Archive for 2017

Cabal’s Remaining Power Locations

Regarding the last email I sent out about organizing a group program, 11 people responded to that single email and are ready to pay $197 per month for the year for it, so it’s going to happen. Just got to figure out the details. I’ve already done this group program years ago so I know what worked well and what the pitfalls were, so I’ll be tweaking things based on experience. Although the content will be similar to before, the context is radically different, and it’s all about applying the knowledge. Knowing how to transmute energies is one thing. Applying it to shift the planet and transform your life on every level is a whole other ballgame. Contact me if you also want to be part of a group program to learn energy healing through Alchemy.

Then I’ve been following Alex Jones of Info Wars lately as he’s the only one covering events in real-time. Everybody else either has old news, surface news, or just plain lies. But damn, Alex Jones makes 50 *MILLION* dollars per year with Info Wars!?? Alex Jones and I have one thing in common, and it is the secret to our success. We do business but we’re not here to do business, we’re not here for money, we’re not here for fame or to take credit. We’re here to win a war, alongside many others who are willing to work overtime for it. Many are finally realizing there’s a war going on — and are getting …Read More

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Interested in a Group Program?

A few years back, I had a group program called the Year of Enlightenment where I taught all the Alchemy knowledge to transmute energies and empower their lives. Not that many joined and most who stayed were Orion souls. As much as we did extremely powerful work, there was some hesitations and challenges as harnessing this energetic transmutation power got us all into an intense psychic battle that lasted for years. Few were willing to walk that path except the most powerful souls and guardians — who didn’t know who they were. We were all equipped to deal with the challenges and moved together as a group which made it easier for everyone.

Fast-forward a few years, and now the table is flipping. Those who have been in alignment and were struggling with opposing forces are now seeing the path open ahead of them, and those who were holding onto old paradigms are seeing the ground around them collapse into chaos exactly as I’ve been predicting. Now, the few who had been following me into harnessing their transmutation powers are very glad they followed through as they’re among the only people who know how to handle the energetic chaos that is unfolding right now. Everybody else is now starting to experience what we’ve been going through for years, except that all these people have no clue about how to handle that.

What I’m also seeing over and over again is starseeds who are stuck in a corner with very little resources to …Read More

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Quantum Mind Power Review

As many are now experiencing increasing challenges keeping their minds clear and focused, I want to share this resource that I’ve been using for a few years now. First, I’ll mention that we’re moving into a context of civil war. Great changes are taking place in the energetic levels, and the area where the energy is the most frantic and aggressive is in the mental plane. Quantum Mind Power helps exactly with that: stabilizing the mental plane.

I was looking for brainwave frequencies technologies and found many options out there. I was looking for something I could play in the background of music or mix with Natural Grounding. I was also looking for something to do as a complement to everything else I’m already doing, not as a main program that I have to follow level by level like Holosync. Most of the brainwave audios you find on YouTube are automatically generated by software and the authors really don’t know what they’re doing. I found some good brainwaves embedded into music but then I couldn’t mix that music with other music. There was one that looked great, and upon trying it, I found it had the tendency to pull my energy down a path of passive spirituality and conflicted with my grounded energy.

The one option I took was Quantum Mind Power, also known as the Morry method. The two main critics are this: some get turned off by the salesy marketing approach, and that it sounds like a …Read More

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Full Ban on Abductions Taking Effect Now

Someone in my team designed an energetic technology to prevent, deflect and counter abductions. The cease and desist order on abductions has been mostly ignored, and whenever mind control chips were neutralized, they would abduct the person and install it back. This ends now. Anyone attempting illegal abduction will be lost into the future. Technical details to follow.

Abductions from secret space programs go along this protocol: they enter the victim’s third eye, lower their vibration to match theirs, and open a portal to physically bring them to their abduction centers. They send them on missions, conduct DNA tests, or bring them for a “20 years and back” program. In order to open the portal, the person must release their conscious control and the source and destination vibration must match and synchronize. When they are done, they install memory veils, render the person unconscious, and send them back to the time they were taken … and the victim doesn’t realize anything happened except a feeling of zoning out, and a feeling of confusion, or waking up exhausted after a “long night”, or needle marks on the arms. For longer operations, such as the 20 years and back program, the person is age-regressed, or cloned, before being sent back.

Now, it will go along those lines. Energetic technologies are being installed on abduction victims as we speak. When there is an attempt to open an abduction portal from a group with a negative vibration, the portal is already opening on one side, and …Read More

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Is the War Ending or Starting?

Some are starting to ask questions regarding everything I’ve been sharing for over a year, as these things are coming to pass. One thing I said in The History of the Universe is that the psychic war is over. Yet for most, it only appears to be starting. So what’s the deal? Let me bring some clarifications.

The inter-galactic war is over. What we’re entering into isn’t a war, but transitional chaos, as well as a local civil war. The reason I’m always accurate as to what’s coming is because the energetic reality determines what happens physically, and there’s a lag in its manifestation. There is just no way to have a major breakthrough of the scale that is coming without first having a breakdown and destabilization of established social orders.

What is over, specifically? What I shared in the book is that there has been a lingering war in this Universe since 1.2 billion years. It intensified 12300 years ago with the destruction of Orion. It further intensified 6000 years ago with the destruction of the Golden Cities. It further intensified 60 years ago with the Nazis and Dracos working together and creating secret space programs with advanced technologies — along with it came abductions, technological mind control, and a take-over of most governments in the world through a hierarchical system.

There is a local component to this war, and an inter-galactic component to it. As I said, the inter-galactic war is over. The upper layers of the dark power …Read More

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