Posts Tagged values

Quebec Imposing Values Charter

Talking about value conflicts, Quebec now wants to impose the values of the majorities as “national values” and set secularism as the national religion. Protesters are now hitting the streets against racism. Let me bring my perspective on this.

The government, Pauline Marois, wants to define a Values Charter that would stand right next to the Charter of Rights and Liberties and serve as the foundation for future policies. They say “the state has to be secular” so all visible religious signs and dresses should be prohibited for all state employees. As for the cross above the judge, let’s leave it because it’s part of our folklore.

First, people get really confused about this because there really are two different intentions. One is to impose the values of the majorities onto the minorities to protect the national identity, the other is to have a proper work dress code. They really should split the project between a Charter of Equality and Conformity and a Work Dress Code. This would make the debate much easier.

Many years ago, I thought like them that Atheism was the absence of religion, until I realized skeptics were people who would put everything into question except their own beliefs. My definition of religion is a “fixed set of beliefs and values”. According to that definition, secularism is as much of a religion as Catholicism or any other religion. Some also argue that Secularism is the most closed-minded of all religions.

Values really are something personal and shouldn’t be defined …Read More

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Updates on Value Conflicts

I said I would be writing articles on value conflicts. It will take me some more time to do so, as the topic is more complex than it may appear at first for a few reasons. First, most people don’t even know what value conflicts are to begin with. Second, value conflicts are often rooted in false layers of self-identity, so I cannot expose the issue of value conflicts without explaining its symptoms and without also exploring the false ego. However, it is very important to get this out so you will get more on this once I’m ready to produce it.

The subconscious mind always values freedom, always values abundance, always values truth and always values power. The problem is when other conscious values conflict with these subconscious values, and it happens for everybody. There is only so far you can go before bumping against value conflicts in some form or another. I just went through the process of resolving value conflicts for myself (every single one of my mentors still has value conflicts).

And in the end, it’s all about the lifestyle you get from it. Talking about lifestyle, I have just recorded a video about the life in Budapest, recorded during the 1118th Anniversary of Hungary!

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