Posts Tagged astral plane

How to Measure Energies

I finally wrote a detailed explanation of how to read energies, check out the step-by-step guide here!

> How to Read Energies

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Disclosure of the New, Not Disclosure of the Old

I keep adding new content for the new website for Remote Cell Harmonizer. Just wrote a page about the Disclosure Project. It is so good… wanted to share it right away. This text vibrates at 88650 with 99.99976% accuracy.

A war is being fought for the liberation of the planet, something far greater than World War 3, but fought secretly out of public view. It is being fought in multiple levels. Many are talking of astral warfare, and indeed there was massive psychic battles against the dark powers in the higher realms. You can read all the details of this war, and the history behind it, in the book The History of the Universe, and the Psychic War of End Times.

As of right now, both the Dracos and the Archons have been completely exterminated from the higher realms. The Light forces are now 92% in control of the higher realms, which determines the reality being created physically, mentally and astrally. Those dark powers still have extensive influence on the physical plane but their power structures are crumbling very quickly, and since they lost control of the higher planes, nothing can stop that trend. Their overlords are dead under the hand of Hanuman.

Many people are waiting for disclosure. What is disclosure? Disclosure of technologies, disclosure of a new reality acknowledging the power of the mind, disclosure of a new field of science, disclosure of the corruption that has been plaguing our governments, and disclosure of aliens. Many have the idea of …Read More

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Operation Insomnia Progress Update

2 weeks ago I posted a video about Operation Insomnia, and this operation has been a huge success. The liberal insanity train is heading towards a cliff at full speed, and various signs are showing that the moderates are now distancing themselves from this insanity. Now I want to give important updates on some of the other developments.

And first, since Rion Kati is here in Mexico near my home, we’re considering maybe hosting a joint retreat before I leave towards China. It would have to be in June or beginning of July so the timing would be tight; and after that we won’t host any joint event for a long time. Last one was in Chiang Mai, Thailand, nearly 2 years ago. We’ve hosted joint events in Columbia (sold out in 2 days), Montreal, Hungary, Thailand and various other places around the world. You can view testimonials from the Bangkok 5-days intensive event here, here and here. Clients literally anti-aged by 5 years within those 5 days, on top of massive inner awakenings. I want to have an idea of who is interested in another such events. 5 days of intensive energy work and coaching with both I and Rion Kati, in a small intimate group of 5 to 7 clients. Investment is $5k each (which means $2.5k for me and $2.5k for Rion, we can’t go any lower). We have to interview each participant to see whether …Read More

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How to Trust the Information You Receive Astrally?

Here’s a question I received that sparked a lot more questions and interest from many: “How do you trust the information you receive astrally? How can you tell the difference between ‘walking between worlds’ and living in utter delusion?”

First I want to mention that there are 3 levels of accessing astral information.
1. Muscle-testing or pendulum, mostly for simple yes/no information
2. Channeling messages from various beings, were you’re subject to the consciousness level of the sender
3. Astral observation, where you observe reality by yourself

With muscle-testing, you can observe the connections of a relationship and determine whether the relationship is good or not. With more awareness, you can observe the details, the textures, the subtleties and the opportunities for growth.

For the question itself, let me ask Metatron as he’s the best at explaining such things: “The fact that you are asking this question shows a sign of spiritual maturity. It is way too common to confuse delusion and reality. Both by people who believe they have found a new truth, and by people who believe the truth has been settled a long time ago. You went to school and received a message about the nature of gravity. Is that truth really true, or is it delusion? The truth is that gravity is a much more fundamental principle than what you’ve been made to believe, and the common understanding of it is delusion. So how do you differentiate between reality and delusion? Is what’s tangible in front of your eyes …Read More

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What Does the Structure of the Universe Looks Like for a Psychic?

Psychics are often seen as individuals with magic unexplainable abilities, but what does life look like from their perspective? As we enter the Age of Aquarius, our intuitive abilities are opening up collectively as a species, so you may want to know what this will look like for yourself.

Intuitive abilities resolve around the concept of an astral or spiritual plane inter-connecting all that is. It is not a plane of existence that is “out there”, but rather a plane of existence that is everywhere and parallel to the physical reality. In fact, everything that exists in the physical plane emerges from the spiritual plane in some way or another. It’s like infra-red light: it is all around you yet you can’t see it unless you have tools to detect those frequencies.

Psychics simply have the ability to tune into the astral plane and see the energies moving. Some can see it, in which case it is clairvoyance. Some can hear it, in which case it is clairaudience. Some can feel it, in which case it is clairsentience. Some can even smell and taste it, in which case it is clairalience and clairgustance. But the most powerful type of intuition is simply knowing what is, claircognizance, or clair-knowing. When someone knows absolutely everything you do and you can’t hide anything from him, it can become clair-annoying. All of these are partial perceptions of “what is”. A psychic with perfect perceptions would perceive all of the above at once. Each psychic could be …Read More

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