Posts Tagged mental plane

Quantum Mind Power Review

As many are now experiencing increasing challenges keeping their minds clear and focused, I want to share this resource that I’ve been using for a few years now. First, I’ll mention that we’re moving into a context of civil war. Great changes are taking place in the energetic levels, and the area where the energy is the most frantic and aggressive is in the mental plane. Quantum Mind Power helps exactly with that: stabilizing the mental plane.

I was looking for brainwave frequencies technologies and found many options out there. I was looking for something I could play in the background of music or mix with Natural Grounding. I was also looking for something to do as a complement to everything else I’m already doing, not as a main program that I have to follow level by level like Holosync. Most of the brainwave audios you find on YouTube are automatically generated by software and the authors really don’t know what they’re doing. I found some good brainwaves embedded into music but then I couldn’t mix that music with other music. There was one that looked great, and upon trying it, I found it had the tendency to pull my energy down a path of passive spirituality and conflicted with my grounded energy.

The one option I took was Quantum Mind Power, also known as the Morry method. The two main critics are this: some get turned off by the salesy marketing approach, and that it sounds like a …Read More

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Transcending Mental Spirituality, Part 2

The previous article Transcending Mental Spirituality did cause a lot of silence. It also did bring up some good questions. First, I’ve often been told that I was a very mental person so how does this fit with it? Then, the Ergomenon Crystals contain the collective mental knowledge and wisdom of Orion so how does that powerful mental knowledge fit with transcending the mental? This is a very complex topic and I will leave it to Metatron to explain.

This is Metatron, Senior of the Archangels. For the first question regarding Etienne having a strong mental, view it this way. All of his energetic systems are very strong and immune. Yes he has strong masculine mental structures, and his feminine intuitive side is even stronger. The reason various people comment on his mental is because they feel the frictions between his mental structure and their beliefs or avoidance of beliefs. Then, what are his mental structures composed of? These are energetic structures shaped into form in the collective co-creative field. We could define a belief as a disconnection from that mental co-creative field. When you have a belief, you have a local thought in your brain. When connect to the field of consciousness, you pick up global thoughts and emit global thoughts that affect the world.

Which brings us to the second question about the Ergomenon Crystals. What are they, really? We can view it as a hard drive containing mental knowledge and wisdom. Math and science are mental knowledge, …Read More

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