Posts Tagged Trump

The Big Flush

I’ve been in the middle of very massive energetic shifts lately, haven’t been able to work at all. However all of these energies are getting flushed like in a toilet bowl. In the past, we’ve done massive work (for years) on spiritual lunacy and they’ve fallen completely irrelevant and got out of the way. We’ve done work on Black Lives Matter and Antifa (social engineering movements funded by Georges Soros) and I haven’t heard of them for a long time. Lately the focus has been on libtard lunacy portrayed by the media. Everything the libtards believe is the exact polar opposite of everything I teach, by design. For example, the two most powerful concepts I work with are Yin/Yang sexual polarity, and your foundation and self-identity. The libtards completely corrupt the concept of sexual polarities, and fuse their self-identity around that corruption. Corrupting both core aspects at once. That’s what makes it so dangerous.

Well, it’s all going down the drain. Everyone on my Facebook is absolutely fed up with the libtard lunacy. As this major flushing was going on, the media has been focusing on a huge scandal that has been everywhere on social media: Trump separating families of immigrants like a nazi racist. However, the photos that circulated were fake or from the Obama era, and most of the arguments used by the libtards were false. Too much lies mixed into it to know what’s really going on, but after some research, this post summarizes it the best.

“Bill Clinton …Read More

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Is the War Ending or Starting?

Some are starting to ask questions regarding everything I’ve been sharing for over a year, as these things are coming to pass. One thing I said in The History of the Universe is that the psychic war is over. Yet for most, it only appears to be starting. So what’s the deal? Let me bring some clarifications.

The inter-galactic war is over. What we’re entering into isn’t a war, but transitional chaos, as well as a local civil war. The reason I’m always accurate as to what’s coming is because the energetic reality determines what happens physically, and there’s a lag in its manifestation. There is just no way to have a major breakthrough of the scale that is coming without first having a breakdown and destabilization of established social orders.

What is over, specifically? What I shared in the book is that there has been a lingering war in this Universe since 1.2 billion years. It intensified 12300 years ago with the destruction of Orion. It further intensified 6000 years ago with the destruction of the Golden Cities. It further intensified 60 years ago with the Nazis and Dracos working together and creating secret space programs with advanced technologies — along with it came abductions, technological mind control, and a take-over of most governments in the world through a hierarchical system.

There is a local component to this war, and an inter-galactic component to it. As I said, the inter-galactic war is over. The upper layers of the dark power …Read More

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