Posts Tagged spirituality

Understanding The Shift eBook

Due to recent developments, and the shifting global energetic situation, I started getting a whole new wave of clients who were struggling with dealing with the energetic shifts. After designing a new type of energy reading on several people and realizing that the meaning of the reading required explanations for most, it became clear it was necessary to write a book to explain what is going on.

It is done. New book Understanding The Shift written, edited and published in PDF/ePUB/MOBI format in a single day. 6000 words. Channeling accuracy of 99.97%, accuracy of 99.9998% and vibration of 95.6 million on the Hawkins Scale. I’m definitely getting the hang of it!

I’m unable to perform regular energy readings because most people’s energies across the globe are blown out by a vortex of ascension that is creating storms affecting 60-100% of all global energies. Thus, from now on, and probably for the next 18 months, I will be performing the energy readings in a new way by using the ascension vortex as a point of reference and looking at the alignment and resistances to it.

Understanding The Shift has already been sent out to all clients who purchased an Energy Tune-Up within the past 3 months. You can get it by purchasing an Energy Tune-Up to get more insights as to where you’re at and have a better understanding of what’s currently happening and what’s coming.

The process of ascension has barely begun.

>> Get an Energy Tune-Up here to get Understanding The Shift.

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Backwards Ascension Has Begun!

The Ascension process has officially begun. There is a giant vortex of light that is currently affecting 87% of the population and 58% of global energies. I’m told 97% of global energies may be affected within a matter of days.

As Corey Goode recently revealed in Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia TV, the last time he met face-to-face with the Avians, they had a long discussion. One of the things the Avians said is that there were currently 300000 people on Earth ready for ascension, which shocked both Corey Goode and David Wilcock, and which was met with some fear and a lot of denial from their viewers.

The number seems accurate to me. What they didn’t tell Corey is that out of these 300000 people, only 25 are in North America. When we say “ready for ascension”, all that means really is that they’ll be moving upwards. The rest will tumble down the stairs at first, which is why what we’re going through is called a backwards ascension: people falling down as the staircase opens.

I think the actual number is more 327000 people who are ready for ascension. 8 currently located in Canada, 15 in United States, 2 in Mexico, 7 in Central America, 15 in South America, 4 in Western Europe, 4 in Eastern Europe, 41 in Africa, 16 in Australia, 42 in New Zealand, and 1 in Antarctica. 162000 in China (only 42 of which in Hong Kong, mostly concentrated in certain locations and subcultures), 58000 in Russia, …Read More

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Piercing the Veil

I said September 27th would be the most intense day after a very intense month of September. Well, for my birthday, we got a volcanic eruption in Bali, a US government shutdown coming in a few days and a new tunnel piercing through the veil.

The construction of the tunnel was like typical tunnel construction at first: energetic explosives and wall building. It was extremely brutal work to break through the thick veil of denial. Then, after piercing through, it got turned into a real masterpiece of Orion engineering: the flow of life in the middle, a Flower of Life balanced structure inside the tunnel, extremely strong walls, and a transparent layer to allow external energies to connect without compromising the structural integrity. The work just got completed. It is creating a giant vortex of light in the psychic plane. I wish I could take picture with an advanced Kirlean photography device or something.

Initial report: 82% of the population is affected by this vortex, and 85% of animal life. Not bad for a start.

With the energetic shifts of September, several people got robbed everything they had, one got under house arrest, some lost their job, one saw huge flashes of light and ended up in psychiatry, and that’s only the things I’ve heard personally so far.

Now… I was traveling in Hong Kong for the past 11 days. 5 people ordered an Energy Tune-Up while I was gone so I got to do those. There is however a problem. Several people get …Read More

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Breaking Spirituality

It’s rare I’ll interrupt a Natural Grounding healing session to write but I’m being asked to write about what’s currently going on. This is a message from Izael, right-wing commander of Metatron.

This is Izael. We ended up in a weird place where it is mostly the spiritualists who are holding back the transition of consciousness they have been waiting for. We got to a place where the more the planetary energies shift, the more people desperately hold onto their beliefs and the more spiritualists seek to escape reality. This needs to end now.

Why does it need to end now? At first the idea was to let the population go through their own growth and healing process to learn the lessons they need to learn to create a better world. However, we got to a place where the great majority of the population is preventing the few individuals who are embodying higher energies from growing and evolving themselves. The clash between the powerful new energies bombarding our planet and the old paradigms that the great majority are desperately holding onto are so violent that entire villages are being destroyed by fires, earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters. We want to respect the free will of the people, yet at this point we must chose between giving free will to those who want to embrace a new reality or to those who want to hold onto old paradigms. The tensions and friction is so high that much bigger disasters can hit at any …Read More

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Activate Your Crystals

The ancient civilizations, especially the Lemurians, had advanced knowledge and technologies related to crystals. Although most of their technologies and knowledge are lost, there still is a lot that can be done with crystals. They can be used for healing, stabilizing your energy field, integrating shifts, protection, opening up clairvoyance and telepathic abilities, condensing your energy into a laser for more power creation of intentions, among many other uses.

One of the things I started doing recently has been to attune crystals into extremely high frequencies. I attuned Rion Kati’s crystals and he reported that their effect definitely got 10 to 20 times stronger, although it does vary over time depending on what happens in the planetary collective field. Sometimes the healing stone is burning to a point that we can barely touch it for more than a few minutes at most. There was his Nuummite stone that neither of us could hold for 5 seconds…

Attuning healing crystals into such high frequencies definitely can boost your spiritual growth, and looking at the few clients I’ve done this with so far, it did force them to grow and heal beyond what they would have done otherwise. It’s kind of tricky actually. Most people want information and want powerful objects but don’t want to changes themselves (which is why energy readings are a LOT more popular than distance healing). This crystal activation service gives you an object of power without requiring you to change… and as a side-effect, it forces you to …Read More

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