Posts Tagged spirituality

Kevin Trudeau Review: Whistleblower or Scammer?

After writing “Kevin Trudeau Scam, What’s Really Going On?”, I saw all the negativity being written about him over the Internet. If I’m going to put my name on the line to support him, it’s important to have an objective look at this from both sides. And, since most of the information you can find online about him is negative, this will provide a more balanced view-point.

There is indeed lots of critics about him online; too much to be only media propaganda. You can view the reviews of The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About, Mega Memory and Consumer Affairs Complaints. I totally support him, and obviously this cannot be ignored. Let’s go through it together.

For the book The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About, I haven’t read that book myself. The reason for it is that I didn’t have any health problems or taken any medicine for years, so I don’t need it. The reviews are pretty consistent: it works, AND it’s not as easy as he said. Now I understand why the judge said he didn’t find his cure easy. All the reviews are around that theme. Those leaving negative feedback found it too hard and didn’t try it.

For Mega Memory, I have gone through the audio training of it (not the book). Memory was an aspect I had to improve and this training has been very helpful. It gave me a few headaches …Read More

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Sexual Polarity Explained

In the article The Mystery of Sexual Polarity, I raised some very interesting questions in regards to sexual polarity. As I’m getting ready to produce the Force of Life Blueprint, I have to reach a higher level of mastery on these topics.

I can use clairvoyance perceptions to read someone’s energy in different ways. With the Sexual Polarity reading, I read a person’s Masculine/Feminine Physical/Emotional/Spiritual energies in the solar plexus. Now, this is a type of reading where people rank in very funny (and fuzzy) ways. One of the reasons people rank so weird in this reading is because those who spend a lot of time improving themselves usually focus on one of two areas while mostly overlooking other areas. There are also several common beliefs that get in the way of properly developing these polarity energies.

Here are 2 very interesting observations I made:
– Women have no physical masculine energy, and men have no physical feminine energy!
– Masculine Emotional is the only of these 6 types of energy for which I don’t know any perfect model! Tom Cruise extends to the moon. Obama extends almost to the moon. Hans Zimmer extends to the cosmos. None of them extend to the stars.

Here are the sexual polarity readings of some famous people. The wider it expands, the better it is.
To the sky (100km) = Expert
To the moon = Mastery
To the cosmos = Semi-Enlightened
To the stars = Enlightened

David Hawkins (when he was alive)
Physical: Masculine 80km. …Read More

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Live a Life You Truly Love

You know you have a higher purpose you are not living.

You’re frustrated! And it’s building into anger and depression up to a point where your life collapses. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Join us at the Force of Life FREE Training on June 8th at 1pm PST. June 8th will be the New Moon, a perfect time for introspection and for a new start!

The Force of Life is your emotional drive and power, the fuel powering joy, creativity and passion. Harnessing this energy will allow you to build a life of freedom, purpose and wealth that is in full alignment with your soul.

Sign up for the Force of Life FREE Training to learn
– How you were programmed to disconnect from the Force of Life
– 5 flawed beliefs preventing you from seeing your true potential
– How the Force of Life can provide freedom, purpose and wealth on all levels

See you on the call!

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Back From Travels / Updates

I’m finally back to Budapest after a full month of travels while attending 3 different events in the USA. In a Month, I flied Budapest – Orlando – New York – Atlanta – Montreal – San Diego – Budapest. This is definitely my most expensive month ever, and it’s incredible how much can happen and how much can be accomplished in a single month when you’re fully committed.

I’m now much at a very different place in my own energy and in the way I communicate the work, and you will see this reflected in many ways in the weeks to come. I’m really here to help you build a life you truly love, because when you’re not excited to get out of bed in the morning, it brings frustrations and builds into anger and depression up to a point where your life collapses. At some point you have to make the decision to walk a different path.

Great news: I hosted several events in the past where clients looked 5-10 years younger after 5 days, on top of having a much higher sense of purpose, and my 1-on-1 coaching clients have been getting ridiculous results. I will finally produce a system where I will lay down the methodology I have been using to achieve these results, so that you can access this power as well. More information coming out about this very soon.

Also, I created a new Facebok fan page which already has almost 5000 fans already. I’ve been posting some …Read More

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Choice Point, The Movie: Align With Your Life Purpose

It’s very interesting… highly conscious movies and TV series are all coming out at once. I just came across the new movie Choice Point. It is so aligned with the message I’m sharing here of aligning with your life’s purpose it’s not even funny. It is a full-length documentary featuring Richard Branson, Jack Canfield and people from all walks of life.

Here’s the trailer

We’re at a point in time where we have the power to decide in which direction we want to evolve as a society. In-between the old age and the new age, there is a window of opportunity where our decisions have a decisive impact in the direction we’re going. It is called a Choice Point.

Watch this movie online from the comfort of your home here: >> Watch Choice Point <<

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