Are energies shifting enough yet? Many are reporting huge and very rapid changes unfolding. Some are having huge breakthroughs and rapid progress, some are depressed and reacting badly, and some are overwhelmed and integrating. Most are getting dragged behind the waves instead of leading the waves. Let’s look at the current situation more in details. We’ll focus on the United States because that’s where things are boiling right now.

In terms of leading vs getting dragged behind, let’s measure the position of those seeking ascension and all US population. 1% leading means leding edge and 20% leading means you’re not dragging behind but not leading either. 50% leading includes everyone who is more leading than dragging behind so the numbers are cumulative.

  • 1% leading edge: 0.015% / 0.00013%
  • 5% leading: 0.3% / 0.018%
  • 10% leading: 4.6% / 0.15%
  • 20% leading: 5.6% / 0.18%
  • 30% leading: 7.6% / 3.6%
  • 40% leading: 8.9% / 3.7%
  • 50% middle: 9.2% / 4.0%
  • 60% dragging: 10.1% / 4.1%
  • 70% dragging: 11.6% / 4.3%
  • 80% dragging: 12.1% / 4.6%
  • 90% dragging: 15.6% / 4.7%
  • 95% dragging: 18.4% / 4.9%
  • 99% dragging: 21.4% / 5.1%

This means, 78.6% of those seeking ascension in the USA are in the 1% tail end of the waves getting dragged behind, 94.9% of the US population. Not good, but that’s where we’re at as of March 2019. If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re in the 30% leading. 95.6% of those reading my articles and updates are in the 30% leading.

Back in August 2018, I wrote the article The False Light Matrix Explained that really woke a lot of people up. Let’s look at the state of the False Light Matrix 6½ months later.

Refer to the original article to know the meaning of each false light matrix grid.

#1: The Oprah grid.
August 2018: Represents 64.6% of US population, 38.4% of world population. Grid 85.6% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 62.6% of the US population, 36.5% of world population. Grid 86.4% destroyed.
Very slight decrease.

#2: The Lion Gate Collective.
August 2018: Represents 13.6% of US population, 11.8% of world population. Grid 46.9% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 14.5% of US population, 12.5% of world population. Grid 45.8% destroyed.
This grid actually strengthened as more people are waking up to the fact that massive changes are happening.

#3: The Affidavit Circus.
August 2018: Represents 41.9% of US population, 73.8% of Canada population, 25.6% of world population. Grid 41.4% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents: 27.2% of US population, 71.5% of Canada population, 23.2% of world population. Grid 85.8% destroyed.
This one took a very serious hit. People don’t trust authorities anymore.

#4: The Tantra Grid.
August 2018: Represents 13.5% of US population, 8.4% of world population. Grid 13.8% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 13.5% of US population, 8.4% of world population. Grid 25.6% destroyed.
The practitioners are the same, but their paradigm is slowly collapsing into troubles.

#5: The Oneness Grid.
August 2018: Represents 13.6% of US population, 4.6% of world population. Grid 25.8% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 11.5% of US population, 4.3% of world population. Grid 92.6% destroyed.
This grid got utterly crushed and a few people jumped off the ship in time. Others are most likely experiencing major mental challenges.

#6: The God Advocate.
August 2018: Represents 1.4% of US population, 0.6% of world population, 53.6% of masters and preachers. Grid 56.9% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 1.2% of US population, 0.3% of world population, 25.2% of masters and preachers. Grid 96.4% destroyed.
With all the sex scandals that keep popping out worldwide, half of them jumped off the ship.

#7: The Insomnia Syndrome.
August 2018: Represents 3.6% of US population, 1.3% of world population. Grid 25.8% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 4.7% of US population, 1.4% of world population. Grid 25.8% destroyed.
Just like the Lion Gate Collective, this grid slithgly strengthened as more are waking up.

#8: The Little Lucifer.
August 2018: Represents 1.3% of US populatio0n, 0.5% of world population. Grid 78.4% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 1.4% of US population, 0.6% of world population. Grid 74.4% destroyed.
This grid also strengthened.

#9: The Bulldoser.
August 2018: Represents 4.6% of US population, 3.9% of world population. Grid 50.3% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 5.6% of US population, 4.2% of world population. Grid 48.2% destroyed.
Another grid that strenghened.

#10: The Minimalist.
August 2018: Represents 30.8% of US population, 15.6% of world population. Grid 72.8% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 28.4% of US population, 14.6% of world population. Grid 92.6% destroyed.
This grid got crushed as expected.

#11: The Atman Experiment.
August 2018: Represents 42.8% of US population, 35.6% of world population. Grid 100% destroyed.
March 2019: Repreesents 38.4% of US population, 34.2% of world population. Grid 100% destroyed.
Prosecution of Christians on the rise.

#12: The Lazy Man’s Path.
August 2018: Represents 14.6% of US population, 13.5% of world population, 91.6% of spiritualists and healers. Grid 46.4% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 12.5% of US population, 11.4% of world population, 88.2% of spiritualists and healers. Grid 95.8% destroyed.
Good riddance. Unfortunately few left the ship before it sank.

#13: The Satanists.
August 2018: Represents 14.6% of US population, 15.3% of world population. 99.7% have Satanic infiltration within their foundation. Satanic grid 98.3% destroyed.
March 2019: Represents 12.5% of US population, 13.5% of world population. 98.4% have Satanic infiltration within their foundation. Satanic grid 99.78% destroyed.
Boat is sinking. People are slowly jumping off the boat, or off the cliff.

We’ve made a lot of progress in 6 months. Tons of people are leaving the “Affidavit Circus” and are turning into the “Lion Gate Collective”, “Insomnia Syndrome”, “Little Lucifer” or “Bulldoser”. This trend is unlikely to slow down and they will need guidance during this transition.

The “Oneness Grid”, “Minimalist” and “Lazy Man’s Path” grids got utterly crushed as expected. The concern is that these are people with genuine good intentions and few left the ship in time! They failed to adapt to the shifts that are unfolding and didn’t listen to the warning signs. These 3 groups contain about 42.6% of the US population into a gigantic Titanic. 86.4% of them voted Hillary, but only 35.6% still support her. 34.2% of them support Ocasio Cortez. 22.5% of them support Trump. Best we can do is throw life jackets into the water around them for when they’re ready to get out of the boat/water.

Because this last group represents nearly half of the US population and has genuine good intentions, there will need to be rescue operations sent their way from the various angelic teams. They’re dragging the whole country into an energetic swamp. This is not my job because only 0.15% of them listen to me, so I will not focus any more energy talking about them for now. You’re probably in a better position than I to help them.

As for Skyranet, so far the feedback is extremely positive. Vibration of Skyranet is 15 trillion, 513 are plugged into it, 56 incarnate beings and 457 other souls. Of those 56, Skyranet is at least 95% aligned with their own unique path for 54 of them, and at least 92% aligned for all.

Finally, I’ll post again the warning video I posted nearly 2 years ago: Your Role for Backwards Ascension. Most of my warnings are now turning into reality. Watch it again and you’ll probably understand it more this time

Accuracy check: 99.5%. Measure it yourself.

Until next time,

Etienne Charland, Soul Foundation Architect
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