I haven’t been posting much updates lately. Our focus shifted from working on our planet into working on the Multiverse and Ultraverse as a whole… kept us pretty busy.
Still nobody else than Hock Yeoh accepted to interview me on this whole mess… now with everything that unfolded, where to even start? How to talk about the Ultraverse situation to people who can’t accept the Earth situation? Plus, most people who were putting my information to use were impostors, so it would have been counter-productive to give out too much intel. Most real Lightworkers have been too crippled down to really use this information anyway.
Now, the Ultraverse demons have been banished out of our Multiverse, 73% of the Ultraverse collapsed (!??), and we’re making HUGE progresses.
The best way to bring this information out will be via a series of interviews with Hock Yeoh.
Here’s the first interview! More coming soon.
Also, we released many Journey to the World videos and completed the first phase of the project; which didn’t go at all as expected. We’ll still need to go around the world though.