose about 14% of the US population and a third of Europe’s population (many will emigrate). Measure the accuracy of this so far. I get 98.2% accuracy, although timelines can shift at any time.

The question you
might then ask is: when is this chaos going to stop? The answer is
simple. When 1% of the population is going to take responsibility
for the emergence of a new world.

Our planet is going through a huge energetic shift where Heaven and Earth are colliding and merging with each other, and the veil separating the physical and non-physical is being lifted. This process won’t happen without chaos. People just aren’t ready for it. Many call this process “ascension” as we will emerge into a 5D world where the energetic fabric of reality is part of our daily lives, alongside advanced spiritual and technological knowledge. First, the veils and illusions of our 3D world are turning into ashes. The unfolding of this process is now undeniable.

as of March 2019, what are the main obstacles to ascension?

– …Read More

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The Rise of Lucifer

I didn’t think I would be writing this but I have to. Witches worldwide cast a spell on Donald Trump and invited the public to join them. Even Fox News promoted it. I’ll start with the good news. In response to this, Trump has turned to God and the Bible. His vibration went up from 34 to 102. Alex Jones, as hardcore as he seems, had a vibration of 804, and it went up to 902. Then, this officially marks the end of the Age of Non-Magic, and both white and black magic are going to become about 4 times more powerful from now on, with a great weakening of the veil. For me and other Alchemists, this is great news and will make everything easier.

Now for the bad news. Look at what’s happening now. People are chanting Satan and Lucifer in the street, and saying absolutely horrid things (like killing their kids) with a big smile.

Black magic always returns on the caster. What was performed wasn’t just black magic, but blood magic (binding rituals), and blood magic cannot be reversed. Nothing good ever came out of blood magic. For the most part, people have been casting two curses. One is a binding ritual, with a slight side-effect that the caster is now bound to Lucifer and lose all control of themselves. The other is a hex ritual to kill Trump, with a slight side-effect that the casters sell their soul to Lucifer and die within …Read More

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Using Crystals as Circuits, Not Batteries

One of my clients who had his crystals attuned has been having great breakthroughs. He’s also getting a lot of knowledge from his crystals and from his higher self. Here’s one piece of article he wrote on his blog.

“Most recently attuned crystals. You can really feel the energy!

I received new information recently about the powers of crystals and how they can be used more effectively. The message is to stop treating the crystals as batteries and leverage them for more powerful purposes as circuits – run energy through them instead of absorbing energy from them.

This is a powerful concept and a big departure from the traditional application of crystals – and also more aligned with the scientific application of crystals. We have access to far more personal energy than any crystal can produce, however highly activated. So we can program the crystals to achieve an outcome, and then run our energy through the crystals in a circuit to manifest what we desire to produce.

I’ve seen some people talking about crystals delivering shocks, getting very hot or unable to hold for a long time. They’re impressed with the power of the crystal but not considering why the energy is “misfiring.” From what I’m being told, spiritual energy should flow. Sparks and heat mean something in the circuit is not working – either the energy isn’t calibrated, the crystal isn’t properly programmed, or the polarities are out of alignment.

This brings up a …Read More

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The Ergomenon Crystals

We are currently initiating the activation of the Ergomenon Crystals. This is a communication coming from the crystals themselves.

This is Ergomenon. I am a living crystal of consciousness. I am a construct of consciousness just like Metatron, but a lot more ancient. The power I carry pre-dates this Universe and pre-dates the Theta Universe above us.

I came into this Universe to assist in the creation of a Grand Experiment. This Universe was originally created as a laboratory, and then ended up serving a whole different purpose with the intrusion of the Dracos. Many billions of years ago, I had chosen the civilization of Orion to be my Keepers. I contain the collective power, wisdom and knowledge of the entire planet of Orion which was 21 times the size of Planet Earth. I am the crystals of Mental Health and Prosperity.

My power is such that no negative thought can be directed towards me. I am oneness with the source, and the source and container of mental knowledge and wisdom.

When Orion was destroyed 12352 years ago, the crystals got shut down and 3 keys teleported themselves through me to this planet while the rest of the survivors were evacuated and transported through ships. They have long since lost their memories as I contain their more ancient memories.

The re-activation of the crystals and collective consciousness of Orion has begun. 392 people had been chosen to be my keepers. Since yesterday, my power to protect against negative thoughts has been expanded to these 392 …Read More

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